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Should I give up hope of growing Coriander?

26 replies

UnGoogleable · 12/07/2015 16:42

I bought one of those growing pots of Coriander from Lidl (at 95p, I thought it worth a gamble).

I repotted it into multi-purpose compost. It wilted almost immediately, but there are a few new shoots coming through. There is a tiny green caterpillar eating some of the leaves, which I've tried to pick off as I find them.

I've also planted coriander seeds and ended up with 3 pathetic seedlings which are also failing.

The pots are in my utility room, which has a clear plastic roof and windows so it's more like a greenhouse - very bright, very warm. I keep them well watered, but I wonder if I'm over watering them?

What am I doing wrong??

OP posts:
TalkinPeace · 13/08/2015 20:45

Lettuce I always do from the supermarket pots
ditto basil and parsley
coriander hates root disturbance and I'm losing the will to live with it !

TheCountessofFitzdotterel · 10/08/2015 18:52

My Calypso is doing great! I've had 3 or 4 meals out of it so far. I planted about half the packet, in a big planter. It's been outside throughout.

Oldraver · 09/08/2015 19:22

My latest corinader is almost dead. I have grown it in th past but it is a trcicky bugger

mellysam · 03/08/2015 16:07

I have failed with herbs pots from the supermarket but bought some from a garden centre, repotted into slightly bigger pots, put outside on decking and all growing well (coriander, mint, thyme, oregano and sage)

MrsJamin · 26/07/2015 07:45

I too have failed so many times with coriander, I feel much better having read this thread!

MollyAir · 19/07/2015 23:01

How long has it lasted, Santiago? I usually get a second crop from every supermarket pot, but not a third.

SantiagoSky · 19/07/2015 22:31

i have a supermarket coriander pot outside on a north facing window sill and it is happy there. Luck maybe? I put it in a bigger pot, maybe that makes a difference.

MollyAir · 19/07/2015 22:12

Great, thanks. Slugs and snails also eat my new germinations but I can try copper banding for that.

TheCountessofFitzdotterel · 19/07/2015 20:45

Re self-seeding, I have had a few free coriander plants pop up but not enough to mean you don't have to sow.

TheCountessofFitzdotterel · 19/07/2015 20:44

It's called Calypso. Can't vouch for it yet but it has germinated better than the two types of parsley I sowed at the same time.

MollyAir · 19/07/2015 17:51

I wouldn't mind coriander going to seed if it then self-seeded - does it? I can't even get it going in the first place, not for any length of time.

Countess, any chance of you giving us the name of your new variety, pretty coriandery please?

UptoapointLordCopper · 18/07/2015 18:41

No no no! I grow coriander and mint so that I can have Thai beef salad and Vietnamese cold rolls. >

Lunastarfish · 18/07/2015 18:35

There is no need for anyone to grow coriander!Wink I'm in agreement with River

RiverTam · 18/07/2015 18:32

Yes. Because coriander is repellent stuff.

UptoapointLordCopper · 18/07/2015 18:29

I also thought coriander was weak and soft. But once I left one plant out in a pot over the winter. It bloody survived and grew to about 2 feet tall... I think the key is to keep it cool by watering frequently.

I love coriander.

gallicgirl · 17/07/2015 10:23

Makes me feel better. I bought a couple of plants from a garden centre and they bolted really quickly. I've cut them back but I'm not hopeful.

TheCountessofFitzdotterel · 17/07/2015 10:19

How strange - I have never had trouble and I am not a competent gardener by a long shot. Perhaps it's about expectations - it will bolt so I see it as something you sow in succession if you want a supply rather than something you can always have a pot of like basil. Though I have just sown a new variety that claims to be cut and come again , so we shall see.

villainousbroodmare · 17/07/2015 08:07

You didn't do anything wrong. It's very soft and weak and hopeless stuff.

fourtothedozen · 17/07/2015 08:03

These herbs are sold for culinary purposes, not for horticulture. The varieties are bred to grow very fast, to lack "woodiness" in the stem, which makes for good eating but means the plant is very weak. These windowsill plants are not grown to last more than a week or two, so you didn't do anything wrong apart from buying the wrong plant.
Coriander is difficult to grow in this country, and tends to bolt when things don't go quite right.

PurpleWithRed · 17/07/2015 07:59

Those supermarket herb pots are not designed to keep growing - the seeds are crammed in, they are used to electronically-timed water feed and heat. Also Coriander grown for leaf isn't long lasting.

Personally I've stopped bothering trying to grow my own from seed too, really not worth the faff and disappointment.

UnGoogleable · 17/07/2015 07:47

Hmmm I let it dry out a bit and it's almost completely gone. The few seedlings I managed to germinate have also withered. I've planted a few more seeds - got the seeds so I might as well, but I don't hold out much hope!

OP posts:
jammietart · 16/07/2015 11:57

There was a really good herb thread on here a few months ago. Have a look. Think the coriander advice was can take time and make sure the seeds are a non flowering variety if you want the leaves (or some such advice)


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TinklyLittleLaugh · 15/07/2015 12:10

Coriander tends to bolt though if it gets too dry. I've given up with it actually.

MollyAir · 13/07/2015 23:55

I find coriander impossible to grow from seed. Also dill. The two herbs I love most in all the world!

UnGoogleable · 12/07/2015 16:56

Yeah I did wonder whether it would fail, but for 95p thought it worth a go. My Basil bought at the same time is doing well.

The Coriander was quite leggy though, not much substance to it, so it's not altogether surprising it flopped.

OK the soil is definitely not draining well, it's quite soggy, so that might have something to do with it.

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