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Do you love your coffee machine? Which one do you have?

60 replies

MarshaBrady · 16/09/2012 10:15

We are slowly replacing applicances / kitchen stuff for better things.

No looking for a coffee machine. One that makes really frothy espresso, even without milk. The foam is from the coffee pressure.



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fatbottomedmavis · 17/09/2012 20:44

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Finbert · 18/09/2012 08:56

No, you buy capsules. They have a decent selection of different strengths. Often retailers will let you try the coffee in store before purchase of a machine

Mexxo · 18/09/2012 08:58

Magimix Nespresso is awesome for £200

MissPerception · 18/09/2012 09:11

My friend has Nespresso and tbh I think the coffee is absolutely bogging. The pods are very expensive too. I actually prefer my coffee plunger to the stuff that comes out of a Nespresso.

MarshaBrady · 18/09/2012 09:40

Oh no. I do like the strongest market coffee that I can find (Peruvian, the type that gives you the sweats). And can't do cappuccino or sugar. But that coffee cream on top is the key. Hang on will find a pic later of what I mean.

OP posts:
MarshaBrady · 18/09/2012 09:42

But see that others love the Nespresso, thanks. I need to find people with these things and pay attention to their coffee.

OP posts:
MarshaBrady · 18/09/2012 10:01

Bump for Pop.

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PigletJohn · 18/09/2012 11:14


Surely the catering staff at MN Towers have a cafe-sized Gaggia, or perhaps a tea-trolley with an urn?

Celestia · 18/09/2012 14:23

We have the delonghi icona. Would recommend it as a cheaper option.

stealthsquiggle · 18/09/2012 14:28

I have <a class="break-all" href="" rel="nofollow noindex" target="_blank">this one (Gaggia Syncrony Compact) and I love it very much indeed, but I might not recommend it for MNHQ as it is a bit "needy" - always wanting something to be filled or emptied which drives DH up the wall. OTOH the next step up (plumbed in, automatic inclusion of milk, etc) is a big step up in cost.

stealthsquiggle · 18/09/2012 14:30

oh, and I wouldn't recommend the equivalent DeLonghi - we had one but we killed it it died after a couple of years. My Gaggia is about 8 years old now and still going strong.

ilovemydogandMrObama · 18/09/2012 14:32

wow, you have plumbed in milk? Impressive...

stealthsquiggle · 18/09/2012 14:35

Grin - I don't have anything plumbed in, but you can get plumbed in water and you just give the machine the bottle of milk and it helps itself sort of.

DogsCock · 18/09/2012 14:37

Gaggia Evolution here. Tis fab. Had it years too.

Titsalinabumsquash · 18/09/2012 14:41

I have a Tassimo. It's currently in a box, I fell out of love a bit. I like mug sized,milky coffee and never found the coffee to be quite perfect. Sad

WokingOnSunshine · 18/09/2012 14:42

We like our Nespresso, and have the Lattissima, which is about £210 and makes very nice espresso and cappuccino.

It takes a few second to make a coffee.

However, the capsules are 30p each.

One capsule makes a single espresso. You might want to use two capsules.

If you consume, say, 4 a day (so two double espressos in a household e.g.), then the cost in a year would be.....


I think a proper bean-to-cup coffee machine like the Jura Ena is around £800-£1000. If you want a convenient machine it's something in that price bracket, or the Nespresso which just gets you on the ludicrously overpriced pod.

MarshaBrady · 18/09/2012 14:54

Yes it depends on the coffee you're after doesn't it?

As close to this as possible.

My current cheapo does this on every third one and it's not good. If I can see the black coffee it's I um throw it out (but it was cheap and getting old, so really need to upgrade).

OP posts:
stealthsquiggle · 18/09/2012 14:57

Marsha mine will do expresso like that - and (most important to me) I can go and drool shop for beans in proper coffee shops instead of buying pods (in my dreams - in reality I mostly stand and look at the price of illy beans in Sainsbos and then compromise on something else Sad).

Ragwort · 18/09/2012 15:03

I've got a Nespresso but I don't think the coffee is really hot enough, and it only makes a fairly small mug - anyone else found that? I do warm my mugs etc.

I often go back to my trusty plastic cone shaped filter which you just put over a mug, add coffee and pour the water through it Grin.

WokingOnSunshine · 18/09/2012 16:09

I microwave my mug for 60 seconds before putting it under the machine. That makes it hot enough.

If you want more coffee, either use two pods, or set the machine to make a slightly bigger coffee (check the manual, you have to press the buttons to set the amount of water)

MarshaBrady · 18/09/2012 16:19

Excellent Stealth! Ok have narrowed it down to bean to coffee as I do want to have the option to buy the beans.

But I did see that Nespresso is at Achica tomorrow night if anyone wants to get one for less than full price.

OP posts:
paulapantsdown · 18/09/2012 16:30

Our Nespresso is the best thing ever came into this house!

You can set it to make bigger cups Ragwort.

I think the cost is justified, as I would never bother buying a coffee out now, and I even drink tea in other peoples houses as I cant stand yucky coffee anymore! We actually killed our first machine through overuse and are on the 2nd.

I couldnt be arsed with all that bean crushing, measuring malarky.


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WokingOnSunshine · 18/09/2012 16:33

If you have a bean to cup machine it's fully automatic.

Catches are:

more expensive to buy

Advantages are:

much, much cheaper per cup than Nespresso
choice of beans

DevaDiva · 18/09/2012 16:54

I love my bodum cafetiere with Chico D'oro coffee courtesy of my DS in Switzerland. If i had the cash if go for the Magimix , SIL has one in both her houses Hmm and I'm tempted to steal it every time we visit Grin

AngelsWithSilverWings · 18/09/2012 17:08

We have a Dualit Espressivo and it's brilliant. Had it two years now and it is used everyday.

It makes a really creamy espresso and even an americano has that lovely creamy top on it.

We use Monmouth beans and grind then fresh everyday , but it takes pods too. I use Illy ones if we have run out of beans.

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