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So is running really beneficial to mental and physical health?

29 replies

cruisemum1 · 09/11/2009 19:53

I want to start running. I have done a couple of 5k Race For Life events but didn't really 'train' as such. Now I feel I must do some form of exercise and running seems the simplist and least expensive. It is really hard to get motivated though. Is it actually worth it. I have sleep problems related to stress/anxiety. I have heard that running/exercise helps. Any runners out there got any advice?
I need a firework up the a**e to get me going!

OP posts:
daftpunk · 11/11/2009 11:02

over active minds are great...i have one...

but you don't want it waking you up at 4.00am

don't ever go down the sleeping pills route ....always go for the natural approach...(works better)

linking you to the runners


they will look after you...

cruisemum1 · 11/11/2009 11:10

Ormirian - thank you. I thought i must the most unfit mother on the planet! I haven;'t had any 'formal' exercise for years though I did do race for life this year and last. Somehow running without a crowd cheering seems so much harder. cEncouraging to hear that it is hard for a hardened fittie like you!
Daftpunk - thanks tonnes for the link.

OP posts:
cruisemum1 · 11/11/2009 11:16

just enrolled on the runners thread daftpunk - thanks

OP posts:
daftpunk · 11/11/2009 11:22 pleasure

you'll be running as fast as me soon...!

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