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Higher education

Oxbridge 2020 (6)

999 replies

Justneedatemporaryname · 06/12/2019 20:22

New thread ready for when the old one gets filled up!

OP posts:
hattymattie · 09/12/2019 17:49

Gin - what did your DD apply for?

My DS has arrived at Pembroke - interview at 9 am tomorrow. He has reported back that he has a comfy bed, two pillows and a little soapGrin

AChickenCalledDaal · 09/12/2019 18:09

Gin that's such a nice post. He's clearly going to thrive in a university environment, wherever it is!

geogteach · 09/12/2019 18:25

Ds is in Oxford for the second year running, unfortunately doesn't seem to have taken to the college he is at this year which is a shame because he loved the whole experience last time. Suppose I'll just wait and see how he feels about it all when he gets back.

GinWorksForMe · 09/12/2019 18:48

hattymattie he's applying for Maths. No family background of university and he's had very little guidance from his school so he's probably totally nowhere near getting an offer, but he had a great time today. What a fantastic experience this is for them all. I've now seen him and he keeps going on about 'exciting' maths stuff that I can't understand!

So lovely to know how nice the interviewers must have been to enthuse him so much and put him so much at ease in such a foreign environment. I am so happy for him today.

Hope all the interviews go well this week and that your children have a good time too. Smile

hattymattie · 09/12/2019 19:15

Gin - it sounds like he really clicked with his interviewers and one thing they look for is whether you would be interesting to teach. Crossing fingers for him.

This problem is - they go for interviews, fall in love, then many of us will have to pick up the pieces afterwards.

GinWorksForMe · 09/12/2019 22:35

geogteach hope your son is ok. Must be really daunting to have to stay away/interview over more than one day. Thinking of him and hoping he feels better when it's all over Smile

KaptainKaveman · 10/12/2019 07:17

Well done to all those dc who have had their interviews so far. My dd's is tomorrow and we are panicking because she came home from school yesterday with temperature and sore throat.....Sad. I've dosed her up with all available meds/vitamin C/tonic and will pray.....

littleslummygirl · 10/12/2019 08:22

Hope the medicine works. Mine is off to GP ASAP as she has symptoms of an allergy that put her in hospital in the summer. I have everything crossed that it’s nerves and that GP will be ok with her seeing it as emergency. If it does look as though a flare up, then will have to try to go with her as she’ll need moral support as it looks v nasty if nothing else and she’s be pissed off at people staring at her on the train

Karenisbaren · 10/12/2019 08:57

Is anyones child going for medicine?

Plaintainchipss · 10/12/2019 09:17

DD is.

TeaAndStrumpets · 10/12/2019 09:57

It is such an anxious time, the stress must make things so much worse. Fingers crossed for all the poorly DCs.

I have imagined every awful thing happening! But in a few days time it will be safely over, thank goodness.

DadDadDad · 10/12/2019 10:22

DS in Oxford now at his first choice college, and will also be interviewed by Keble - not a college he looked at on Open Day or has mentioned since, so no idea how that's going to go!

seedybird · 10/12/2019 10:42

DD is ill too - my thoughts are with the other DC who have this horrible sore throat and coughing virus. Poor things - just one extra added stress that they could all do without. Last day for DD - good luck to everyone.

Ironoaks · 10/12/2019 11:18

DS has come down with a bad cold, just in time for tomorrow's interview.
He reminded me that he also had a bad cold during his admissions assessment at the end of October, so at least his performance will be consistent.

hattymattie · 10/12/2019 11:36

Interviews done. He thinks he's messed up. Said it was fun but the most challenging thing he's ever done and that his thought process was random. He said he blustered like Boris. I think he was happy for the experience whatever happens.

Plaintainchipss · 10/12/2019 11:46

Congrats to your DS hattie. Even getting to and completing an Oxbridge interview is such an achievement. He should genuinely be so proud of himself! Honestly, I’ve yet to meant anyone who thought they did well in their interview. I remember crying non-stop after mine, thinking what an idiot I had made of myself.

hattymattie · 10/12/2019 12:23

Thank you so much PlantainSmile

KingscoteStaff · 10/12/2019 12:55

DS reckons that if they start saying things like ‘so tell us about your sport and music,’ then he will know he’s utterly cocked up and they’re just being kind to fill up the last few minutes...

jaguar67 · 10/12/2019 13:11

Just wanted to drop in & offer moral support to everyone...
This was our journey over the last 2 years at both places and I remember DCs' nerves very well. It's an experience they can all draw upon in the future, whatever the outcome & complete respect to all for putting themselves through the process !!
I posted a few weeks back, but will repeat (for benefit of those still to go); take time to think about the question; talk out loud with your thinking, don't be afraid to reconsider a previous answer based on further discussion (and explain why you've changed your mind) & avoid jargon.
Finally, to ease the minds of any DCs feeling down mauled after interviews; this will be the first time for many that they've been really, really challenged. Both of mine came away convinced an offer would not be forthcoming and both are now very happily in situ. A difficult (or 'shambles', to quote one DC) interview could well be anything but a negative sign.
Fingers crossed for all DC and Wine to DPs xx

bpisok · 10/12/2019 13:15

So what if you disagree with your interviewer and continue debating without backing down?
....good or bad (obv whilst remaining logical and civil throughout).

newdeer · 10/12/2019 13:29

@bpisok I think the skill in that situation is to carefully consider the opposite argument (I can see why X becuae Y but on balance I still think Z because...) and explain why it doesn't sway you. That way, you can show you are capable of changing your mind if presented with compelling evidence, but can hold your ground if not.

There was a brilliant piece of advice from a student in the Oxford leaflet about interviews: get your parents or friends to ask you tough questions they know you don't know the answer to, as that will help you learn and practise strategies for when your mind goes blank.

I did a couple with DS last night and he genuinely impressed me with how he handled them even though he laughed when I asked them as they were right outside his sphere of knowledge.

Hoghgyni · 10/12/2019 13:44

Jaguar It's not being described as a shambles, more of a car crash for DD's final interview this morning. Hopefully she will stop replaying it in her mind and find something else to occupy her. They went ice skating last night.


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bpisok · 10/12/2019 13:59

It will be interesting to see whether anyone's DC reports back with 'it went well'.

...Mind you, there was an American lad being interviewed along with DD and he came out of the first interview and shouted 'Nailed it!!!' So I guess there will one or two?

FingernailNibbler · 10/12/2019 14:06

"Nailed it!"??
I think if the interviewers overheard that they wouldn't be impressed (unless they agreed?). Also it sounds aggressive to say in front of a candidate about to walk in....

bpisok · 10/12/2019 14:13

Yep - DD used a less than flattering term when she was describing him to me, but she did think it was funny.
When it comes to her own interview she also thinks it was funny (in a despairing, ludicrous, horrific way).

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