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I don't normally post here, but what the hell!

26 replies

MaureenMLove · 13/06/2016 16:32

TBH, my friends and family will tell you that I am a bit of a Monica. Don't leave your drink alone for too long or I'll clear it up type thing or tea towels having to be perfectly folded etc! I never post here though, for fear my obsession with clean and tidy might get worse! I'll spot top tips I haven't considered and get sucked in!Grin

Anyway, DH has just presented me with a Dymo label kit! Is the mother of all kits too! It's in a big padded box with all sorts of stuff in it! So dare I? Dare I start with labelling the Tupperware boxes in the dry food cupboard? Well, to be honest, relabelling. At the moment they have labels on them made of the fronts of the packets that the food stuffs came out of! Blush

What else can I label? DD is 21, so no need for child friendly labels. I could label the recycling bag with, 'this is where the fucking recycling goes, not on the side in the kitchen for me to sort!' Grin

OP posts:
RatherBeIndoors · 13/06/2016 19:37

Labelling where things should be "If you can read this, you forgot to put the milk away"?

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