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What colour is your shed/cabin/garden building?

28 replies

tizwozliz · 25/03/2017 08:42

Might be a question for a different topic rather than gardening but I'll try here.

We've just built a very nice garden building/store and need to decide what colour to paint it but struggling to settle on a colour. Endless shades to choose from and I'm not a good decision maker at the best of times.

Anyone care to share what colour they have (photos would be fab)

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CheepAndOrm · 25/03/2017 19:13

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wonkylegs · 25/03/2017 19:17

Looks great.
Our shed (an old stable) is a very dark green & brick and over 140yrs old (& looks it), I'm not sure I could imagine it another colour.

I've been painting our raised beds black and they look fab, our greenhouse is natural cedar and the combination looks so smart.

Elledouble · 25/03/2017 21:20

Looks lovely! You have excellent taste Grin

My little shed is embarrassed next to your massive cabin now!

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