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This way Lou33- Gigglewitch-Jajas-Moosma-Saint George and Staryeyed

136 replies

staryeyed · 22/04/2008 17:41

This is our new thread.

Where is everyone with their weights? I must confess I haven't done mine but will get it done asap (must still get scales).

So come on ladies post our weights up.......

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staryeyed · 06/05/2008 17:49

Still showing 7st 9 [superly proud emoticon]. Now to reach 7st 11.

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staryeyed · 06/05/2008 19:27

I think the frequent snacking is really working for me. Im trying to make sure I m not just eating empty calories.

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staryeyed · 08/05/2008 18:00

Right, I want everyone's weight posted this weekend. All those who have not yet bought scales better get some [peers over glasses looking very serious and teacher like]. Your homework is to share your techniques(whether successful or not).

[Bossy hat off] Hopefully you have all have gained some this week. Good luck everyone .

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lou33 · 08/05/2008 19:20

i am struggling to eat anything right now because of a huge ulcer on the side of my tongue, permanently rubbing on my back tooth, which is doubly painful wehn i swallow or chew

i have bought some complan to see if i can drink that without too much pain

staryeyed · 08/05/2008 21:28

Oh Lou , keep drinking your complan. I hope you feel better soon. You are of course excused form this weeks weigh in.

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lou33 · 08/05/2008 22:11

i am bracing myself to try in a min lol

staryeyed · 09/05/2008 11:01

Is anyone else ready for this weekends weigh in?

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staryeyed · 09/05/2008 15:28


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Moosma · 09/05/2008 15:36

I'm here! I weighed myself this morning and I'm back up to 8 stone, I think most of that is just because I'm not dehydrated anymore after being ill. So I still have 2 more lbs to put on to get back to my pre-sickness weight, then I can start again

staryeyed · 09/05/2008 16:17

Well done moosma. How have you gained your weight?

Im hoping to squeeze in an extra pound before Sunday to take me up to 8st 10.

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staryeyed · 10/05/2008 11:47

I know have an ulcer to - right by my lip it keeps catching on my tooth . But I weighed 7st 9 1/2 this morning

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staryeyed · 11/05/2008 09:20

Saint George and Jajas we need your weights!

I weigh in at 7st 9 today (lost my half a pound)

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staryeyed · 11/05/2008 17:23


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Squack · 11/05/2008 17:27

May I join?

How do you gain weight? Sometimes alcohol will allow me to put a bit of weight on but i'm restricting that as I'm ttc atm.

5"3' and 7st7lb's.

Think I might need to gain 3lbs to be able to conceive and keep it if I'm honest.

SaintGeorge · 11/05/2008 17:29

Sorry, DS2 not well this weekend and haven't had chance to go and buy some scales.

staryeyed · 11/05/2008 19:47

Of course you can join squack

No worries SaintG. hopefully in time for next weekends weigh in.

Jajas are you out there?

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SaintGeorge · 11/05/2008 19:55

I keep munching on my luxury yoghurts, even though I haven't managed to record a base weight yet.

Bargain in Asda this week - Muller Amore luxury (added whipping cream, yum) yoghurts. Normally 68p, now 5 for £1.

I might just possibly have bought a few trays of those

staryeyed · 11/05/2008 20:05

I'm going to buy ensure/complan this week to drink after meals because this heat is making me lose my appetite.

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lou33 · 12/05/2008 08:59

i weighed myself on my friend's scales on saturday when i popped round and i was 7 st 10, which is not good, but i havent been able to eat because of this huge mouth ulcer, which still hasnt gone btw

but i have managed to very slowly eat some poached eggs and toast this morning, and i have developed a way of swallowing without it hurting too much, so hopefully i can start eating again

staryeyed · 12/05/2008 17:49

I feel your pain Lou my ulcer hurts as well.

Jajas are you around?

OP posts:
lou33 · 13/05/2008 10:59

it's been awful, yesterday was the first time i could eat something without being in agony, today is a tiny bit better as well, so i am hoping it is on hte mend now

staryeyed · 13/05/2008 18:31

Lou Have you tried bonjela or that new stuff advertised- igloo or something?

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lou33 · 13/05/2008 18:32

oh i have a long thread about it, with all the things i have tried that have failed , lol

it's slowly on the mend now

staryeyed · 14/05/2008 10:58

Jajas where are you?

Squack are you still around?

OP posts:
Squack · 14/05/2008 15:55

yes still here. no weight gain yet.

I'm going for a run hopefully tonight, see if I can build a bit of muscle to add weight

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