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How many duvet sets do you and your children have?

23 replies

wangle99 · 23/01/2009 07:19

Am debating whether I can justify buying a new one each!

OP posts:
Woollymummy · 23/01/2009 23:37

In case you think I was spending lots of money, I wasn't: some were absolute gems I found in quite gorgeous charity shop.....ha!

Woollymummy · 23/01/2009 23:35

At least 6 for us, (one nice sripey Ikea one now rigged up as a "curtain" to darken DD's room more doesn't count), plus 3 for DD and 2 sleeping bags for DS. We have to line-dry linen or hang over doors in wet weather, so we need tonnes of linen, plus I had a tendancy to like buying stuff before I had kids, building up my own trousseau I guess.....

BibiThree · 23/01/2009 23:22

DD1 has 3, a princess one which is vile and only for emergecies, a butterflies one which is washed and put back on and a new one for christmas which was in a gltc sale for about ÂŁ7!
Me and Dh have 2.

Pollyanna · 23/01/2009 23:18

the children all have 2 each, and we have 2 in use. I think there are old duvet covers etc hidden around the house too, but these aren't used.

chloejessmeg · 23/01/2009 23:14

2 don't really know what you would want more?

ThingOne · 23/01/2009 23:08

Two duvet covers/pillowcase sets for boys, and a third sheet. They share a bed so that keeps the numbers down. No doubt some day they won't and I'll have to buy more.

I discovered I had too many sets a while ago, so now have two duvet covers in active use to wear them out before going back to the cupboard to wear out the next lot! I have three sheets but one of them is still in the packet.

I have two sets for the spare bed which is a different size.

RiojaLover75 · 23/01/2009 22:30

Two, one on, one in the wash! Postman Pat and Thomas the Tank. Bless, he's only little!

wangle99 · 23/01/2009 22:29

Hmm I think I have too many already then [blush[ but new bedlinen is SO nice lol

OP posts:
crokky · 23/01/2009 08:58

One duvet set each, although I have more sheets for DD's cot and DS's bed in case they wet themselves in the night.

norksinmywaistband · 23/01/2009 08:55

we all have 2 sets

SaltireOShanter · 23/01/2009 08:46

We have 3 that we use, and a spare one tucked away at the back, which we put on teh bed when DH insists his mother has to sleep in it.
DS1 has4, DS2 has 5, but of the five, one is Buzz Lightyear and 1 is scooby, which he is a bit old for now I think, he doesn't mind though

HeadFairy · 23/01/2009 08:46

3 duvet sets for dh and I, one on, one in the wash and one set clean.... same for ds, he has three sleeping bags, one he's currently using, one in the wash, and one clean.

brimfull · 23/01/2009 08:44

2 sets each,although just bought ds a third set from ikea for a ridiculously cheap ÂŁ6.99 for cover ,sheet and pillow case!

hazeyjane · 23/01/2009 08:41

2 for dh and I
2 for dd1
2 sleeping bags for dd2
1 spare set

psychomum5 · 23/01/2009 08:22

DH and I have two sets in use, plus two spare sets for times such as illness and washing gets backed up.

the children, after having sets for birthdays, xmas, for new decor, plus holiday sets (ie, when we go to the PILs caravan)...........erm......about 7 sets each.

oh, and we have two sets of doubles for when people stay over.

Tigerschick · 23/01/2009 08:07

We have 2.
DD has 3 - plus a single set for the spare bed.
(We have 2 sets of doubles for the spare bed, too, but our bed is king size so it'd be a squeeze!)

Comma · 23/01/2009 08:04


mrsmaidamess · 23/01/2009 08:04

We each have 2. But about 1000 pillow cases for some reason.

fymandwhenisthisbabycoming · 23/01/2009 07:34

2 sets, very useful if the DC's are ill

newpup · 23/01/2009 07:32

Two each and sad to say DD2 has DD1's old ones but they were really expensive Laura Ashley ones and were worth every penny as they still look really good after 8 years DD1 wanted new ones for her birthday last year so I splashed out on some more Laura Ashley.

DH and I have 2 sets, 1 from laura Ashley and 1 from John Lewis, could really do with new ones but can never decide on a colour. Our room has huge windows and the previous owners left the beautiful curtains but they are a hard colour to match anything with!

Hmmm now thinking about bed linen shopping!!! Dh will be so pleased!

scienceteacher · 23/01/2009 07:27

We might have a couple of spares tucked away in a cupboard, but basically we just have one set each that we use. They get washed, dried and put back on the same day.

CharleeinChains · 23/01/2009 07:25



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