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General health

Anal fissure

55 replies

Fuddymunster · 08/07/2011 08:44

Six weeks ago I started with symptoms of which I thought were piles - discomfort and slight bleeding when passing stools. My symptoms started to get worse ie as I started to feel a sharp stabbing pain when passing stools and at other times of the day. After 5 weeks i

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sallypopkiss · 17/01/2021 15:04

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jalliej · 14/05/2019 12:59

I just wanted to add to this as I recently had (and may still have) a fissure that I suspect is not major (hope so) but I just didn't find the right advice - not all together in one place. For me, after a week of crippingly painful toilet experiences, and 2 days taking suppositories/ointment for piles (from chemist), and hours and hours scouring the internet for a magic solution, I went to see the pharmacist at the doctors, who prescribed stronger suppositories/ointment. After that what I did was: I didn't really eat for a couple of days- was too scared to. I also took approx. 3 dulcoease stool softeners a day. I upped my water consumption dramatically (always a problem before) and also took a few drinkable fibre supplements. What came out was pretty watery, and probably not great, but it didn't hurt!!! Amazing!!! The next day (my birthday) ate my first proper meal, stayed on the stool softeners...first bm after this was nowhere near as painful, but still felt some pain, and had stinging bum all day - but nothing like as bad as before. Then proceeded to a) eat much less than usual and b) make sure what I did eat was high in fibre. Along with stool softeners, this has meant that or all my subsequent bms I DID NOTHING - just sat on the loo, relaxed everything and let it come out itself. And it did! I didn't realise this was possible, I thought pushing was mandatory. This has been the thing I haven't really read elsewhere. Yes I haven't been too far away from the toilet and yes some of it has been looser than it should have been - but I am hopefully, by trial and error, finding the right balance and have been pain free now for about 6 days! Am now going to try just one dulcoease capsule a day, and keep up the fibre. I don't necessarily think it's healed up, but not straining has been key. I'm so relieved as have a holiday coming up. Another tip is to use free app MyFitnessPal to log food and help keep track of fibre - I am fibre-obsessed! Good luck. I am hoping that I am now on the right track and so grateful for this. I know there's nothing that new in here, but I found the 'don't strain at all' rule to be key. Hope this is helpful to someone, because this is soooo painful.

Hmsssw · 08/05/2019 00:02

I’ve been suffering from anal fissures/haemorrhoids for longer than I care to remember. recently prescribed gtn gel by gp. Make sure to cover your finger (wear gloves or use cling film) when applying- will lessen risk of headaches. Had severe pain when originally- try squeezing cheeks together after applying, whilest lying down. Lessens the stinging after applying the gtn for me!
Personally I’ve found a lot of peace in my religion! This video helped to put things in perspective for me!

The key is patience- good luck everyone!

Albert22 · 05/01/2019 15:16

Hi! Has anyone else suffered pain after using GTN (Rectogesic) for 8 weeks?
Am worried that I am going to need surgery and terrified of the possible side effects

pr2jd2b · 04/04/2015 17:18

ask your doctor to prescribe MOVICOL if you are constipated, it has worked for me and my fissure has now healed

pr2jd2b · 04/04/2015 17:11

allergic reaction ?
I had an anal fissure that was cured using an ointment (Glyceryl Trinitrate 0.2%ww), but by coincidence or not it caused proritous ani, and an itch to the inside of both my thighs and under my armpits, my scalp and genitals also itch.
Recently, we acquired a new dog and the animal also suffers with eczema, the arrival of the animal seems to coincide with my symptoms - I am allergic to cats and dogs.
My wife is an enthusiastic gardener but unfortunately I am allergic to grass and pollen.
I often have to have a shower in the middle of the night to relieve the symptoms and to apply the medications (hydrocortisone, cinchocaine hydrochloride).
I use a hand towel moistened in a solution of warm water and a few drops of DETTOL household disinfectant before medicating myself.
your views are much appreciated.

pr2jd2b · 04/04/2015 17:04


pr2jd2b · 04/04/2015 17:04


Fuddymunster · 26/08/2011 17:39

Hello, just thought I'd post an update. Have had the fissure for 13 weeks and after trying Rectogesic for 6 weeks with no improvement, my Dr prescribed Diltiziam hydrochloride ointment. I had to wait a week for the prescription as it has to be made up as it has a short shelf life. While waiting for it, I got so fed up of deciding which cream to use in the meantime, Rectogesic?, Anusol?, Germoloids? that I used no cream at all. It's only been 3 days but I have noticed an improvement. I 'm so keeping my fingers crossed, otherwise will give the Diltiziam ointment a go. The only other thing I have stuck at is a huge change in diet, more exercise, more water, less carbos and less gluten, loads of fruit and veg, no alcohol, no dairy.

I have had to go back to the Dr today though as I have a red lump (externally) which has developed at the end of where the main fissure is. For the past 2 weeks, after a BM it has been just as painful as the fissure. She thinks it's what is called 'over granulation' where due to the fissure the skin has healed incorrectly and needs cauterising. Am going to see a consultant next week as she wants to be sure that's exactly what it is and that he treats it accordingly. Has anybody else had something similar?

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Fuddymunster · 29/07/2011 23:16

Thanks madmomma. I really appreciate all the advice on here. Xx

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madmomma · 29/07/2011 20:55

I think I used dove soap fuddy. Fingers crossed for you.x

Fuddymunster · 29/07/2011 13:54

Thanks meglet. That must be stressful. Good luck with all your appts. I'm also hoping cutting down on food helps plus eating healthily/extra vits. Only thing is I've lost half a stone now, but really don't want to be losing any more as I'll start getting too thin.

I seem to be fine with the cream and so far only had 2 (not bad) headaches at the beginning. I'm really surprised as I'm very sensitive to pills and tablets. Thanks again.

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Meglet · 29/07/2011 12:39

fuddy I just use shower gel as I always have, I don't think it makes much difference to me TBH.

I'm not on any meds. My stomach is slightly screwed up and even the consultant said we won't know why until they do the colonoscopy. It seems to be IBS, but might be Crohns or could be the after effects of a foul stomach bug I caught in China years ago - he said nasty bugs sometimes mess your stomach up for years. It might also be adhesions following my hysterectomy 2 years ago as it's been far worse since then. I think less food will help it settle down a bit. I'm eating really healthy stuff (most of the time) and taking lots of vitamins so it's bearable.

The creams never seemed to help me so I gave up with them. The one that gives you headaches nearly floored me Sad.

I just had my huge Wink lunch of a ryvita and a choc chip cookie. Got lots to do this afternoon which will take my mind off snacking.

Fuddymunster · 29/07/2011 11:55


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Fuddymunster · 29/07/2011 09:13

Well the past 2 days have been better. I'm not jumping up and down though as I had a couple of better days last week and then it was really bad again.

So the past 2 mornings BMs have not been painful. I really tried to relax and not tense and breathed through it. It made me think of childbirth. Anyway a couple of minutes later I could feel the pain coming on, not as bad, but lasted a few hours. I've also had some itching for the first time in 8 weeks. Do you think that could be a sign of healing? I daren't get too excited. I know itching can also be caused by infection. I've been keeping the area as clean as possible.

So just a couple of questions for now. What do you wash with? I've been using shower gels but hardly any around the area so sometimes just using water but I'd feel cleaner using something. I thought of aqueous cream? Also I read that witch Hazel is good to use in-between the Rectogesic. Any thoughts? I'm reluctant to try anything unless really sure it's not going to make the area sting even more. Thanks.

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Fuddymunster · 27/07/2011 23:00

That should read 'makes me feel ill'.

Does anyone else have any other advice? Thanks.

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Fuddymunster · 27/07/2011 22:53

Thanks all for the replies.

Goodasnew, glad to hear the surgery worked out for you although yes, I do wonder if I should give things a bit longer to see if it gets better.

Meglet, I can really relate to the eating less to try and ease things. Do you eat particular foods or are you on any meds?

Madmomma, I have been wondering what the solution will be for me but the thought of having to go down the surgery route or even being examined by a consultant makes me feel I'll. Thanks for the reassurance.

OP posts:
madmomma · 27/07/2011 22:13

Oh I'm sorry to hear it's no better fuddy. It's so bloody miserable. All the diet changes sound very confusing and stressful for you. Are you getting close to considering a surgical solution? If it helps, the examination under anaesthetic I had & the bits & bobs the rectal surgeon did in there were far, far less scary than I'd anticipated, and I was happily driving the next day. So if you need to go down the surgical path, don't have it in your mind as a massive hideous THING. The pain of the fissure was far worse then any pain after the procedure.

Meglet · 27/07/2011 20:56

Fuddy Sad. AF's are so crap. I've had one on and off for 4 years now.

I have IBS which sends me to the loo about 4 times a day so it never heals. I've seen consultants but last year they wanted to give my botox for it, the only drawback was possible anal incontinence which I can't risk as I have to work. In the last few weeks I've decided enough is enough and drastically cut back how much I eat. I'm ratty and hungry but it is bliss going to the loo without pain. I'm seeing the consultants again in Sept to get them to investigate for Crohns but I will refuse botox. It totally dominates my life, I'm hoping its on the way out even if I do get a bit skinny in the meantime.

goodasnew · 27/07/2011 20:44

Hi fuddy, I've had surgery for a chronic fissure after months (if not years) of suffering with it.
In the days before GTN ointment was available I was prescribed the usual laxatives like Fybogel and steroid creams. Eventually, after a hospital referral I was told it was chronic and wouldn't heal without surgery.

The relief of being able to go to the loo without the pain is amazing (no side-effects for me but I had been warned about them).
Do try any diet change or medication for as long as you can though, as I don't think I persevered long enough with either.

Polly - Merely the mention of the surgery had the midwife referring me to the consultant who offered me a C-section. I'm not sure if I could've had a natural labour but didn't want to risk the scar tissue rupturing.

Fuddymunster · 27/07/2011 11:40

Not good madmomma. I've tried changing a few things as I do think the cause was my BMs being too loose - maybe a bit of IBS? My BMs have been looser for the past 5 years. Although my diet was fairly healthy I did like to eat chocolate and drink diet coke, and had got into the habit of snacking a lot. So when this all started 8 weeks ago, I gave up the d. coke, chocs, snacking - started to drink more water, eat more healthily. I've been using the Rectogesic cream for 3 weeks and went back to my Drs 1 week ago who had a quick check and said that I do have a fissure but doesn't think I have piles.

As well as the advice here, I've googles and other things that seem to help are vit c, vit b6 supplements, fish oils etc. I've been taking a magnesium supplement and have increased my fibre (ground flaxseed and fibrogel but only in smaller doses). The hot baths help a lot (without salt). Well for the past week I seem to have gone the other way, not constipated as I'm still going for a BM every day but my BMs are getting harder. Yesterday I had to go 3 times during the course of the day to go completely. That is making things just as bad as the looser BMs. I'm verging on being constipated. I feel like I don't know what to eat now. I've gone from 8st 13lb to 8st 7lb, because I've cut out so many foods.

I know that I'm getting really stressed about the whole thing. I can't cope with it, it's making me miserable. I've really held it together in front of my family. Although on Monday morning, our 13th wedding anniversary, my husband gave me a card and present and I couldn't open them, just sat there and sobbed. I know there's much worse things in life but I'm so miserable.

So sorry for the moan.

OP posts:
madmomma · 20/07/2011 22:12

How's it going fuddy?


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Sossiges · 15/07/2011 17:53

I know, it's awful isn't it? Definitely try the magnesium, it could do the trick, it's also supposed to be good for IBS. I think (after reading loads about it back when I had them), the general dodgy gut things you're describing could be related to the anal fissure, it affects your whole system. Come back and say if the magnesium sorts you out or not. All the best & don't worry!

Fuddymunster · 15/07/2011 07:00

Thanks sossiges, am feeling so miserable this morning. Will look into the magnesium, I will try anything that works. Didn't use the Rectogesic yesterday as I feel that it is healing but irritating at the same time. So thought I'd just give it a day off. Am only having one BM each day, in the morning, which is still slightly better but then I get pain on and off during the day. Standing for long periods seems to make it worse. Spoke with my Dr yesterday and she suggested to see her on Monday to get checked out. Made the mistake of googling last night and am so worried and now convinced I've got ulcerative colitis or something awful.

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Sossiges · 15/07/2011 01:02

Huge sympathy to OP and mubbybeck, AF's are total effing bastards, I had them for 6 months after having dd & I cried almost every day with the pain Sad(worst pain I ever had). After trying almost everything, I happened to read on the net about how some people had cured their AF's with magnesium, so I nipped (walked awkwardly!) down to Boots & bought their own-brand magnesium capsules & the next day I had the first pain-free crap I'd had in all that time. Apparently there's a muscle which goes into spasm which causes the pain & magnesium is a muscle relaxant, so it stops the spasm & the pain. Google "magnesium for anal fissures", there's lots of info & // has loads of case studies.

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