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Honest opinions- what do you think of this wallpaper?

74 replies

speakout · 17/09/2019 15:40

I have a large(ish ) L shaped kitchen diner, and would ove this on one wall of my dining area.
The wall is quite long- 28 feet or so, kitchen is white, light wooden floors.
For contect the room is light, and I live surrounded by woodland.
The only furniture in front of is would be a wooden dining table and wooden chairs.

OH thinks it is naff, but doesn't care strongly enough to argue against it happening if it's what I want to do.

What do others think?

OP posts:
Xraydog · 17/09/2019 16:15

I love these style of murals but I’m too chicken to do it in my main living area. I put it up in the office instead and I think it looks great. The office is a dark pokey room with only a skylight for a window.
I’m planning on a very abstract one for the sitting room, when DH isn’t paying attention Grin

picklemepopcorn · 17/09/2019 16:18

How far away can you stand? That makes a difference. I think if you are too near, or there are other items between you and the wall, it might look odd.

Ohyesiam · 17/09/2019 16:19

I went to someone’s house and they had similar on their living room wall.

I don’t get out much Winkand was slightly surprised at first. But as a nature lover I did like feeling like I was in a Forrest, and it did make room seem v spacious.
I’m usually farrow and ball and white linen duvet cover type.

speakout · 17/09/2019 16:21

As you walk into the room the wall is about 28 feet away.

OP posts:
itssquidstella · 17/09/2019 16:46

It's a big fat no from me.

MissSmiley · 17/09/2019 16:49

How about Sanderson woodland fern, much more tasteful

Hiredandsqueak · 17/09/2019 16:54

It's niot what I would choose but if you like it and OH doesn't object, go with it.

skippy67 · 17/09/2019 19:43

Not nice.

ohwellherewegoagain · 17/09/2019 19:49

They have this in the centre parcs chalets and on service station toilet doors in France (woodland for men, bluebells for ladies, but that's a whole other story!). That would be reason enough to avoid. I think it is effective, but if you've got real woodland that's so much nicer than the mural distracting from it. Bit like having plastic flowers iyswim :)

gamerchick · 17/09/2019 19:55

It's fine, I personally wouldn't go for the vivid green though. The price is fine, I've paid 100 quid for bloody awesome ones though. The quality is much better the more you pay and they're easier to hang as they come in panels.

Why don't you go on dress lily and get a wall hanging for now. The material is like of a shower curtain and they're cheap so it's durable and hang it up to see how it would look before you go down the permanent look?

IceniSky · 17/09/2019 19:57

I really like it! We have similar in the kitchen and a misty one in the bedroom. We live by woodlands. I'm a tree and plant enthusiast and have a few large tree like plants and lots of hanging plants too all over the rooms. Feels very much like the outside is inside.

Definitely in Centre Parcs, and in our office but so are white walls.

I can see not everyone would like it!

MikeUniformMike · 17/09/2019 19:59

Your wall. Go for it. It's only £45.

MarsBarAttack · 17/09/2019 20:00

Compare the cost of Osborne and Littlee* or, more comparably <a class="break-all" href="" rel="nofollow noindex" target="_blank">Wallbeardd*, they are both 6 times more expensive. Where are the costs being cut?

I'd be thinking the opposite. How are the costs justified for those wallpapers? There's not a chance in hell that I'd pay £200 plus for a roll of wallpaper.

EdWinchester · 17/09/2019 20:00

God no - it's atrocious.

I'd imagine it wouldn't look out of place at a motorway service station.

LittleLostThing · 17/09/2019 20:01

It makes me think of service station toilets and Center Parcs.

myidentitymycrisis · 17/09/2019 20:02


Yawhatnow · 17/09/2019 20:02

No 😬

NotYourHolidayDick · 17/09/2019 20:04

Some people are so dramatic.

If the paper will make you happy then do it. Nobody here will ever be in your house.

Seriously life is too short to dither over this trivial shit.

Kind Regards

Lady Who Has A Flamingo Bathroom and Disco Toilet

gamerchick · 17/09/2019 20:06

Seriously life is too short to dither over this trivial shit

Indeed. I just imagine those who hate have whatever walls are in fashion like any other sheeple. No personality Grin

Disfordarkchocolate · 17/09/2019 20:07

It's not for me, how can it compare to the real trees outside and not look like it's missing all the life and warmth?

EdWinchester · 17/09/2019 20:07

I can't believe it's so cheap!

*But them I am a twit that has F&B wallpaper in my downstairs loo and it was £101 a roll Blush


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indianbackground · 17/09/2019 20:08

If you have real woodland I think it will look odd as they won’t change with the seasons. even if the wood is evergreens they will have different plants growing with them and weather will vary.

Knittedfairies · 17/09/2019 20:11

Not for me. (It puts me in mind of Hilda Ogden's 'muriel' on 'Coronation Street, although I think hers was sea-sidey)

Roselilly36 · 17/09/2019 20:14

I thought Center Parcs too.

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