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Do you love your coffee machine? Which one do you have?

60 replies

MarshaBrady · 16/09/2012 10:15

We are slowly replacing applicances / kitchen stuff for better things.

No looking for a coffee machine. One that makes really frothy espresso, even without milk. The foam is from the coffee pressure.



Hello, this thread is a little old and some of the recommendations might be out of date. If you’re looking for up-to-date advice on the best coffee machine money can buy, take a look at our round-up of Mumsnetters’ favourites. MNHQ.

OP posts:
MarshaBrady · 18/09/2012 20:01

Great, thanks everyone. The one for me must be on this thread now. Will buy something and report back.

OP posts:
cardoon · 21/09/2012 16:27

I have this - the best one yet for us.

keithpeters1210 · 14/09/2017 12:23

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lynmilne65 · 14/09/2017 12:41

I love my Tassimo xx

crazyhairbear · 14/09/2017 12:42

We've got a Nespresso insignia (I think) is just a small machine takes up hardly any room but the coffee is the best I've had and the pressure is higher than most pod coffee machines so you get that nice creamy foam on top. The same model we have are currently on offer in debenhams/ John Lewis and currys for £49 and you can get a free milk foamer when you order 150 caps.

You will need to order caps online on go to a Nespresso boutique (the one I go to treats you like royalty and you get free coffee to try before u buy.

Other retailers have started to make caps that fit the Nespresso machine (handy if u run out and your waiting on a delivery) or if u find one you particularly like.

We have used tasimo before and I would not recommend I found it to have an artificial taste especially the milk pods. It's good for making different drinks though like hot choc etc.

From what you describe your looking for though I would highly recommend a Nespresso

lynmilne65 · 14/09/2017 12:45

Am starting to get Angry with fatbottomed mavis for posting then withdrawn comment

Oncewaswho · 14/09/2017 13:06

Well, it was posted 5 years ago.

jennycam2017 · 14/09/2017 18:17

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AlternativeTentacle · 14/09/2017 18:24

Back then, you probably couldn't buy an Aeropress, but now I can recommend one.

Firefries · 14/09/2017 18:28

Another delonghi Magnifica fan. Great coffee from bean to cup, or uses ground coffee if that's what you like. Whether it's the espresso, Americano or cappucino. Easy to use and clean. This has been our best purchase by far.

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