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Are metal headboards really uncomfortable?

9 replies

CurlyhairedAssassin · 26/10/2008 15:02

I'm thinking of updating our headboard, which is of the oldfashioned, padded, upholstered sort. Whilst v comfy to rest your head on when reading, it makes the rest of the room look really dated.

I was thinking of replacing it with a metal one but wondered whether my poor little bonce could take it! Do you just have to put loads of pillows against them or something?

OP posts:
MrsMattie · 26/10/2008 21:52

We've got a cast iron bed frame. Pillows are the answer. Very comfy. Oh, and doesn't creak at all. Got ours from this place

nannyL · 26/10/2008 21:31

what about recovering your head board with some more modern fabric?

I had the most ghastly brown ones ever.... i got some really lovely fabric from fabric warehouse and a staple gun from the pound shop and re-covered it all by myself .... it really was VERY easy, (If I can do it then anyone can ) and they now look lovely and match my room perfectly

CurlyhairedAssassin · 26/10/2008 18:46

Ooh I had forgotten about the squeak factor! At the moment, we've even got an old scarf stuffed behind the headboard to stop the top if it banging against the wall!

I'm not so sure about it now....Quintessential, I notice you say "HAD cast iron." Did you get rid of it? I LOVE the look of cast iron ones.......

I love hte look of the White company one, but WAAAY out of our price range - been looking online and you can get 'em cheaper elsewhere, same look. Wonder if even THAT would look dated in 10 years time?

OP posts:
dittany · 26/10/2008 15:34

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aGalChangedHerName · 26/10/2008 15:32

You obv don't bounce as much as me then Beansmum

I am buying a new bed as soon as i can afford it tho,was away to hotel with DH and it had a super king size!! Was bloody great.

beansmum · 26/10/2008 15:27

Mine doesn't squeak when bouncing, you do need lots of pillows to read comfortably though.

aGalChangedHerName · 26/10/2008 15:08

I want rid of mine and would love a padded one. Tis v v squeaky if you are bouncing on the bed for any reason!!

QuintessentialShadows · 26/10/2008 15:05

We had cast iron. Looked great. Yes pillows.

foxinsocks · 26/10/2008 15:03

we have sort of metal poles

you do need a pillow if you sit up to read or indulge in the sort of activity which involves bashing your head against the headboard

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