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33 replies

DrHolmes · 19/03/2013 22:05

When will they go? Will I always have spots?

I look at other women and girls and everyone seems to have perfect skin except me.

I always have small pussy spots on my chin, a lot of redness, blackheads. Oily skin but also weirdly it's dry on my nose even if it is oily! (how?!)

Also, don't realyl have anything on cheeks or forehead just really mouth/chin area. Another thing which has been happening recently is getting boils and i just don't think i have the will to try, try, try to pop another one. It hurst like hell and always ends in bruising.

I am on lymocycline which I thought was helping but seems not to be anymore.

Any tips?

I use clinique make up remover, toner, moisturiser and wash my face with garnier mild scrub which is meant to help reduce redness of skin and clear pores out.

I am 26 and just wish this would end! Is there a point in life where you don't get spots anymore? I mean you don't see granyy's going about with pussy spots do you but how long willi have to wait?

I eat well, drink water all through the day, only drink some at weekend.
It is definitely a lot worse when i have my period which has just been so maybe that's why I am fretting over it right now as it seems to be very bad.
I am on the implant btw if that's useful to know for anyway who might be able to help?

Thanks in advance.

OP posts:
BlueChampagne · 22/04/2013 15:45

Any news for us, DrHolmes and missprickle?

DrHolmes · 22/03/2013 14:45

Blue My appointment is next friday.
I will tell the dr everything. I hope this will make him see how bad I feel about them.

Good luck to missprickle too.

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shrimponastick · 22/03/2013 13:09

Dr hamster have you seen a derm or just gp?
I asked for a referral to dermatology last year as was fed up at the age of 44 still getting spots.

Typically on both my derm appts my skin wasn't that bad, and he didn't want to px me roaccutane which I was thinking may be the last resort.

He did px differin gel and said that after a blood test my gp will be able to px trimethoprim. It's an antibiotic, most commonly used for utis. I am given quite a high dose, on a long term basis.

It does work to a point. So that could be the next step for you?

(However, at the moment I am cheating and have taken Dianette for the past month as am gping on holiday next week and want to be guaranteed good skin, and particularly on my chest and back)

doctorhamster · 22/03/2013 12:24

My skin is terrible and I'm 33. Dianette worked wonders but as soon as I stopped taking it the spots all came back.

Recently I've been using duac gel. It worked well for a couple of months but the spots are all coming back again now.

I think I'm at the point where I've tried every treatment available bar roaccutane, which I cant take.

BlueChampagne · 22/03/2013 12:24

DrHolmes when's your appointment? Make sure you tell GP about mental effects of spots and push for a referral. You too MissPricklePants. Will be thinking of you both.

MissPricklePants · 22/03/2013 10:01

It really is rubbish, I have worse skin than my teenage sister!

DrHolmes · 22/03/2013 09:53

Yes, i think see your gp.
Even if your single they might suggest a pill or antibiotics.

It's rubbish isn't it?

Poor us.

OP posts:
MissPricklePants · 22/03/2013 09:51

I am 27 and have similar skin, also get spots on my chest and my back and I am fed up of it. I am not on any contraception though (perk of being single!) and don't really know what to do about it. Should I see my GP?

DrHolmes · 22/03/2013 09:50

I'll ask the dr about that too, thanks.

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lljkk · 22/03/2013 09:44

I am 45 & a stonking great zit has come up in the middle of my forehead this week (sigh). No makeup, but Luckily can pull a fringe forward to disguise.

My cousin was your age when she went on Retine. Worked well for her.

DrHolmes · 22/03/2013 09:33

Thank you everyone. Some weeks can be ok and I feel not too bad but ugh some can be terrible and I don't even want to go to work.
I do put on a confident front but when I get home I crumble and can just look at them and just depress myself about them.
It's annoying when i forget about them and think i'm looking ok then i get into the car after work and see all my spots and feel embarrassed.

I was even thinking about an acid peel - would that sort it out?

Thanks for the concealer link shrimp. I do like the clinique products i bought at christmas - so expensive though but I don't worry about cost when it comes to trying to help my skin.

Can't wait for my dr app! I def feel the implant has worsened them, but also my pepriod is very irregular and drags on for two weeks when i do get it.

OP posts:
shrimponastick · 22/03/2013 08:44

Agree with dirtymistress

Often the blemishes are much more noticeable to yourself, no one else really cares.

Who the heck is perfect anyway?
The celebs have their zits and wrinkles airbrushed out.

shrimponastick · 22/03/2013 08:43

Agree with dirtymistress

Often the blemishes are much more noticeable to yourself, no one else really cares.

Who the heck is perfect anyway?
The celebs have their zits and wrinkles airbrushed out.

Dirtymistress · 22/03/2013 08:29

OP I know it is really really hard to feel that way when your skin flares up, but I am quite sure you are absolutely gorgeous. Being miserable about it will, annoyingly, only make the matter worse. Have a little faith and hold your head up high. X

shrimponastick · 22/03/2013 08:17

Dianette does seen to work miracles for many women. Its a shame that it isn't onsdidered safe for long term use.

Come on medical boffins, sort out the cure for acne .

FamiliesShareGerms · 22/03/2013 07:41

Dinette worked well for me, Yasmin is OK but not as effective

35 now, have spots and wrinkles Sad

I don't eat much dairy, but might try reducing to see if there is a link for me. Period cycle seems to be the main factor - having a baby helped but didn't cure.

Clinique blemish foundation is brilliant in both coverage and helping to improve my skin. Just got to work out how best to cover the shiner on my chin this morning...

shrimponastick · 22/03/2013 07:41
shrimponastick · 22/03/2013 07:33

I don't like to wear make up but for door cover I swear by a concealer from Clinique. I can't remember the name, and I have had it a while, so the writing has rubbed away on the tube. But its on a pale blue tube . It is really thick, substantial stuff. I use a teeny bit on each spot and it really does cover up. Will have a look for a link.

DrHolmes · 21/03/2013 20:05

I alwaysput make up on. Even just around the house I just cannot not put make-up on.
I was just asking about make-up as I was wondering what make people with spots wear. I find I put it on in the morning and when i leave work and look at the mirror in my car I am so embarrassed as you can then see all my spots.

Feel shit :(

OP posts:
BlueChampagne · 21/03/2013 12:56

Wouldn't be seen out of the house without make-up as a teenager and at Uni. Now rarely bother! Am hoping also to reap the benefits now in terms of younger-looking skin as I'm 43!

DrHolmes · 20/03/2013 20:46

udder When i went to the clinique counter at christmas the lady told me I will at least look younger than my friends when i'm older as my skin is oily and won't be as wrinkly as theirs.
I just don't want to have to put up years of more spots.

Do you wear make up?

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PhyllisDoris · 20/03/2013 16:34

My DD has just started using Freederm products, with excellent results. Her skin has really cleared up.

UdderlyBanal · 20/03/2013 16:23

I am post menopausal, at 47, and I still get spots. Not all over acne but plenty of spots. The upside is that I look very young :). I don't eat any dairy either, sob.
I hope yours don's last as long as mine!

DrHolmes · 20/03/2013 16:10

Thank you for all replies.

Dr appointment is made so I am going to ask about the pills and push for referal to dermatologist.

Attack - There may be something in what you say...I have eaten a lot more dairy in the last few weeks and maybe that's why it is SO bad right now. I am going to cut it out too and see if that makes a difference. Thanks for the advice.

Blooming spots.

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