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***MONDAY FLY*****Declutter bathroom

126 replies

pippah · 13/11/2006 07:58

Kelly's mission

Yes, it's decluttering the bathroom again. Seems like i've only just done this, and I'm pretty sure I haven't acquired any new clutter, so it means decluttering the spare bedroom for me....eek!

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ludaloo · 13/11/2006 14:55

hmmmm......i read it somewhere...can't remember where....
You use the soft attachment on the is great for getting dust off the foldy bits at the top...I have been meaning to get them down and wash them...but rather worried about shrinking them hoovering them will have to do!

I have ordered Kim and Aggies book from Amazon this morning...has anyone got it? i borrowed a magazine from a friend and there was a three page thing full of housework tips...which made me want the book!!
£2.99 from Amazon..not bad I thought!

Flamesparrow · 13/11/2006 15:11

Oh I'm crap... I forgot to put any bloody potato in them too,

tortoise · 13/11/2006 15:28

Have made sultana cookies with DD's!
Yesterdays weren't very good so we are tring the choc chip cookie recipe that we know is great but using sultanas instead(no raisins left!).

Flamesparrow · 13/11/2006 15:30

What is the difference between raisins and sultanas?

HazelnutHazelnutsTree · 13/11/2006 15:30

afternoon all. Looks like we have all been trying to do some FLYing today. Well Done to us all

HNtree and DD have been doing a few bits in the bathroom. (playing with water more then FLYing i think) least mum and DD had fun.

I have done my shelfs. I always damp dust. (yes with wet wipes to sometimes) Today I used a bucket of warm water and cloth. Then I I have a cloth and put a bit of polish, which helps for the next time I dust. It also smells good.
I have damp dusted the TV/TV unit, the fire place and the computer desk.

For lunch we had poach egg on toast.

HNtree and DD have gone to get DSs from school and are getting a fews bits from the shop.

My lamb hot pot is smelling good and making me feel very hungry.

tortoise · 13/11/2006 15:33

Ya know Flame i wondered that when i bought them!
Just something else dried and shrivled!

tortoise · 13/11/2006 15:36

Well done HN.

HazelnutHazelnutsTree · 13/11/2006 15:37

ludaloo, I have just got a small hoover set that fits on the big hoover. Its really good for hoovering the dust off those bits you just cant get to normaly. Its great for hoovering the back of the TV, and on top of the sky box etc.

HazelnutHazelnutsTree · 13/11/2006 15:41

Thanks tortoise. It feels good to be able to do things again. Not ready yet to do things like the walk to school but at least I am now getting there

jessicaandrebeccasmummy · 13/11/2006 15:45

I have now

Been to post office
Cleaned out car
Hoovered car
Put another load of washing on
Tumble dryer on

To do

Clean carpets upstairs
empty wahing machine and tumble dryer
Last load of washing to put on

I will relax once its all done, then I can sit on my arse all night and do nothing!!!

tortoise · 13/11/2006 15:48

Biscuits are crap.All spread out together and gone thin.Then fell apart.
Have the last of the mixture in the oven.
They taste nice though! We are eating the bits.

Bucketsofburntdinosaurs · 13/11/2006 15:53

Hiya, long time no post (lots of burying ostrich head in the sand) but had to tell everyone: I've got tip of the day on the homepage!
I have swept the kitchen floor, done the dishwasher, had a new local cyber friend round for coffee, done a load of nappies - superficial stuff.
If you're all looking for extra points, here's one to think about - if you have tea / coffee / sugar cannisters when was the last time you washed them out? Don't forget to do it next time they need refilling.
And don't forget to wipe down the loo flush, taps and door lock/handle with an antiseptic wipe.

tortoise · 13/11/2006 15:56

Hi buckets.yeah i saw the tip.
I was the sugar pot out before refilling. Don't drink tea or coffee.Just had a thoughtI bet there is a coffee pot full of coffee from xp2.Been in there nearly a year.Will it be manky now?

tortoise · 13/11/2006 15:57


HazelnutHazelnutsTree · 13/11/2006 15:59

JARM... You have gone loads today. Well Done!

Tortoise... They have to break up when you eat them anyway.

jessicaandrebeccasmummy · 13/11/2006 16:04

Thanks guys!

Amazing what can be done with NO ONE under your feet!

I wanted to get it all done today so I can have a proper ME day tomorrow

Anyone know how to clean car upholstery?!

Quootiepie · 13/11/2006 16:06

JARM, you can get special cleaner... but carpet cleaner should do it...

jessicaandrebeccasmummy · 13/11/2006 16:08

ooooh will try my carpet shampoo then..... just not now as starting to get dark and deal or no deal is about to start!!!

HazelnutHazelnutsTree · 13/11/2006 16:12

Hiya Buckets. I have not seen the tip but I will look in a mo.

Upholstery, XP2 used a upholstery car cleaner. Spay it on and scrub it in with the brush thingy it comeds with and then wipe the dirt off with a clean damp cloth until cleans off all the drit the cleaner brings out. ( 2 or 3 times) It made his car seats look new again

tortoise · 13/11/2006 16:17

Have you got attachments with the carpet cleaner? You should be able to use that if it will reach from the house of course!

shazronnie · 13/11/2006 17:41

Well done bucketofdinosaurs - everyone needs to know that tip!!

shazronnie · 13/11/2006 17:43

Well done bucketofdinosaurs - everyone needs to know that tip!!


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tortoise · 13/11/2006 18:50

yay MN is back!
Better get DD's to bed now then tidy up dinner stuff!

RubyRioja · 13/11/2006 19:14

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Message withdrawn at poster's request.

pippah · 13/11/2006 19:17

Everyone is doing so well! I am doing what I can. I am now 38+3 weeks gone and all my energy has gone and I feel sooo tired, even though have had 10 hours sleep last 2 nights. Have got friends for dinner tonight (why did I invite them????) so have shopped, cooked big meal cleaned and hoovered d/stairs and swished the bathroom and loo. I have to say though that because I've been FLYing, the house is a lot faster to get 'company ready' as they say....

Now am thinking that I might just be sitting there like a wet lettuce all night cos it's worn me out so much! The house looks blooming gorgeous though, so at least that gives me a smile, and I'm sure once we start gossiping I'll start to enjoy it! And there should be enough food so I don;t have to cook tomorrow....

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