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I don't normally post here, but what the hell!

26 replies

MaureenMLove · 13/06/2016 16:32

TBH, my friends and family will tell you that I am a bit of a Monica. Don't leave your drink alone for too long or I'll clear it up type thing or tea towels having to be perfectly folded etc! I never post here though, for fear my obsession with clean and tidy might get worse! I'll spot top tips I haven't considered and get sucked in!Grin

Anyway, DH has just presented me with a Dymo label kit! Is the mother of all kits too! It's in a big padded box with all sorts of stuff in it! So dare I? Dare I start with labelling the Tupperware boxes in the dry food cupboard? Well, to be honest, relabelling. At the moment they have labels on them made of the fronts of the packets that the food stuffs came out of! Blush

What else can I label? DD is 21, so no need for child friendly labels. I could label the recycling bag with, 'this is where the fucking recycling goes, not on the side in the kitchen for me to sort!' Grin

OP posts:
RatherBeIndoors · 13/06/2016 19:37

Labelling where things should be "If you can read this, you forgot to put the milk away"?

cozietoesie · 13/06/2016 19:22

Thank Goodness for the rain! Grin You'll need all of that 6 weeks to develop your schema for 'stuff in the shed/stuff under the sink' etc. And that's after reading all labels (on the back of bottle and canisters etc) most carefully.

The need for clear and concise eg hazard labels is quite obvious, I think? Wink

MaureenMLove · 13/06/2016 19:08

Far too wet out there for that! Don't worry, as a school worker, I will have 6 whole weeks to ponder my new toy very soon!

OP posts:
cozietoesie · 13/06/2016 19:01

I do hope you haven't reached the garden shed yet? Grin

MaureenMLove · 13/06/2016 18:45

So, I have very pretty flour jars, but one contains plain and one self raising. I put a mark on the back one. NOW I have big typed labels on them! Marvellous!

I've made DDs best friend jealous. She wanted one for her birthday. She's on her way, for a borrow!

Spices are all in their own jars, in the spice cupboard. Birthday cards, paper and assorted celebration things in the party cupboard and plugs are allocated to each person. I have mine and they have theirs. We do not share sockets!

I'm too organised for this. Sad. This will have to be a work in progress. I'm going for the subtle instructions to family labels at the moment!

OP posts:
CreamCrackerundertheSettee · 13/06/2016 17:41

Many moons ago my then boyfriend's parents gave him their label maker and told him to label his trombone as he kept leaving it on the school bus.

He attached his label and showed his mum. It said 'Trombone'. Grin

He looked genuinely perplexed when his mum gently suggested that she meant he should label it with his name and address.

cozietoesie · 13/06/2016 17:35

Hush now, Spotted. The OP might not have dividy things in folders - yet. You don't need to send her off to a stationery store to buy them! Grin

Gbean · 13/06/2016 17:10

I'm really good thanks although currently jealous of your label maker.

MaureenMLove · 13/06/2016 17:06

Ya see! This is why I should stay away from this topic! These are brilliant ideas. My family will hate me by about 8pm tonight!Grin

OP posts:
wowfudge · 13/06/2016 16:58

Light switches - especially when there are several together and, for example, one is for the exterior security light, another for the porch, etc, etc.

TheSpottedZebra · 13/06/2016 16:56

Baking cupboard things.

Storage things -batteries, erm, birthday candles.

Those tabbed dividy things in folders?

snowgirl1 · 13/06/2016 16:50

Like some of the PPs, I've labeled leads/chargers - it definitely makes life easier.

MaureenMLove · 13/06/2016 16:48

BRB! Going to pick DD up from the train station!

OP posts:
lifeistooshort · 13/06/2016 16:48

I have one and I label everything. Latest: my daughter's hair brush. The longer I have it the more use I find for it. I have a dynmo one too and you can get clear tape, metal tape. iron on tape, plastic tape. The possibilities are endless!

MaureenMLove · 13/06/2016 16:48

I've just had a proper look in the box. It's got different coloured ink. I have my first label, in bright yellow. 'This is not where the recycling goes!'

Next the empty toilet roll issue! Grin

OP posts:
MaureenMLove · 13/06/2016 16:46

Shut up!!ShockShock. Gbean!! How the bloody hell are you??? GrinGrin. Does Kbear know you're here?

OP posts:
cozietoesie · 13/06/2016 16:46

Oh goodness, Yes - plugs!

Now that is a critical one.

LateToTheParty · 13/06/2016 16:45

Or this!

I don't normally post here, but what the hell!
cozietoesie · 13/06/2016 16:45

What sort of 'jars of things' do you have? Grin

(I know I shouldn't encourage you really but I have serried ranks of glass jars with not a label between them. Wink)

SpongeBobJudgeyPants · 13/06/2016 16:43

I have labelled the inside of my wardrobe, to avoid putting stuff in randomly.

LateToTheParty · 13/06/2016 16:43

I love my label machine! I've labelled the plug end of the various leads and chargers we have, makes it easier to match them with the device, or see at a glance what's plugged into where.

LaPharisienne · 13/06/2016 16:42

OMG so tempting...


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Gbean · 13/06/2016 16:40

Lol at kid. LID. But don't balance rubbish on my kid either.

Gbean · 13/06/2016 16:39

I'd label the bin "if I'm full BLOODY EMPTY ME don't balance rubbish on my kid"

I'd label the laundry bin "I can't walk to the washing machine, empty myself and put a wash on"

I'd label myself "I don't have a tracker for every one of your belongings. If you don't know where it is, then I probably don't either"

(PS hello darling - ex-MamaG here)

MaureenMLove · 13/06/2016 16:36

I haven't got an airing cupboard. Sad. I'm very jealous, that's a great idea!

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