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What's happening to my lip? (Photo)

26 replies

LimpidPools · 06/12/2017 21:05

My bottom lip really hurts. It started swelling painfully yesterday and in the evening I spotted a small ulcer just inside my lip.

Today it's swollen more if anything, there is a second ulcer on the other side of my inner lip and a blister on the lower edge.

I've never had a cold sore, despite exposure. I always assumed I was immune. Also, it seems to be covering a very large area for a cold sore.

Does anyone know what it could be? Any advice? It's very painful.

What's happening to my lip? (Photo)
OP posts:
GrowThroughWhatYouGoThrough · 07/12/2017 22:40

Looks like a coldsore long time sufferer here! Just pop to the chemist/supermarket and get some cream if your worried see a pharmacist I wouldn't waste a doc appointment

RHOLST40 · 07/12/2017 22:26

I get mouth ulcers on my lips as well as inside my mouth, tried treating as a cold sore when I first got one and it made it 100 tines worse. Nothing you can do except keep it moisturised and wait it out. Burst Bees works best for me. Xx

Apocalyptichorsewoman · 07/12/2017 22:22

I get mine up and around my nose for some reason Confused

AlexaAmbidextra · 07/12/2017 22:19

Looks like a cold sore. Especially if it's painful. They can get quite large. I once had one that covered half my lower lip.

Asmallrole · 07/12/2017 00:05

They're painful in the first couple of blistery days. I get about 4 or 5 a year and have found if I treat them with the many remedies I've tried they last about seven days. And if I don't treat them at all they last days Sad

ggirl · 06/12/2017 23:57

those cold sore plasters are good too
hate cold sores, I've started taking lysine in the last 6 months and I haven't had one since ...used to get fairly regularly

MsHomeSlice · 06/12/2017 23:21

for future outbreaks once you get the feeling/pricking that one is on the way ge an ice cube , wrap it in kitchen paper and keep it on the spot where you feel the pricking. Ideally you do not want the skin to get want dry cold so keep turning the ice/kitchen roll about

i tend to keep it on for about 20 seconds, and then off for about the same....about ten minutes in all.

do that a few times over the course of a few hours and often it stops it in its tracks.

LimpidPools · 06/12/2017 23:06

If this is how horrible and painful cold sores are, and they're so common, why don't people complain about them more?!

It's alright though - I think I've done enough complaining for several people all on my own.

OP posts:
Battyoldbat · 06/12/2017 21:55

Yep, looks like a cold sore to me too. I get hideous, enormous, painful ones and have got it down to a fine art now. The moment I feel a tingle, I blast it with the light zapper several times then get a compeed cold sore patch on (or a liquid patch if it’s too big for that). Repeat twice a day until it’s gone. I don’t use Zovirax any more, I prefer having them covered with the patches, they look slightly less disgusting because they don’t go crusty.

Gingernaut · 06/12/2017 21:51

If there's a supermarket open, get some Zovirax (buying off the shelf is cheaper than a prescription) or some supermarket own brand equivalent and use that until you get to see the GP.

It won't hurt to treat it as if it is a coldsore and if it is, then you've started treatment.

gingerbreadmam · 06/12/2017 21:51

Vitamin d helps with coldsores. You need a cream with the active ingredient aclivor I think it is.

I sometimes get very nasty ones like that that throb and look like I have had my lips done. They are awful.

I read about vitamin d and last couple of times I have took vitamin d straight away and they have been nowhere near as bad.

Sportsnight · 06/12/2017 21:51

Ah, it does look like a cold sore. Sorry! I used to get them, and found the light treatment Boots do very good. That might be worth checking out.

JollyGiraffe · 06/12/2017 21:48

Cold sore. Ouch! They are unpleasant and can be very painful!

Buy some Zovirax and ask pharmacist to have a look if you're still unsure.

But don't waste a GP appointment with it!

TomOfBedlam · 06/12/2017 21:45


Order some Lomaherpan from the Herpes Association. It's magic stuff!

Nellyphants · 06/12/2017 21:42

It’s a cold sore. A doctor can’t help you. Buy some lysine. It’ll reduce the healing time.

Sofabitch · 06/12/2017 21:40

Dont waste a gp appointment on that. It's just a cold sore. If you're unsire get a pharmacist to look.

Probably too late to apply zolvirax mow.

Justgivemesomepeace · 06/12/2017 21:37

Go to the pharmacist first. They'll know whether you need a doc but it does look like a cold sore to me.

LimpidPools · 06/12/2017 21:36

Been dousing it with TCP so far. No Zovirax in this house cos no cold sores until now.

Thanks for the advice everyone.

OP posts:
FabulouslyGlamorousFerret · 06/12/2017 21:32

I wouldn't go to the doctor!! Whack some Zovirax on it.

MrsHouseBrownie · 06/12/2017 21:32

Looks like classic cold sore. Zovirax from the chemist will help

LimpidPools · 06/12/2017 21:30

I just want it to stop hurting!!

I guess it'll be a trip to the doctor for me in the morning then. And if it is the cold sore it most likely is, then I'll feel like a complete time waster. Sad

OP posts:
rollingonariver · 06/12/2017 21:27

I get something similar when I bite the inside of my lip, could it be that? Otherwise cold sore?


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Shadow01 · 06/12/2017 21:26

Looks like a classic cold sore to

FabulouslyGlamorousFerret · 06/12/2017 21:12

Sounds classical cold core to me I'm afraid!

Tinselistacky · 06/12/2017 21:10

I have similar.
Thanks to dgs I have impetigo.
See gp as very infectious and needs cream +/antibiotics.

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