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how many time do you have chips for tea ( or dinner) in a single week!??

69 replies

astonmartin · 02/03/2005 17:35

I really love chip but i try to only do them tiwce a week, do you think thats okay?

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threadkillingstrawberry · 02/03/2005 22:20

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CountessDracula · 02/03/2005 19:36

sorry I mean I never cook chips at home, not that I never cook at home!

lapsedrunner · 02/03/2005 19:30

Oven chips once a week

CountessDracula · 02/03/2005 19:29

never cook at home

Do have fish & chips occasionally

Miaou · 02/03/2005 19:27

Hardly ever, maybe once every couple of months - and then we have home-made ones. I eat them under sufferance - really don't like them - Dh and the dds love them but fortunately because I hate them I'm not subjected to them too often!

noddyholder · 02/03/2005 19:18

once a month although I only really like chip shop chips!

jangly · 02/03/2005 19:14

I meant home-made. Cod - those aren't chips!

Niddlynono · 02/03/2005 19:11

Hardly ever. It's not that I don't like them but I'm doing Weightwatchers and would rather splurge my points on red wine! (hic)

Cod · 02/03/2005 19:01

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jangly · 02/03/2005 19:00

We have them ( home fried in deep fat fryer) once a week. Chips have the most vitamin c of any potatos apart from jacket spuds, so they're good for you. I use rapeseed oil and change it every 6 fryings.

MunchedTooManyMarsLady · 02/03/2005 18:51

Once every few weeks. Do love my chips from the chippy though. We tend to make sweet potato, parsnip, carrots and potato chips at home every couple of weeks. Everyone loves them. Yum!

vict17 · 02/03/2005 18:50

oven chips - once a fortnight
chip shop chips - once a month
would rather have pasta which i have too much of nearly every day!!

HunkerMunker · 02/03/2005 18:49

Never. I don't really like chips.

katierocket · 02/03/2005 18:49

oven chips (but, same here, only homefries) about once a fortnight. Chippy chips about once every couple of months.

Pollyanna · 02/03/2005 18:49

what are home fries?

Pollyanna · 02/03/2005 18:49

kids have potato wedges (made in oven) maybe once every couple of weeks - Otherwise they don't have any other kind of chips.

Caligula · 02/03/2005 18:48

Can I ask a related question? I made my own oven chips last night and wondered how to freeze the raw ones without them turning black. Any tips?

Nemo1977 · 02/03/2005 18:43

oven chip home fries about once a week

Enid · 02/03/2005 18:40

home fries are good mmm with mayo with a bit of mustard mixed in and lots of crunchy salt

Ameriscot2005 · 02/03/2005 18:39

Probably once every 2 weeks at the most. I have a deep fat fryer, and I use ordinary potatoes (unpeeled) for my chips. Never ever saw the attraction in frozen chips...

Cod · 02/03/2005 18:30

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snafu · 02/03/2005 18:30

Oven chips maybe once every couple of weeks - only homefries though - all the others are vile. With a big blob of mayo mmmmmmmmmmmmmm!


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Cod · 02/03/2005 18:29

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PuffTheMagicDragon · 02/03/2005 18:27

lol cod

I reckon a diamond white would strip my stomach lining now!

Cod · 02/03/2005 18:25

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