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To ask how often you change your bedsheets?

77 replies

33goingon64 · 17/09/2011 07:37

my mum and my sister both insist on every week and I reckon it makes sense when you think of how much two people sweat each night. I usually manage every fortnight and feel a bit scummy about it. But I know plenty of people who think it's ok to wait a month. DH would wait until there were things crawling around and the sheets could stand up on their own. I change DS's cot sheets and sleeping bag once per week as I think that's a bit different. So, what do you all do?

OP posts:
mumblechum1 · 17/09/2011 10:00

Once a week.

I like getting into bed on Tuesdays with nice crisp sheets and hospital corners Smile

ginmakesitallok · 17/09/2011 10:01

On a previous thread on this topic wasn't there someone who changed all bedding every morning Confused Shock

MumblingRagDoll · 17/09/2011 10:07

About 3 times...DH sweats a lot!

JoandMax · 17/09/2011 10:07

Ours once a week, sometimes twice depending on how sweaty DH is! The DCs twice a week

PenguinArmy · 17/09/2011 10:13

We had a good stint of fortnightly changes when we had electricity paid rent with large washer and dryers, I think we're back to 3-4 weeks.

We now have no tumble, not allowed to hang washing outside and a small one storey flat with a second DC on the way.

SofaQueen · 17/09/2011 10:14

At least once a week. I'd love to change them more frequently, but then I'd have to hire a dedicated person to iron all the linens!

Georgimama · 17/09/2011 10:16

Once a week minimum, if either of us has been ill and sweaty more often. I would love to change my sheets daily and if I lived somewhere hot so they could be guaranteed to dry quickly on the line I would.

eurochick · 17/09/2011 10:20

Once a week.

DoMeDon · 17/09/2011 10:25

YABU to ask - why do you care!?!

Every 7 to 10 days usually (up to 14 days when Im alone) - DH is a sweaty monster!

FagButt · 17/09/2011 10:26

weekly for all of us

ebbandflow · 17/09/2011 10:32

Can I ask those of you that wash bedding weekly-is it just the sheets that you wash or does it include the duvet covers?

southeastastra · 17/09/2011 10:33

every two weeks, more if there is a suddenly sunny/windy day Grin

can't be arsed to do more than that

PublicHair · 17/09/2011 10:39

the whole thing, sheets, pillow cases,duvet.

for those of you stressing about getting stuff dried i do a day of washing towels, bed linen and tea towels, and when it's done i drop it at the laundrette to be 'service dried'. It costs £3-£4 and comes back dried and folded, it means i don't have to have it hanging round for days.
and i just stick it straight in the drawer.
and ironing Confused who irons bedding ffs Confused

FagButt · 17/09/2011 10:39

all of it.

upahill · 17/09/2011 10:48

I do publichair

I don;'t like the quilt ccovers and pillows looking like they have just come from a tatty jumble sale.

We only have a king size duver and two single beds to do so it doesn't take long.

ebbandflow · 17/09/2011 10:48

Blush....nips off to put washing machine on.

usualsuspect · 17/09/2011 10:50

once a year

Kladdkaka · 17/09/2011 10:58

When the smell keeps me awake.

blackeyedsusan · 17/09/2011 11:07


not often enough.

surely washing them too often is a waste of electricity/money/water?

dreamingbohemian · 17/09/2011 11:08

when I look at the bed and can't remember when I changed the sheets, I know it's time for a wash Grin

in my defence we are not sweaty people, usually shower at night too

i miss my dryer! used to change sheets weekly, twas nice

nodrog · 17/09/2011 11:09

Dc's get their's changed weekly, every sunday.
Dp works nights, so twice a week, because they are slept in twice as long as anyone elses iyswim. Sunday and Wednesday.
I once worked with a lady who changed her sheets everyday!!!!!

BrandyAlexander · 17/09/2011 11:11

Our bed - weekly for sheets, pillow cases and duvet covers. The dcs - twice weekly (more frequent for dribbles etc). If anyone is sick then its all changed daily. Mattress and pillow covers bimonthly plus pillows and duvets washed/dry cleaned every three months.


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nodrog · 17/09/2011 11:13

duh, I meant mine and dp's get changed twice a week, as dp works nights.

BTW, the ex workmate - would also wash her duvet and pillows every day. I always wanted to ask how many duvet and pillows she had, with the best will in the world, they take some drying.

acsec · 17/09/2011 11:15

Fortnightly, no tumble dryer and limited drying space inside. I wash the duvet and pillows at the launderette twice a year.

januaryjojo · 17/09/2011 11:19

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