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General health

DH burnt the inside of his throat and is gagging

28 replies

cardamomginger · 07/05/2013 08:47

DH gets oesophageal spasm sometimes when he eats - lumps of food get stuck and are to shift. Happened yesterday lunchtime with a too-hot microwaved baked potato. Instant agony, coughing and retching. His breathing through his nose seems to be OK.

He says it's swollen up inside and keeps gagging. He's still in pain and says he is salivating lots. He refuses to see the doctor.

Should I just let him get on with it, or should I nag him incessantly until he does go and see the doctor?

TIA for any thoughts!

OP posts:
cardamomginger · 07/05/2013 21:06

I had wondered about the whole 'cooking' himself aspect of it. That's horrendous.

OP posts:
mrsmindcontrol · 07/05/2013 19:31

I worked in medical insurance & dealt with a claim from a man who suffered injury in the same circumstances. As microwaved food is still cooking when it first comes out of microwave, it had essentially 'cooked' his oesophagus. He suffered horrendous injuries resulting in major surgery.
He definitely ought to have got checked out.

cardamomginger · 07/05/2013 18:34

He's not dead. Still refusing to go though, although it's probably becoming less relevant as time goes on. Voice is normalising.

Obviously I'm relieved and pleased. But a part of me would have felt thoroughly vindicated if things had got worse, I'd had to have him bluelighted in, and he'd been given a massive ticking off for not seeking medical help sooner.

Thank you very much for checking! He is unworthy of your kindness and concern (as I might have told him a few hours ago). X

OP posts:
ElephantsTeaParty · 07/05/2013 16:13

Any news?

Badvoc · 07/05/2013 11:32

Imguess that would be my next suggestion.
Just phone for the paramedics and see if they can talk sense into him!

cardamomginger · 07/05/2013 11:31

That had crossed my mind Elephants. Thought I'd wait until it was demonstrably worse though.

OP posts:
ElephantsTeaParty · 07/05/2013 11:27

Could you call an ambulance and see if the paramedics can persuade him to go?

cardamomginger · 07/05/2013 11:25

No, not really. He usually thinks he knows better than most people, including friends/family.

Good idea though - and not taken the wrong way!

OP posts:
Badvoc · 07/05/2013 11:24

Hope you don't take this the wrong way, but is there anyone he will listen to?
Get them on board?

cardamomginger · 07/05/2013 11:20

BTW - thank you everyone. I really appreciate it.

OP posts:
cardamomginger · 07/05/2013 11:17

I know, I know, I know, I know. Have told him ALL the advice posted. Got told off for 'Mumsnetting'.

He refuses point blank. I can't make him go. Nothing doing. I don't know why I bother wasting my breath Sad.

OP posts:
kotinka · 07/05/2013 11:15

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Badvoc · 07/05/2013 11:13

If it gets worse they won't be able to tube him.
Dies he fancy a trach?

cardamomginger · 07/05/2013 11:09


(I know you're not getting at me Smile.)

Just had another 'discussion' with him and nothing doing. Am making him some salt water gargle, to try and keep his throat clean. And if it stings a bit when he uses it, at the moment that feels like an added bonus!

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Iteotwawki · 07/05/2013 11:08

If his voice has changed it's possible the swelling from the burn has affected the nerves which supply his vocal cords. Any burn in the throat needs an airway assessment - bugger swallowing, if his cords get stuck "closed" then he won't be able to breathe. I tube all serious throat burns, give them 24h steroids and wake them up when the swelling has settled.

He. Needs. A&E.

Badvoc · 07/05/2013 11:04

Sorry btw, I don't mean to get at you but men who take no responsibility for their own health infuriate me!
(My father for one who also suffers from this)

Badvoc · 07/05/2013 11:03

Not at this time of day he won't.
Better now than 1am surely?

cardamomginger · 07/05/2013 11:00

It's a strange tone and pitch of voice, rather than not being able to speak, IYSWIM. And it developed this morning when he woke up. Yesterday after the incident his voice was just a bit hoarse.

I agree. Idiot. He says he'll just sit in A&E for hours and hours. Might be true, but he can take his laptop with him.

With health, as with most other things, he is so stubborn and impossible to shift. In matters of health, as in many other things, it just makes me want to scream.

OP posts:
Badvoc · 07/05/2013 10:57

If his voice has gone funny it could mean he has aspirated some of the food.
That is serious.

cardamomginger · 07/05/2013 10:56

Thanks Leverette. Have passed on what you have said. Will continue to do my best.

TBH I am sick of having to nag him about every single health problem he has (some of these are not trivial) and trying (and usually failing) to get him to seek help, and then getting shouted at for not letting it go.

OP posts:
Badvoc · 07/05/2013 10:55

Look, he needs to be seen.
He is being an idiot.
A and e.

Leverette · 07/05/2013 10:39

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cardamomginger · 07/05/2013 09:59

Tante - Grin

He says he hasn't got time (although the no time argument didn't apply yesterday when I suggested it).
Says they won't do anything.

OP posts:
TanteRose · 07/05/2013 09:55


sheesh, if he's shouting at you, then let the bugger suffer

TanteRose · 07/05/2013 09:54

nag him to go to the docs

sounds serious

why on earth would he not get it seen to? Confused

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