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General health

More Terrible Back Stories

999 replies

Matildathecat · 12/03/2014 12:13

This is the support thread for all sufferers of back pain. Acute, chronic, agony or niggles, we are strictly non competitive. All newcomers very welcome. (Though be warned, the language can be a little 'ripe' Wink).

Here are our previous threads:

My story long and grim but basically had failed surgery for disc prolapse, then further failed surgery to attempt to salvage the situation. I have nerve root damage and severe scarring around the nerve at L5 which won't get better. I'm 48, can't work, take a lot of drugs and have a blue badge. Currently battling several different agencies for ill health retirement and other benefits.

But I'm ok, having some fun despite the pain and have made some lovely friends on here.

So come and join us for moans, advice, downright rants or just a laugh.Smile

OP posts:
GoodnessKnows · 15/03/2014 12:12

Poo to lifelong drugs or pain
Was so excited to think if b pain free post op as they had t seemed convinced I'd be but I felt nothing... NADA last week and wasn't on anything! Forgot to take paracetamol and ibroprofen from Wednesday, too. Was teaching n then ...mentally n physically exhausted.

GoodnessKnows · 15/03/2014 12:13

Mark of my my own memory loss:
Where are we all?
I'm in Hertfordshire. Everyone else?

Matildathecat · 15/03/2014 12:34

SW London.

At least you know that you can be pain free. I know you don't believe me but it really still is early days for your recovery. Your body has to actually re grow bits of itself to repair. I'm guessing adrenalin and pure bloody mindedness got you through Wednesday.

Have you had a really good massage? That's great for sore muscles. A sports release type. I love it.

Any more funny torture techniques? How do you punish your DH? (Nothing too personal, thanksWink)

OP posts:
LoonvanBoon · 15/03/2014 12:35

I'm up in Yorkshire. Had to look up RNOH - is that where you're treated, goodness?

AmazingBouncingFerret · 15/03/2014 12:41

Hello, I feel a bit fraudulent posting here right now but I suffered daily back pain from the age of twelve up until my late twenties, because of extreme curvature of the spine.
Thankfully I've been free of it since my operation a couple of years ago.

Just wanted to say you all have my every sympathy and to keep grimacing smiling.

I also have shitloads of Tramadol knocking about if anyone wants it Wink

17leftfeet · 15/03/2014 13:46

Hello ladies, how is everyone?

I've been enjoying the weather these last couple of days but its horrible again today so I've moved the coffee maker next to sofa and I'm not moving!

Fizzlebiscuit1 · 15/03/2014 13:58

Matilda - How funny, I also start every sentence saying 'did I say this already?!'

I'm in Buckinghamshire and seeing a specialist in bucks too. Anyone else in bucks? I'm very near Hertfordshire Goodnessknows.

I'm going to try and have a sleep...

curlytoes · 15/03/2014 14:13

Hi. I've just c

curlytoes · 15/03/2014 14:16

... come back to mumsnet after a long break and have very fat fingers that post messages I haven't finished! I was hoping to ask your advice about osteopaths/ chiropractors/ sports massage/ acupuncture etc. How do you know what would be best to avoid wasting money?

curlytoes · 15/03/2014 14:31

Ok ... A bit more about me. I've had bouts of bad back-y-ness since I was a teenager. Most recently I had back spasms last November which has settled down into a more dull, nagging pain since then. It's focused on my mid back but radiates along my whole spine. I've had physio and an MRI scan. I've been told I've got a slight scoliosis and wear and tear but no proper disc problems yet. My pain is just muscular and fairly low level compared to many people on this thread. None the less it does make it hard to enjoy my young kids, work, manage housework etc. I've never paid for any non NHS treatment and wondered is it worth my money?

Matildathecat · 15/03/2014 14:43

Hi curly, I've found proper massage and heat good for spasm pain. Unless it's serious in which case heavy duty drugsWink. If your back has checked out okish maybe try Pilates to strengthen your core. If you get as strong, fit and back aware as possible you can hopefully improve your pain and avoid the kind of problems some of us have. Walking and proper swimming also good.

If you have never done Pilates it's important to do an introductory course and ask around for a really good instructor. Physios and former ballet dancers are good IME. If you can afford some one to one even better. If you have the discipline to practice properly and regularly, even better still!

Good luck.

I've tried acupuncture with no success. Some people swear by their chiro, osteo or physio...ultimately it's about getting the right person. If you're in SW London I can recommend someone.

OP posts:
curlytoes · 15/03/2014 15:20

Thanks Matildathecat. Pilates was another thing I was wondering about. I'm not in SW London but thanks,

GoodnessKnows · 15/03/2014 19:01

Matilda, you want mooooore stuff on how to punish with hilarity? I'm sure I have plenty of examples. I'll think of them. Confiscating everything in his room (for what I think is reeeeeeeally bad behaviour) and then getting him to earn it back, one item at a time? Two things in one: punish and reward - at no extra cost. Obviously and in all seriousness, this decision isn't taken lightly. Fantastic decluttering effect.

GoodnessKnows · 15/03/2014 19:06

Haven't done the massage thing yet. But I've been offered them by a special cancer charity. Nervous and feel indulgent (feel bad to take any services as they do think 'it's' all out). All the same, I'm still conscious of the scar tissue they're going to scan again in 2 months in case it GROWS! It's in my lungs. I haven't had anything to CAUSE scar tissue to be there. Just the normal measles, chicken pox and bronchitis.
I'm suspicious.

GoodnessKnows · 15/03/2014 19:07

Yes, Loon. I was at RNOH. I'm lucky as it's less than a 20 min drive from my house.

GoodnessKnows · 15/03/2014 19:08

Matilda, you're not far really. Loon... you're further. If we were all fit as a fiddle, I'd suggest a get together

GoodnessKnows · 15/03/2014 19:10

Amazing, I think it's right of passage on this group to feel I entitled to be. Lol
You've earned your stripes - it's clear! How absolutely wonderful that you're at last pain-free!!!

GoodnessKnows · 15/03/2014 19:12

Fizz, happy to meet up if logistically and physically possible for you one day once you're well enough. Hope you go that sleep!

17, the coffee machine manoeuvre - like it!!!

GoodnessKnows · 15/03/2014 19:15

Matilda, can you keep a secret? I've not done my physio for about 3 weeks now. Terrible, I know. I'm supposed to be going back this week (I think - can't remember). Thinking of cancelling. RNOH physios were so much more pushy. This one is laid back. So I've ... not bothered. She did say to do it every day.

GoodnessKnows · 16/03/2014 06:45

And poo... The waist ache returns.
Anyone else have an ache that feels like they've over stretched themselves leaning to the side (each side) just above the pelvic bone? Like they've been doing side stretches for 8 hours at night?

17leftfeet · 16/03/2014 07:14

Goodness I get that sometimes when I've been working hard not to twist which I often do

I think it's just muscle exhaustion

GoodnessKnows · 16/03/2014 08:07

Working hard not to twist? Not sure I that know what u mean. I was just sleeping on my side as always.


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17leftfeet · 16/03/2014 08:21

When my back is bad it almost pulls me into a twist on one side, I think due to the way I hobble! I end up with my right side stretching and my left compressing and my left shoulder drops and rotates forward -tis very attractive!

If I'm fighting this to remain upright I get a ring of ache around my pelvis and lower stomach

But if you've just woken up with it I'm puzzled?
Could you be coming down with a virus of some sort? I've often had aches the day before I feel ill ( and yes I know I'm weird)

GoodnessKnows · 16/03/2014 09:55

Not weird.
But this is one of the reasons I went ricin sultans in first place and I'd so hoped & thought it'd been resolved (miraculously) post op. I'd ha this for 1-2 years. And my hip bone area is bony - not padded like it used to be. I'm not complaining re weight loss there but it's spooking me out as just below my hip feels like it's over stretching and deep in my hip bone is The Achey Throb that only gets worse until I turn. This was renamed 'chronic nerve pain' and responded well to OxyNorm, oxycodone and gabapentin.
But here's my confusion: I stopped taking all that shit over a week ago (just the odd amitriptaline and OxyNorm, paracetamol and ibroprofen super). Light on the drugs n was delighted. No pain or aches. Now, a week AFTER no drugs, 2 weeks after none of the strong ones, ... Achey hip n waist.
What does it all mean? I know my consultant couldn't care. All they cared about was getting rid of the tumour. Not this. I don't want back probably for life. I know I'm left with critic disk and bone erosion... but was naively thinking I could get away with it as so mobile and pain free considering what I've been through v recently.
Sorry to go on.

Matildathecat · 16/03/2014 10:47

goodness I get both of these. The side pain for me really is muscle spasm/ tightness. Still really sore. The pain around my sacro iliac joint and over my hip bones is, I think nerve pain. If I press on the right (wrong?) spot it radiates into my foot so must be nerve.

I'm a physio/ exercise geek. Do the bloody exercises they will help get you strong and that's got to help pain. Do it for you, not the physio or docs. There, lecture over.Smile. I will otherwise be over and confiscate all your handbags and you will have to earn them back!Grin

Yes to get together if we are ever fit(haha) enough. Does anyone know a location wth sofas etc for lounging? John Loo's furniture dept...?

I was terrible yesterday and needed spring attire. Under no circumstances go to Mint Velvet. It's expensive. Have not told DH though used his, will he notice?

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