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What can I plant now then?

10 replies

callmeovercautious · 13/08/2008 20:12

Except oriental greens as DH hates pak Choi!

I did leeks for the first time this year which will be in the ground for ages yet so I am thinking of keeping the bed going all together rather than tucking it up for the winter as usual.

Any suggestions?

OP posts:
blackrock · 19/08/2008 20:17

Kale is worth a go, it is a bit late, but with a wet warm autumn and perhaps cloches to start with i have just planted mine ... as just taken out the summer onions and the last of my potatoes.

I have also just planted flat leaf parsley.

callmeovercautious · 17/08/2008 21:22

Right so Japenese Onions - that makes sense. Thanks for that.

I promised DH I won't waste so much space on onions next year - the first year I did them they were really good - 2006 I think, they liked the hot weather. Last 2 years have been a bit poor, I need 3 of the to make spag bol

Kale sounds interesting. Can I do it from seed now? I just cleared loads of the patch harvesting the onions and sweetcorn. I have 2 butternut Squash doing their thing and some leeks but otherwise I have lots of space now.

The Broccoli is a no go - too many cabbage whites around here

OP posts:
blackrock · 17/08/2008 13:15

Japanese onions, basil on window sills, kale, purple sprouting broccoli, wait a bit and plant garlic.

callmeovercautious · 13/08/2008 23:31

Great Thanks

OP posts:
callmeovercautious · 13/08/2008 23:27

But I did sets in the spring.... am going to read your link.

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harpomarx · 13/08/2008 23:24

think it is onion sets that you plant in September, I'm just a learner! this might help though

callmeovercautious · 13/08/2008 23:11

But I am only just harvesting onions! So can I plant seed soon for next year already? Garlic I always mean to do then forget! Thanks Harpomax

OP posts:
harpomarx · 13/08/2008 23:08

have just sowed rocket and spinach again.

soon you will be able to do stuff like onions, broad beans, cabbages, garlic.

callmeovercautious · 13/08/2008 23:04

I have some beetroot and spring onions doing there little thing atm. I have a green house bed I was going to keep putting lettuce in - can I do iceburg now in an unheated greenhouse do you think?

I was thinking of Cauliflowers etc or is it too late to plant seeds now?

OP posts:
pamplemousse · 13/08/2008 20:22

You can still do salads, even through the winter (if you are a winter salad eating type) under a cloche. Mine grow outside til about Sept depending on coldness.

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