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General health

Anal fissure

55 replies

Fuddymunster · 08/07/2011 08:44

Six weeks ago I started with symptoms of which I thought were piles - discomfort and slight bleeding when passing stools. My symptoms started to get worse ie as I started to feel a sharp stabbing pain when passing stools and at other times of the day. After 5 weeks i

OP posts:
pr2jd2b · 04/04/2015 17:18

ask your doctor to prescribe MOVICOL if you are constipated, it has worked for me and my fissure has now healed

Albert22 · 05/01/2019 15:16

Hi! Has anyone else suffered pain after using GTN (Rectogesic) for 8 weeks?
Am worried that I am going to need surgery and terrified of the possible side effects

Hmsssw · 08/05/2019 00:02

I’ve been suffering from anal fissures/haemorrhoids for longer than I care to remember. recently prescribed gtn gel by gp. Make sure to cover your finger (wear gloves or use cling film) when applying- will lessen risk of headaches. Had severe pain when originally- try squeezing cheeks together after applying, whilest lying down. Lessens the stinging after applying the gtn for me!
Personally I’ve found a lot of peace in my religion! This video helped to put things in perspective for me!

The key is patience- good luck everyone!

jalliej · 14/05/2019 12:59

I just wanted to add to this as I recently had (and may still have) a fissure that I suspect is not major (hope so) but I just didn't find the right advice - not all together in one place. For me, after a week of crippingly painful toilet experiences, and 2 days taking suppositories/ointment for piles (from chemist), and hours and hours scouring the internet for a magic solution, I went to see the pharmacist at the doctors, who prescribed stronger suppositories/ointment. After that what I did was: I didn't really eat for a couple of days- was too scared to. I also took approx. 3 dulcoease stool softeners a day. I upped my water consumption dramatically (always a problem before) and also took a few drinkable fibre supplements. What came out was pretty watery, and probably not great, but it didn't hurt!!! Amazing!!! The next day (my birthday) ate my first proper meal, stayed on the stool softeners...first bm after this was nowhere near as painful, but still felt some pain, and had stinging bum all day - but nothing like as bad as before. Then proceeded to a) eat much less than usual and b) make sure what I did eat was high in fibre. Along with stool softeners, this has meant that or all my subsequent bms I DID NOTHING - just sat on the loo, relaxed everything and let it come out itself. And it did! I didn't realise this was possible, I thought pushing was mandatory. This has been the thing I haven't really read elsewhere. Yes I haven't been too far away from the toilet and yes some of it has been looser than it should have been - but I am hopefully, by trial and error, finding the right balance and have been pain free now for about 6 days! Am now going to try just one dulcoease capsule a day, and keep up the fibre. I don't necessarily think it's healed up, but not straining has been key. I'm so relieved as have a holiday coming up. Another tip is to use free app MyFitnessPal to log food and help keep track of fibre - I am fibre-obsessed! Good luck. I am hoping that I am now on the right track and so grateful for this. I know there's nothing that new in here, but I found the 'don't strain at all' rule to be key. Hope this is helpful to someone, because this is soooo painful.

sallypopkiss · 17/01/2021 15:04

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