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Itchy dry needed please

30 replies

snickers69 · 06/12/2019 23:27

I have always suffered with a dry scalp but just recently its driving me mad.
It's not dandruff as my scalp is dry.
I have tried everything I can find, from tea tree to coal tar shampoo all with limited success
It's so bad now I dare not wear dark plain clothes for the light shower of flakes when I have to give my bonce a quick scratch.

I've spoken to various hairdressers and paid hefty for miracle treatments and shampoos created by the Lord himself....but alas I still create a snowstorm
It's draining my confidence as well as my purse

I can't be the only sufferer, can I?

Any successful remedies out there please?Crown Wink

OP posts:
TheReluctantCountess · 23/02/2020 22:30

Have you tried cradle cap shampoo? It’s the only thing that works for my DP.

mineofuselessinformation · 23/02/2020 22:50

Try a Lush Seanik shampoo bar.
I have seborrheic dermatitis and it really helps.

Claireshh · 24/02/2020 23:33

I used to use Nizerol but that stopped working.

I tried a antihistamine one day and that worked. It seemed to really calm the hot tight feeling.

I’ve found that the majority of shampoos, conditioners and styling products irritate which leads to itching and flaking.

I now only use Alberto Balsam apple shampoo and conditioner (£1 each!) or Aveda sap moss (not a £1 each 🙈). Both leave my hair and scalp ok. It’s still on the dry side but normal.

blueskys72 · 25/02/2020 21:41

I have NEVER thought of trying an antihistamine!!

stripycreature · 26/02/2020 10:25

I've just learned from reading this thread that I almost certainly have seborrheic dermatitis.
I've had it 30 years and thought it was normal eczema.

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