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Thinking of giving up booze for a month - any advice?

10 replies

FourJays · 20/09/2008 19:21

I only drink about once a week but am a BIG binger. So much so that I was supposed to go camping with kids today and accidentally got v drunk last night and had to stay home.

Full of self loathing so thought I may abstain for a few weeks.
Read the Guardian article today. Has anyone else given up alcohol for a period of time and how did it go?

OP posts:
FourJays · 20/09/2008 19:43

Thanks everyone.

OP posts:
Goober · 20/09/2008 19:42

Don't give it up.
But you don't have to make a pig of yourself either.
I gave up smoking last year and at the same time I had some other horrible stuff going on I started drinking every night, sometimes a bottle of wine a day. I felt like crap, and it got so expensive. I realised that the horrible stuff was still there and have cut it down to 1 bottle, just at the weekend. I enjoy it more now and I have a clearer head to deal with the bad stuff.

Remotew · 20/09/2008 19:40

I was supposed to be giving up for two weeks after a hideous binge last Saturday. Did OK in the week as I very rarely drink then anyway. Sis came round with a btle of wine last night and I had a glass. Opened a blt tonight so obviously couldn't take a dry weekend.

RubySlippers · 20/09/2008 19:35

binging makes you feel crappola

SAVOUR your alcohol - drink it slowly

alternate with a soft drink

remember how you feel now, in missing out

honestly a month off the booze will reduce the urge to drink

SqueakyPop · 20/09/2008 19:33

If you don't want to drink, don't buy any booze.

FourJays · 20/09/2008 19:32

Ooops - that should have been a question Goober.

OP posts:
FourJays · 20/09/2008 19:32

Goober - don't binge or don't abstain.

DH has just called and kids are building a camp fire so I feel wretched that I am missing out!

Ruby - I don't drink in the week either but I just seem to go hell for leather at the weekend.

OP posts:
Chequers · 20/09/2008 19:25

Gave up for a month 2 years ago - hard work.

Gave up recently for entire pregnancy - easy oeasy.

Goober · 20/09/2008 19:25

Here's my advice: DON'T!

RubySlippers · 20/09/2008 19:24

i gave up for a month (june to july)

it was fine - actually better than that

cleared my skin, lost 4 lbs and just felt "better"

lots to recommend it and not a lot to not recommend

we no longer drink in the week - only at weekends if we want to

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