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So is running really beneficial to mental and physical health?

29 replies

cruisemum1 · 09/11/2009 19:53

I want to start running. I have done a couple of 5k Race For Life events but didn't really 'train' as such. Now I feel I must do some form of exercise and running seems the simplist and least expensive. It is really hard to get motivated though. Is it actually worth it. I have sleep problems related to stress/anxiety. I have heard that running/exercise helps. Any runners out there got any advice?
I need a firework up the a**e to get me going!

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daftpunk · 11/11/2009 11:22 pleasure

you'll be running as fast as me soon...!

cruisemum1 · 11/11/2009 11:16

just enrolled on the runners thread daftpunk - thanks

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cruisemum1 · 11/11/2009 11:10

Ormirian - thank you. I thought i must the most unfit mother on the planet! I haven;'t had any 'formal' exercise for years though I did do race for life this year and last. Somehow running without a crowd cheering seems so much harder. cEncouraging to hear that it is hard for a hardened fittie like you!
Daftpunk - thanks tonnes for the link.

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daftpunk · 11/11/2009 11:02

over active minds are great...i have one...

but you don't want it waking you up at 4.00am

don't ever go down the sleeping pills route ....always go for the natural approach...(works better)

linking you to the runners


they will look after you...

OrmIrian · 11/11/2009 11:00

cruisemum - if it's any comfort I considered myself quite fit when I began road running. Prior to that I had been a regular (and strenuous) gym user, had walked a great deal and done circuit training, step and body pump classes at various times. But even so running any distance absolutely killed me to start with. Nothing like a treadmill. It's a whole different beast. You will get there.

cruisemum1 · 11/11/2009 10:46

daft punk - no tv's in our room anyway. Just an over active mind in the early hours

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daftpunk · 11/11/2009 10:40

can't find the thread i'm looking soon as i see it i'll link it to you...

if your reasons for taking up running are for sleep.....good idea, any exercise will help you sleep better..

oh....and don't have a TV in the bedroom..

the bedroom is for sleep only...make it a peaceful haven

cruisemum1 · 11/11/2009 10:25

GreySkull - thanks! Now i have the first run over I know what i am facing
dftpunk- I am actually doing this to aid my sleep. I am not overweight but am most definitely unfit! What a shocker!
Sparechange - thanks for advice. I will look at the site you recommended. At the moment I feel like I have a collapsed lung!
Thanks for your encouragement

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sparechange · 11/11/2009 10:17

Cruisemum, have you thought about run/walk training for now?
Set aside 20-30 mins, then run for 2 mins, walk for 2 mins, run for 2 mins, walk for 2 etc etc

As you get fitter, you can up the running bit to 3 mins, then 4, then 5, while keeping the walking at 2 mins
Eventually (and it will be sooner than you think!) you'll be able to run continously for 20 mins

Then you just need to extend that time gradually (no more than 10% at a time) until you can run for about an hour, at which point a 10km race might be a nice idea...

If you can get out 2-3 times a week, you'll be able to go for running for 3 mins to running for an hour in around 2 months.

If you are anything like me, you'll be amazed at how much better you sleep and also how much more energy you have in the day.

The website has got lots of great training plans if you'd rather have something structured to follow.

And I second the OP who said get some proper kit. A decent pair of trainers (proper running ones, not 'fashion' traines) will help keep you injury free, and proper clothes will be much more comfy than an old t-shirt, especially in winter

Good luck!

daftpunk · 11/11/2009 10:16

running is great....keeps mind and body fit..

there is a running thread on here...will try and find it for you..

(i keep seeing it in active convos....too shy to join)

ByThePowerOfGreyskull · 11/11/2009 10:13

the answer is to go out again tomorrow or the day after and do the same run, in a really short period of time you will be able to run for longer.. You will be amazed about how clever your body is and being able to get fit.

OrmIrian · 11/11/2009 10:10

Yes it is.

Everytime I've had to stop running because of injury I get depressed and stressed.

cruisemum1 · 11/11/2009 10:08

so I just went running - feel horrendous! Surely I am not this unfit. I could barely manage 3 mins continuous! Oh me oh my, what to do???

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cruisemum1 · 10/11/2009 12:42

thanks biscuit FAce - hatwoman - i wen t on teh thread but it said 'it was broken'! Not heard that before.
curiousmana - mylocal park is right across the road - no excuse for me either....
Let's do it!

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BiscuitFace · 10/11/2009 08:53

good luck - if you have the right shoes and don't go crazy your knees should be ok.

cruisemum1 · 10/11/2009 08:45

oooh i am all excited now! i wil do my first run tomorrow when ds is at playschool. off to the shops to get some jogging bottoms. i will join the thread hatwoman- thanks!!!!

OP posts:
Curiousmama · 09/11/2009 21:26

I'm thinking of doing this too but will have to start with a jog. I have a fantastic park over the road, a dog and 2 keen dss so have no excuse.

hatwoman · 09/11/2009 21:23
hatwoman · 09/11/2009 21:20

I love running - definitely good for physical and mental health. makes me sleep well. enables me to eat whatever I like. good for my skin. gives me energy. and it's cheap and time-efficient. if you need a kick up the bum enter a race and commit yourself to a training schedule.

19fran76 · 09/11/2009 21:19

I love running because it definitely creates a positive headspace for me & keeps me in better physical shape with improved energy levels. I have had anxiety/depression in the past & running gives me time out to meditate on current life issues as well as learn the art of positive thinking (self-talking yourself past the next lamppost/hill etc.) Proper running shoes are really important. I found it better to go out little & often at first, building distance gradually. Just establish getting out the door as a habit & the rest will come over time, I reckon

displayuntilbestbefore · 09/11/2009 21:16

I run, not very far, just a couple of miles a few times a week and although I've heard that taking it up as an adult after having not run since being young isn't so good for your joints, on a mental note I can honestly say it's the ONLY time when my mind clears and I don't think of anything apart from what's around me and my breathing! So I would recommend it for stress and anxiety - but, yes, try and find your trousers

madwomanintheattic · 09/11/2009 21:12

well, i'm going to give it a go cruisemum.
my dogs need more exercise (as do i) and i need something that is going to give me results but not take blooming hours that i don't have!
i used to run a lot, and remember with fondness the mental and physical benefits (not too much on the injury side, but older and heavier these days... i could do with a pick up on both counts, so am going to give it a go. i have new trainers but appear to have mislaid my trousers, which is an issue... finding them is my top priority tonight


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notyummy · 09/11/2009 21:04

Best way to get fit in a short amount of time (i.e you need to walk for a LOOOOT longer to get the benefits. boring. You need to run very intensively and restrict you diet to see a difference in your face (but make sure you use sunscreen and sunglasses when appropriate).

Unless you have an injury that precludes I would def recommend.

Lapsedrunner · 09/11/2009 21:01

Running is fantastic for mental & physical well being. I used to do all my "thinking & planning" whilst running, it really helps to clear the mind. However the physical side can have it's problems, I'm currently trying to sort out a hip problem so no running for me .

cruisemum1 · 09/11/2009 20:56

ta all, I can't swim so that is out! I don't own a bike so that is out too. Hence why running is my best option.
abdnhiker- i know a couple of homeopaths. One friend totally sorted out my insomnia when my Dad passed away last year. But want to exercise.

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