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***MONDAY FLY*****Declutter bathroom

126 replies

pippah · 13/11/2006 07:58

Kelly's mission

Yes, it's decluttering the bathroom again. Seems like i've only just done this, and I'm pretty sure I haven't acquired any new clutter, so it means decluttering the spare bedroom for me....eek!

OP posts:
tortoise · 13/11/2006 19:18

Well done Ruby.Im going to add some bits to ebay now.
Pippah Hope you enjoy the evening.And have a rest tomorrow.You deserve it!

RubyRioja · 13/11/2006 19:19

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HazelnutHazelnutsTree · 13/11/2006 19:21

You had problems to tortoise. I thought it was just my computer.

Dinner all eaten. The lamb hot pot went down very well. DD wanted more. I have never seen her eat like she did tonight. The DW is doing it work on the pots now.

Dc Bathed and DD and DS2 are in bed. DS1 has now read his book so he now watching a bit of TV. He would not read it earlier. He does not like to read new books. If he could he would read the same book every night.

HNtree is having a hot bath. I am aching a little bit more then normal. So I am going to have a hot hot bath later.

Good tip Buckets I had a look at some of the others. I like the loo flush 1. lol

HazelnutHazelnutsTree · 13/11/2006 19:29

Well Done Ruby I dont know how many bags of cuddly toys we have. I bet I have 3 black bags full. DD must be 2 bags and DSs 3 or 4 bags! I have my first ever teddy too. Thats nearly 25 years old now.

pippah, put you feet up and rest now until the baby is born. Make the most of it. Get others to come round for coffee and get them to clean up things for you

nikkie · 13/11/2006 20:06

Right I'm going to try and join in this!
I have done the library books and the bathroom-good start?

SUSIntoSpaceandback · 13/11/2006 20:12

good to see everyone still in a good mood

nikkie absolutly! great start! keep it up!

don't think i've done much today but sink is empty, kitchen is clean, toys are off the floor and took the kids to softplay
enough for one day

what is all these tips about you keep mentioning?????

HazelnutHazelnutsTree · 13/11/2006 20:19

Hiya Susi.

Buckets has her tip of the day on the home page

Ds1 is in bed now. And my bath is run so I am going to have a long hot bath. Make the most of mumtree being here so I can have a long bath without having to worry about the DC waking up. ( they have not done so yet with mum HNtree here though) One of them wake up when its just me here.

tortoise · 13/11/2006 20:20

susi Tip is on the home page each day.
i have put some bits on Ebay. Few more to add for tonight!
Oh and ive been naughty and not done the kitchen yet.

peegeeweegee · 13/11/2006 20:22

Hi All...

Still going strong, apart from doing my downstairs, I have cleaned the bathroom window and mirror, bleached the toilet and bath, and wiped all bathroom surfaces, hung fresh towels out and done my second laod of laundry...

Feeling very pleased!!

Welcome Nikki, great start ,you did more on your first day than I did... (I got stuck reading the thread but actually did nothing...

Quootie, not read your other thread so don't know what's going on,but hope you are okay..

RubyRioja · 13/11/2006 20:23

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nikkie · 13/11/2006 20:32

Oh I've been reading the thread for weeks and had a blitz before half term but now need to keep on top of the mess and declutter !
A friend came round tonight and thought she had the wrong house because it was tidy

HazelnutHazelnutsTree · 13/11/2006 21:19

MMMMM that feels better after my hot bath.

Tortoise. Have you done your DW yet?

Nikki. Well done on changing your home to look on the better side now.

There is only one thing wrong with making our homes look great. If we feel like we cant be bothered to FLY for a few days and the home gets to look a bit untidy, then others will say how bad it looks. Yet if we keep on top of things, the well dones soon stop and we wont here them after all the hard FLYing we keep doing every day. <br /> <br /> Maybe we should FLY on Thursdays and Fridays (for the weekend) and Mondays (for after the weekend) That way we should get "Well Dones" every week lol

HazelnutHazelnutsTree · 13/11/2006 21:23

Ruby. I have to buy myself some Fererro Rocher just so I have some in my Xmas Sack

I always make sure its the biggest box I can get though.

Well the DC do help me eat them!

HazelnutHazelnutsTree · 13/11/2006 21:27

Well Done peegeeweegee

I wonder if we are all still so keen tomorrow

tortoise · 13/11/2006 21:29

Right Ebaying done for now! Its getting boring.
No HN DW not done yet.
Just watching 'Im a celebrity get me out of here' then i will do it!

RubyRioja · 13/11/2006 21:33

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tortoise · 13/11/2006 21:35

Ok I changed my mind and loaded DW while kettle boiled for my hot choc!
Wasn't alot to put in today.

sahmtotwo · 13/11/2006 21:55

Eeek! you lot have been busy on here. Sorry haven't read it as I have been off line for a few days because the computer has been down.

So will just say Hi hope everyone is well.

This morning I managed to unload/load D/W. Washing out and hung up and about 5 loads away. Really must learn to keep on top of it s/s the bathroom. Sorted a hotspot in the kitchen and did 3 x 15 minutes tidy ups. Also BF the baby twice. This afternoon I had to see the Dr at the hospital, he was delayed so didn't get to see him till quite late. Went to pick up DS1 from his playdate and got home in time to cook tea and bath the DS's, DH came home and put them to bed and I have been trying to catch up on 2 days with no internet.

Will try and scan read to see what I missed.

tortoise · 13/11/2006 22:15

Hi sahm.
I hope the dr at the hospital was helpful.Hope you don't mind me asjking but was it to do with the MC's? Hope all is well anyway.
Least you have kept up with the basics.
I thought you were posting over the weekend! Just shows how much notice i take of what day we are on.

Jelley · 13/11/2006 22:22

HN I agree. No one notices any more how clean/tidy my house is now I also find it difficult to motivate myself. When it was a total tip, I could see the improvement. Now, it's maintenance, and I don't get that feeling that I've achieved something.

I'm having a day off tomorrow, and I'm going to walk to the next town, and try and do some Christmas shopping instead.

Hello new FLY baby

We're pretty close to getting new babies on here...

HazelnutHazelnutsTree · 13/11/2006 22:37

I feel like that too Jelly I don't have many , if any people round to see my house. The landlady has been round a few times and said " did you clean up for m?" Its never wow how do you keep it looking so good with 3 DC and on your own. I bet tort feels the same?

Least on these threads I get well done HN

Lots of New FLY babies ready for Xmas

Hope you have a good day tomorrow Xmas shopping

I hope everything was ok at hospital sahmtotwo

I have the dentist tomorrow and I hate going to the dentist

tortoise · 13/11/2006 22:43

Yeah HN i know what you mean. No one really sees my house.SW has said it looks alot better! I like it when i tidy the night before then DD's get up and when we come down stairs DD1 says wow its all tidy mummy!


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sahmtotwo · 13/11/2006 22:55

Tort it went down late Saturday and I got it back about 3 hours ago. Unfortunatly the Dr I was seeing is nothing to do with the m/c's. Not getting any help as according to this health authority I am to old to have help . I have a long term health problem and he has been meesing around with my medication which is also mucking me about which doesn't help much

HN good luck at the dentist tomorrow. You have my sympathies. I'm waiting for an appointment to the dental clinic for an extraction.

Hope everyone sleeps well. Night night.

tortoise · 13/11/2006 23:00

Aww thats a shame sahm.Your not that old are you? I didn't realise you had a health problem too.Oh its such a shame you can't get help.for you.

HazelnutHazelnutsTree · 13/11/2006 23:35

Thanks sahmtotwo

Sorry that things are not going very well on the heath front.

I`m off to bed now. Going to get DSs ready for school tomorrow. I feeling much better now and want to get things back to normal

NN everyone and see you all tomorrow

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