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You're only allowed ONE cleaning product and it is....?

166 replies

OopsThereGoMyTrousers · 16/07/2017 13:36

OK, you can have specific stuff for the machines, like laundry powder and dishwasher stuff and I'll chuck in a free bottle of Fairy washing up liquid, but for the rest of the house?

And not vinegar.
I don't care that it has amazing properties, I don't want my house to smell like a fish and chip shop.

OP posts:
DameDiazepamTheDramaQueen · 22/07/2017 22:20

While Zoflora does go cloudy in water, this is down to the fragrances being insoluble in water and is not due to the product containing phenol. As a result, Zoflora disinfectant is safe to use around most pets when used correctly

I googled!

MercedesD · 22/07/2017 21:58

Careful with zoflora around cats... any chemical that turns cloudy in water can be very harmful to cats x

LazyDailyMailJournos · 22/07/2017 21:06

Cream cleaner - if I just had to have one desert island product it would be this. Cleans well without scratching and can also be used to remove scuff marks from painted walls.

Rough microfibre cloths.

Multi surface cleaner - preferably Method grapefruit because I love the smell.

Flushedwithsomething · 22/07/2017 20:59

Dame - point taken. Thankfully past the wipes stage now but still shocked at them being used for cleaning!

YellowLawn · 22/07/2017 20:48

a wet flannel is much more effective than a wipe

woodhill · 22/07/2017 20:34

Cotton wool not as effective as a wipe

BreakfastAtSquiffanys · 22/07/2017 20:24

Seriously people, lay off the bleach!
How many gallons are you pouring down the drains every day!?

DameDiazepamTheDramaQueen · 22/07/2017 19:23

I am so very shocked at people using baby wipes for cleaning. Environmental disaster. I did use them on my babies but even the tore them in half!

You really don't get to be shocked if you used them yourself even if you did great them in half. What's wrong with cotton wool and water,or making your own wipes?

trixymalixy · 22/07/2017 19:16

Tesco Apple multi surface spray. Smells so nice!

dementedma · 22/07/2017 19:14

I wish we could start an anti-bleach and wipes campaign. Seriously, i understand things which cut down on cleaning time (I work F/T and have 3 dcs) but using a washable cloth is no harder than using a wipe!
If we can all make small changes, it makes a difference.
ditch the wipes!!

Flushedwithsomething · 22/07/2017 18:51

I am so very shocked at people using baby wipes for cleaning. Environmental disaster. I did use them on my babies but even the tore them in half!

accidentalgrownup · 22/07/2017 18:49

Stardrops vinegar spray
Zoflora (linen)
Wilko lemon anti bac wipes

I also recently changed all my dusters, cloths etc to white ones so I could stick them in the wash together (didn't have anything to wash with yellow dusters)

kel1234 · 22/07/2017 18:46

I have to agree with surface wipes. So so easy to clean with. I use them everywhere.

CharlotteCollinsneeLucas · 22/07/2017 18:41

Another vote for rags or microfibre cloths instead of (environmental nightmare) baby wipes. Microfibre cloths are so much more satisfying to use, anyway. And then bung them in the wash and they're good as new.

dementedma · 22/07/2017 18:20

I use old rags for cloths too. I also have a friend in the US who actually knits dishcloths and sends me them.Just use and chuck in the washing machine and re-use

arrrrghhwinehelpswithteens · 22/07/2017 18:13

oh and as for cloths - I am a lot bit old fashioned & have a rag bag for old towels etc and that's what I use for cleaning. Wash them in a bucket after with carbolic and good to go.

arrrrghhwinehelpswithteens · 22/07/2017 18:07

Lemon juice
bicarbonate of soda
carbolic soap.
Lemon & bicarb mixed to a paste will clean almost anything (& smells better than vinegar); carbolic soap is bloody amazing. You can grate it for floors & surfaces & it removes stains from clothes better than vanish.

And yes, Stardrops. Works on everything including jewellery

MaMisled · 22/07/2017 16:41

Sainsburys kitchen spray with bleach.

DameDiazepamTheDramaQueen · 22/07/2017 16:34

I tried to ditch the bleach but my toilets stink just using cleaner.

YellowLawn · 22/07/2017 16:33

bleach is not a cleaning product.
it's a disinfectant!
normal households do not regularly need disinfectants. soap and water are all you need really.

dementedma · 22/07/2017 16:31

Yes beans it is but as long as the "sparkling" who cares? Sod the environment...

LapdanceShoeshine · 22/07/2017 15:55

I use dilute bleach very occasionally on my ancient, pitted, granite-effect white sink when the brown stains become too disgusting to look at.

Also a small amount on otherwise stubborn (rust) stains on ancient worktop.

But I know some people bleach their loos every day Shock


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DameDiazepamTheDramaQueen · 22/07/2017 15:36

Bleach for the loos and drains.

MrsBakedBean · 22/07/2017 15:34

What does everyone use bleach for? I've never bought a bottle of it in my life. Isn't it toxic?

GerdaLovesLili · 22/07/2017 15:20


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