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To ask how often you change your bedsheets?

77 replies

33goingon64 · 17/09/2011 07:37

my mum and my sister both insist on every week and I reckon it makes sense when you think of how much two people sweat each night. I usually manage every fortnight and feel a bit scummy about it. But I know plenty of people who think it's ok to wait a month. DH would wait until there were things crawling around and the sheets could stand up on their own. I change DS's cot sheets and sleeping bag once per week as I think that's a bit different. So, what do you all do?

OP posts:
notherdaynotherdollar · 17/09/2011 11:19

Havent changed them since 1978, they are fine, plenty of wear left in them yet :)

ireallyagreewithyou · 17/09/2011 11:20

GOM:LS every day is freaky though
i couldnt live with that - would feel that she was meanign i was dirty

LadyGrace · 17/09/2011 11:25

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perfumedlife · 17/09/2011 11:26

Twice a week, would do it daily if i had the time/energy. There is nothing like going from a warm bath in to a fresh, clean bed. Smile

Saying that, I can't remember last time I washed the duvet itself.

LadyGrace · 17/09/2011 11:26

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Shutupanddrive · 17/09/2011 13:03

I don't know why I haven't thought of just doing the sheets and pillowcases, I always do the whole lot! It never even occurred to me to do it separately Hmm

cerealqueen · 17/09/2011 13:12

I do the whole lot once a week, spare set goes on so it doesn't really matter how long it takes to dry, but anyway, no tumble dryer here. We have one of those heated clothes airers. When I put the bedding over it and it has a full wash hanging on it too, everything dries really quickly. Best thing we ever bought.

stepawayfromtheecclescakes · 17/09/2011 13:17

so what if its been asked before, there are new people all the time so expect to see the same things over again. I change mine every friday and would do them more if i could be arsed simply cos i love fresh sheets but I hate ironing them.

susiedaisy · 17/09/2011 13:17

Once a week

ChippingIn · 17/09/2011 13:21

Minimum of weekly, usually twice weekly. If I had won the Euro I'd have someone come in every day and put fresh linen on (& wash & iron it of course!).

But yes - GOML always 'wins' this thread with her daily sheet changing :)

No tumble dryer - just either on the line or over an airer.

Mattress protector fortnightly
Duvet about every 3 months at the laundrette
Pillows never - if they look sad, they get replaced (but they do have under pillowslips on them which get changed fortnightly with the mattress protector)

RainboweBrite · 17/09/2011 19:11

Once a fortnight. although occasionally once a week in summer. Ideally, it would be once a week, but I'm not ashamed to say I'm just too lazy!

Crystalmom · 17/09/2011 19:15

Once a week at the very least...Usually more if I can, I love clean fresh sheets. Hubbie moans though..he would leave them on for months the horrid creature!

33goingon64 · 17/09/2011 19:32

Thanks all. But not the meanies who moan at the question being asked. I am genuinely interested in what the norm is. I need ammunition to back up my argument for weekly washing with DH.

OP posts:
Stoirin · 17/09/2011 19:45

Its not the question being asked, its being asked in the wrong place. You didn't ask an AIBU, so get thee to chat.

fedupofnamechanging · 18/09/2011 15:40

This thread has been moved to Good Housekeeping. Was that the OP's idea?

bibbitybobbityhat · 18/09/2011 15:45

I am genuinely interested in what the norm is

Yes, absolutely fair enough, its a question that has been asked on Mumsnet countless times in the past. But its not an Am I being Unreasonable question, is it?

mousymouse · 18/09/2011 15:51

every other week here. more airing in between.
pillows and duvets are washed once a year after the hayfever season.

missmiss · 18/09/2011 16:13

Once every two-three weeks. We live in a tiny one bedroom flat with a half-size washing machine and no outside space or tumble drier, so washing bedding is a massive endeavour. Would be more often if I had more space. Don't really care though.

Pinot · 18/09/2011 17:29

Once a week

BerylStreep · 18/09/2011 17:52

I refuse to answer on the basis that I may incriminate myself.

33goingon64 · 19/09/2011 09:14

It wasn't my idea to move the location of this thread to Good Housekeeping but thanks for pointing it out - I haven't spent enough time on MN to know there were so many different sections. I will leave AIBU to the angst- ridden pedants Grin

OP posts:
The3Bears · 19/09/2011 11:28

Once a week, I love clean bedding sometimes do pillowcases twice a week though Blush


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mylittlegremlins · 19/09/2011 17:14

If I change the sheets, someone instantly spills something on them or worse. Its unusual to go more than 2 weeks without having to strip the bed and consider how long we can go without getting a new mattress.

NatureAbhorsAHoover · 20/09/2011 18:48

my little gremlins I hear you with the something being spilled as soon as clean sheets are on... In our household that usually means DH has his pavlovian response to clean sheets and feels a need for us to... er... christen them Blush. Together. Was that what you meant as well?

QuinionsRainbow · 21/09/2011 15:50

Weekly here, and the duvet covers and pillow-slips, generally on a Friday. Now, is that Pavlovian as well?

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