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More Terrible Back Stories

999 replies

Matildathecat · 12/03/2014 12:13

This is the support thread for all sufferers of back pain. Acute, chronic, agony or niggles, we are strictly non competitive. All newcomers very welcome. (Though be warned, the language can be a little 'ripe' Wink).

Here are our previous threads:

My story long and grim but basically had failed surgery for disc prolapse, then further failed surgery to attempt to salvage the situation. I have nerve root damage and severe scarring around the nerve at L5 which won't get better. I'm 48, can't work, take a lot of drugs and have a blue badge. Currently battling several different agencies for ill health retirement and other benefits.

But I'm ok, having some fun despite the pain and have made some lovely friends on here.

So come and join us for moans, advice, downright rants or just a laugh.Smile

OP posts:
GoodnessKnows · 12/03/2014 21:13

Sorry. Pleeeeeeease excise brain fog. I'm soooooooo tiiiiiired. Memory shit anyway. It's Goat awaiting tumour search MRI. Hugs and same offer of a chat. What makes them suspect a tumour?

Fizz, I'm just shaking my head at thought of that wait time. Hmm
But getting rid of pneumonia is essential to surgeons too. Jeez you poor thing.

Matildathecat · 12/03/2014 22:20

goodness, she's a person who doesn't know how to say 'so sorry, I got it wrong'. She may also be an unfeeling bitch. Trouble is, and I hope I get this right (tramadol, wine and late), there's a fine line between privacy, supportive friends sharing info and downright gossip. Is there any chance she was vaguely on the right side of the sharing info? Judging by her response I fear not.Sad delighted your teaching day went well. Go you!

Nighty night, I'm to bed. Handing over to the night owls.

OP posts:
livelablove · 12/03/2014 22:39

Hi guys found you! Gentle hugs to all the sufferers.

ellietrying · 12/03/2014 23:06

Wow I can't keep up! Went back to the doctors today and got some painkillers/anti inflammatories so fingers crossed for a good night sleep. Will expand more in time. I also have a lot of problems with my hip (seperate issue, not related to back) and have begun having some issues with that but I haven't admitted to anyone in real life how bad it's becoming. It's draining enough admitting my back is hurting (always hurts but when it's really bad it's v obvious!) so desperately trying to keep the hip stuff hidden. Can't deal with facing it all right now

GoodnessKnows · 13/03/2014 08:04

Ellie, trying not to face how hard it is is a pretty normal way of dealing / coping with such a horrid hard situation. The worse the situation and more powerless / scared I am, the deeper I want to push my head in the sand. Having good RL and MN support helps to raise my head a little bit (graaaaaaadually). Do you have this? I didn't until v recently when I (in absolute desperation) crated it for myself. It ain't perfect (see below - or not, it's boring. Lol) but it helps. We are here for you!

GoodnessKnows · 13/03/2014 08:08

Matilda, thx for reading that and responding. I think the unfeeling bitch and the other thing (can't remember as usual) - gossip?- is dead right! But to use the words (at THIS point in my life) that 'nobody's interested/ cares about yours (life) anyway' was Waaaaay too far in the bitch fest direction.
Hurts most as thought she was a friend. Not a good one, but not hard hearted. Just don't understand how people can get to 40 and not value friendship above pride (saying they're sorry). I'll leave her to it.

GotMyGoat · 13/03/2014 09:26

Goodness - Most probbaly not a tumour, I don't really think it is - I think it's coccyx damage from birth - just all the nerve type pain and the fact I mentioned i'm always knackered. I think it's pretty standard to check it's not 'something else' before they start sticking needles in you. Thank you though

How does everyone else sleep by the way? I've heard that some people have bought massage tables so they can sleep face down? Not sure what DH would make of that - i guess he could sleep under the table so we still have some sort of intimacy.

GoodnessKnows · 13/03/2014 09:44

I didn't know that massage tables had TWO holes. Lol
I'd worry about falling off!

On a more serious note, I'm glad that they n you don't think it's a tumour.

GotMyGoat · 13/03/2014 10:06
Matildathecat · 13/03/2014 11:45

Ellie a couple of us! at least also have hip issues (dysplasia). I don't think it's that uncommon. It can muddy the waters a bit in getting diagnosed and you usually end up with different consultants who don't actually talk to each other so it's difficult to unravel. Sigh.

goat I take amytriptiline at night for nerve pain. I sleep like a (well behaved) baby Smile. Before that I sometimes lay awake in pain for whole nights.

goodness, yes, she's unbelievable. What a prize bitch. Move along to nicer people. Hope you are t too sore after your mega day.

The birds are singing so nicely it's cheering me up despite post physio pain. Smile

OP posts:
GoodnessKnows · 13/03/2014 12:05

Can't move
I'm back on Ami now (just before I want to sleep). Don't like to be on it as not feeling much pain. But doc said to. Knocks me out. Like the 'well-behaved baby' analogy. But feel soooo heavy laying here in bed, this morning. Just as I used to feel in hospital/ after physio/ in early days.

Matildathecat · 13/03/2014 12:10

That heavy feeling does pass after a few weeks. How come he wants you to take it if no pain?

OP posts:
GoodnessKnows · 13/03/2014 12:52

No idea. Not sleeping and was having all those withdrawals. He thought the odd OxyNorm, paracetamol and ibroprofen wasn't enough. I disagree but took it. Have t felt as heavy as a cruise ship since hospital 5 weeks ago and first few weeks home. For three weeks or so. Must be combo of one day of teaching and two days back on Ami. How pathetic am I

GoodnessKnows · 13/03/2014 12:54

Oh fuck
Looks loke I took OxyNorm vs ami last night. I'm so not surprised. I have no brain and no mental strength to get through it

Matildathecat · 13/03/2014 13:20

Just rest today. Tomorrow's another day. Wouldn't mind an Oxynorm myself, could you spare one?Grin

Have promised to visit mil this afternoon. If I take any more drugs I won't be able to drive...

OP posts:
PavlovtheCat · 13/03/2014 18:34

Sneezing either flat on your back, or with a 5 month old baby in your arms is Not a Good Idea Shock

PavlovtheCat · 13/03/2014 18:35

In fact, having what seems to be hay fever is Not A Good Idea...

FIZZLEBISCUIT · 13/03/2014 22:01

You are all so lovely and kind, thank you for your words of encouragement and support.

What is this tramadol that a lot of you are on? I've not heard of this.

I spoke to the spinal surgeons secretary today and asked about a private consultation. She said the earliest appointment for private was mid April but if I could get my doctor to re-refer me as urgent due to the children situation, she could hopefully get me in sooner. Doctor did this for me and faxed over the referral again marking it urgent. I should hear from her tomorrow to see what appointments are available. I find crying on the phone helps situations, (can't help it, bloody pneumonia and hormones)

I need one of those medical dispenser things for my drugs as I'm so out of it, I forget which ones I've taken!

Will keep u posted x

GoodnessKnows · 13/03/2014 22:28

Fizzle, I bought this one a couple of weeks ago. It's got a cover Filofax style cover and you can write your meds on a piece of paper and slip it in the inside cover so that it's easier to know how to refill it
Look at this on eBay:

7 Day Pill Wallet Box Medicine Tablet Holder Organiser Storage Travel Dispenser

GoodnessKnows · 13/03/2014 22:29

And yes. Crying seems to make a huuuuge difference. Pity is that we need to be in that state but order to get the help we need. Lol

GoodnessKnows · 13/03/2014 22:30

Matilda, I've got lots!

GoodnessKnows · 13/03/2014 22:30

Want some?


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Matildathecat · 13/03/2014 22:54

Oh yeahhhh...

OP posts:
Matildathecat · 13/03/2014 22:56

Could slip you some Trammy?!

Sorry, forgot you don't do drugs Wink.

OP posts:
Maiziemonkey · 13/03/2014 23:08

What is the deal with some GP's giving out Oxynorm, no problem and mine dont EVER use it. I am managing but I feel like the dihydracodeine is bringing the pain down more than the morphine pills(which is the sub for the oxynorm) and surely that is not how it should be. I have had oramorph a ways back when having a bad flare up and it was similarly not as effective as expected- got woozy feeling but pain was still there. It is a little bit frustrating since the oxy's in the hosp were so effective and actually meant I needed lees other painkillers for longer gaps iykwim. I know it's supposed to be very addictive but isnt morphine too? confused.
Hopefully things will sttle a bit as I heal from the op but I am worried in the back of my mind because I still have a lot of pain in my back. Not usually a strong pain but it is just always there, it's kinda tiring.
I am sleeping a lot in the day at the mo, do you think it's just still post op tiredness and still healing etc? I am at uni again all day tomorrow- its statistics and experimental design.
I am not sure if i mentioned, I bought a pink spray for hair at toni and Guys when i got my hair dyed- you just spray in and wash out Grin
I have painted my nails- half shimmering turquoise and half shocking pink (alternate nails). I have to keep putting another layer on if they chip as i cant find my remover! not very glamour puss eh? i am a slob!
I write my pills down as i take them goodness- i dont have so much routine to take at same times each day although it is similar. Each day is diff- lots of as required if doing more walking etc.
Keep resting up fizzle- cant imagine pneumonia, it must feel pretty rotten. This soon will pass honey Smile . How is you lovely baby coming along? They smell so amazing- babies- and although it changes a bit when they get to be around 2/3, it's still there. It is probably 100 times more calming than ylang ylang or rosemary essential oil! My dd is mad on cuddles at the mo, and also dashing about or "bustling" - my dh says she is just like me i that way but i think at the mo i dont bustle very much. She has perfected the side-ways leg-hug! My ds saod "no" IN CONTEXT at nursery today so this is great news!
hope you are all having nice relaxing sleep tonight with no aches and pains, xx

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