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No, Chocolate Oranges DON'T count - 10/10 Club's new year resolution!

46 replies

fullmoonfiend · 30/12/2006 16:46

In F&Z's absence, (please come back oh great Bark-Sucking One!) I have decided to start a new thread, as I'm currently suffering from cold, post-Christmas blues and need a boost for new year. Welcome back old friends and hello to any new members.
To recap, the idea is to up your 5-a-day of fruit and veg to 10, and to try for just 10 minutes' more excercise a day!

Note to self: a slice of lemon in 10 whisky and gingers is not 10 portions of fruit

OP posts:
StrangeTown · 06/01/2007 14:10

Hello All

Back from my holiday where I have eaten F&V but drunk way too much alcohol.

Hope the not smoking is going OK, despite the coughing, Vix.

Suzy - glad you are still showing up on here to keep my enthusiasm up. Back at work Monday after 2 weeks off - any of your nice recipes going for packed lunches or exciting dinners???

Papillon · 04/01/2007 14:18

Its dull being Paps day after day - am I a multiple personality behind the names though?!!

hopefully not that crazy


thats shite about the AB's. Good that you have given up the smelly fags. That will probably make your chest worse for afew weeks. Was like that for me when I once stopped smoking weed coughed worse!

filthymindedvixen · 04/01/2007 14:08

ah I knew it - you and your multiple personalties...

Have succombed to anti-biotics as I have 2 jobs so feel I am currently letting 2 different sets of people down by being off sick, if that makes sense.

Am remembering to eat lots of live youghurt though to fend off the inevitable side effect for ladies who are on anti-biotics....

Whatheworldneedsismorerednecks · 04/01/2007 14:00

did you not sniff any garlic then?

and hows those home remedies from that link I posted coming along?

filthymindedvixen · 04/01/2007 13:41

Brain too full of snot to work... please tell me!

Whatheworldneedsismorerednecks · 04/01/2007 13:20

Whose paps? She sounds like a bit of alright

Whatheworldneedsismorerednecks · 04/01/2007 13:19

blimey you must be sick! click on "threads I am on" and then you will realise who the redneck with the fat mouth is

filthymindedvixen · 04/01/2007 13:18

Is it you Paps????

filthymindedvixen · 04/01/2007 13:14

blame Pann for the name But I kinda like it!

Whatheworldneedsismorerednecks - put me out of my misery old bean? Who are you? (and stop it immediately, as I keep singing CottonEyedJoe to myself every time I see the name and that's NOT good )

Tatties · 04/01/2007 11:26

FMF that's great about the ciggies. I do like your naughty new name

I haven't been brilliant at fruit-snacking over the last few days, but I have made some dinners containing more veg portions than usual. Last night I did fish with new potatoes, green beans and leeks. I cooked the leeks in butter and ground black pepper, then mixed them with the potatoes and green beans so they all had a nice buttery peppery coating. Hadn't thought of doing that before and it was really nice. Can you tell I'm easily pleased...

Might do a vegetable and lentil soup tonight.

Hope all those nasty germs get chased away soon

Whatheworldneedsismorerednecks · 04/01/2007 11:10

that name really suits you its a perfect fit over for FMF

Well done on being fag free that will be very good for your chest and you in bed too! Get better soon x

I am off to eat spinach, tomato egg pie

filthymindedvixen · 04/01/2007 10:20

well, at least I'm getting plenty of fruit and water (in bed poorly) not much on the exercise front but I am now on my 4th fag free day, so that's go to be worth some healthy smugness points?

suzycreamcheese · 03/01/2007 13:00

what do you think

Papillon · 03/01/2007 11:55

watch out I just saw a thread that said cheese is a junk food That's mildly insulting to a NZer living in Swizterland!!

FMF the onion water is good for sore throats and not for coughs. Just add alittle water to the onion to gargle if you are tempted to try it!!! I had a sore throat for 2 weeks and finally gave into my mothers advice - it was gone the next day.

Are you able to buy a herbal tea good for colds, I buy one here at the supermarket that contains thyme, rose hip, lindenflowers, rasperberry leaf, fennel, and so forth which helps loosen coughs.

I am loving the blood oranges atm Its the new grapefruit of the season. Just had brocolli/pasta soup for lunch very tasty.

Suzy are you coming over to this thread, or staying on the other one???

fullmoonfiend · 03/01/2007 11:43

earthymama - that chestnut and stilton pie sounds divine. Recipe please?

OP posts:
Earthymama · 03/01/2007 00:11

We've all been struck down with evil virus that ruined our New Year plans. I'm feeling a little better this evening so am planning to go shopping tomorrow.
We've invited all the relatives we've not caught up with over for food tomorrow,
Chestnut and Stilton Pie,
Veggie Sausages and Nut Roast
Roast potatoes. Squash and Parsnips
Cabbage, Sprouts, Peas and Broad Beans
Spiced Red Cabbage
gravy and Yorkshire Puds

followed by

Vanilla Cream tarts with Bilberry Sauce
(Whinberry in wales!!)
Icecream with Crushed Malteasers

It sounds good, yes? I'm beginning to doubt my ability to cook that amount of food while feeling so rotten, though.
The thing is several of the guests are teenagers and it takes vast amounts to fill them. i guess I could do celeriac and potato mash too.
I'll just go and lie down and pretend it's all a dream!

fullmoonfiend · 02/01/2007 17:32

had fab roast yeserday with parsnips, baby sweetcorn, mange touts, broccolli, carrots,red cabbage, followed by fruit pavlovas. And now to drin other than fruit juice, water and water which an onion has been boiled in (Paps, I'm desperate with this cough....Does it really work???)

today, mushrooms on toast, for brekkie, porridge with blueberries for a 2nd brekkiE (I was up at 5am coughing )
Rockets, apricot and wensleydale cheese sarnies, and am planning huge healing salad with jacket pots for dinner.

And lots of |Roses...well I read somewhere chocolate was good for coughs

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Overrunderthemistletoe · 01/01/2007 17:57

Hi every one, didn't over do it too much last night, but still needed plenty of water and juice to stabalise me this morning
We had Lamb for New years eve lunch, but did cook it with baked shallots, roast parnsips, carrots and celery as well as runner beans. Spiced plums for dessert, so not doing too badly.
Fullmoon, sorry to hear you are not very well.
Oh and dh had an accident with a ladder when he was trying to get in the loft yesterday. he hadn't secured it properly and it came crashing down with him on it. So he is off to the gps tomorrow

Papillon · 01/01/2007 13:05

Wonder how many vines leaves to a portion? Ate afew dolma last night!

Full of snot fiend - its in our house too - dd has a weird sinus cold thing. Looking forwards to some warmer weather and lots of summer fruit to sort her out.

I made chickpea and bulghar "footballs" as dd called them last night. Very tasty and healthy Eaten a blood orange rather than a chocolate one today!

FrostyTheSnowMarsLady · 01/01/2007 12:12

Am so glad I ate 6 of them then! I got mega points!

fullmoonfiend · 01/01/2007 12:03

devils on horseback - do they involve prunes? mega points for prunes IMO

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FrostyTheSnowMarsLady · 01/01/2007 11:55

So last night I ate devils on horseback and smoked salmon wrapped in melon! Do they count? lol

Happy New Year ladies


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fullmoonfiend · 01/01/2007 11:53

well I feel awful today,a bubbling, seething, cauldron of snot and it's gone to my chest. however, I added lots of fresh orange juice to my cava last night in a bid to keep myself topped up with vit c
Have had a large glass of water and some melon for brekkie. I really am determined to keep this up

OP posts:
suzycreamcheese · 31/12/2006 17:35

all the best at the bells!

suzycreamcheese · 31/12/2006 17:34

aahh..those were the days..
no one does it here either and my mum and dad (scotland) will get first footers if the light is on, even if it is only boring malcolm and betty dads pals, its not like it was when i was young ..our house always ended up party for the cul de sac and i loved it!! mum said it was cause we were from glasgow!
still didnt get round to cleaning windows but have still have cleaned the place (on glass water no2) and having nice meal cooking (fennel and wedges and fish) maybe red cabbage have huge fire work display later sponsored by and thanks to 'the locals' and big walk tomorrow planned nature reserve bird place but weather dependent ..not so bad!!

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