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General health

DH burnt the inside of his throat and is gagging

28 replies

cardamomginger · 07/05/2013 08:47

DH gets oesophageal spasm sometimes when he eats - lumps of food get stuck and are to shift. Happened yesterday lunchtime with a too-hot microwaved baked potato. Instant agony, coughing and retching. His breathing through his nose seems to be OK.

He says it's swollen up inside and keeps gagging. He's still in pain and says he is salivating lots. He refuses to see the doctor.

Should I just let him get on with it, or should I nag him incessantly until he does go and see the doctor?

TIA for any thoughts!

OP posts:
cardamomginger · 07/05/2013 18:34

He's not dead. Still refusing to go though, although it's probably becoming less relevant as time goes on. Voice is normalising.

Obviously I'm relieved and pleased. But a part of me would have felt thoroughly vindicated if things had got worse, I'd had to have him bluelighted in, and he'd been given a massive ticking off for not seeking medical help sooner.

Thank you very much for checking! He is unworthy of your kindness and concern (as I might have told him a few hours ago). X

OP posts:
mrsmindcontrol · 07/05/2013 19:31

I worked in medical insurance & dealt with a claim from a man who suffered injury in the same circumstances. As microwaved food is still cooking when it first comes out of microwave, it had essentially 'cooked' his oesophagus. He suffered horrendous injuries resulting in major surgery.
He definitely ought to have got checked out.

cardamomginger · 07/05/2013 21:06

I had wondered about the whole 'cooking' himself aspect of it. That's horrendous.

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