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Do tampons have a best before date??

31 replies

Millie1 · 06/04/2005 19:08

Found quite a few boxes, maybe 2-3 years old, whilst spring cleaning - are they safe to use or should I dump them? I know it's a strange question but have a mental vision of them disintegrating!! TIA

OP posts:
Bozza · 07/04/2005 21:16

Milton not a good way forward - have licked a milton'd spoon - was not unlike swallowing a mouthful of swimming pool water. Think it would put me off.....

LGJ · 07/04/2005 20:10

I am pmsl at the thought of asking DH to use surgical spirit.

Millie1 · 07/04/2005 20:07


OP posts:
happymerryberries · 07/04/2005 18:35

The vagina has an optimum pH which encourages the grown for 'freindly' bacteria (awful phrase) and this growth discourages more harmful organisms, as does the pH. The 'good' bacteria help to maintain the correct pH When you get pH imbalances in the vagina it can encourage the growth of things like thrush. there is a natural 'flora and fauna' in the vagina that helps to keep it healthy. One reason that antibiotics can help to cause thrush is that the antibiotics kill off the good bacteria. Amazing isb't it?

Not 100% efficient of course

ks · 07/04/2005 18:23

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iota · 07/04/2005 18:11

dunno bran, but some babies have to put up with it

bran · 07/04/2005 18:10

I think this is much more info than Millie1 wanted when she first posted . (Good G&T idea HMB, but how horrible does Milton taste Iota?)

iota · 07/04/2005 18:06

what about putting them in Milton sterilising fluid?

happymerryberries · 07/04/2005 18:04

Couldn't you get him to dip his dong in a nice strong G & T????

bran · 07/04/2005 18:03

Well he only has to do that if it's going anywhere near my mouth HMB, as I don't like the taste of surgical spirit.

Fio2 · 07/04/2005 18:01


happymerryberries · 07/04/2005 17:59

You mean you don't get him to scald his bits with boiling water, just to be sure???

bran · 07/04/2005 17:57

So are you saying that it's not necessary for dh to wipe his private bits down with surgical spirit before sex? If not, what will we do for foreplay?

Bozza · 07/04/2005 13:19

According to my GP "the vagina is not a sterile environment" (obviously) so they don't bother about making sure everything is sterile when they insert a coil. Assume the coil is because thats going beyond the vagina but don't know.

As for the tampons - I would definitely use them with no second thoughts.

northerner · 07/04/2005 12:49

PMSL at the thought of a sterile penis

happymerryberries · 07/04/2005 12:44

Tampons and applicators don't have to be sterile, neither to applicators for vaginal creams etc (used to work for a company that manufactured the latter). Mud is quite right, penises arn't sterile and the vagina is perpous built for coping with them! has it's own wonderful ways of coping with a wide range of normal bacteria etc

Twiglett · 07/04/2005 12:25

"how sterile is a penis" ROFLMAO

That's a fabulous line

Mud · 07/04/2005 08:31

I'm sorry - but sterile

PMSL - how sterile is a penis FGS

flamesparrow · 07/04/2005 08:19

Awww, I was about to come do the mooncup lecture.

Beaten to it....

hazlinh · 07/04/2005 07:13


they look scary....

fuzzywuzzy · 07/04/2005 05:22


hazlinh · 07/04/2005 02:59

er whats a mooncup?

and i'm glad u started this thread millie1 i have two boxes of em about 3 years old in my medicine cabinet!!!didnt know what to do with em


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mammya · 07/04/2005 00:07

Wink Grin

mammya · 07/04/2005 00:07

I just started using my mooncup today and I love it! No more tampons for me, yippie!
And no, it doesn't hurt at all, in fact I can't feel it, much more comfortable than an tampon IMO.

whatsername · 06/04/2005 23:27

Ooooh, I'll do the mooncup lecture if you want...

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