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What's happening to my lip? (Photo)

26 replies

LimpidPools · 06/12/2017 21:05

My bottom lip really hurts. It started swelling painfully yesterday and in the evening I spotted a small ulcer just inside my lip.

Today it's swollen more if anything, there is a second ulcer on the other side of my inner lip and a blister on the lower edge.

I've never had a cold sore, despite exposure. I always assumed I was immune. Also, it seems to be covering a very large area for a cold sore.

Does anyone know what it could be? Any advice? It's very painful.

What's happening to my lip? (Photo)
OP posts:
GrowThroughWhatYouGoThrough · 07/12/2017 22:40

Looks like a coldsore long time sufferer here! Just pop to the chemist/supermarket and get some cream if your worried see a pharmacist I wouldn't waste a doc appointment

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