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How would you use up 3 large packets of weetabix? Recipes please.

25 replies

LaBelleDameSansPatience · 05/12/2014 13:20

DD loves shredded wheat ... so DH helpfully went out to buy 3 vast mega economy size packets of Weetabix. Quite apart from their not being shredded wheat, there is enough to feed a family of four for six months. I was wondering, with the xmas baking/school fete season being upon us, whether I could incorporate them in cakes or biscuits, but am feeling rather uninspired. Has anyone got a creative idea for me?

OP posts:
CurlyHairGirl · 20/12/2014 09:43

Nigella's weetabix brownies are amazing!
Not sure how to post a link but if you Google it you will find the recipe on her website.

MinnieM1 · 09/12/2014 10:06

LaBelle - does it? Grin oh good I can't wait to try!

SophieBarringtonWard · 09/12/2014 10:04

My MIL gives her sheep weetabix for a treat.

LaBelleDameSansPatience · 09/12/2014 05:55

Report ... Weetabix mixed with nutella does taste like Ferrero Rocher and dd calmly ate her way through her first bowlful; looks like Weetabix for breakfast for the next few weeks months.

OP posts:
Dancingyogi · 07/12/2014 18:03

Our food bank would happily accept weetabix.

Notnowbernard · 05/12/2014 20:53

My 3 eat 2 a day. The older 2 will often have 3

Send them my way they'll be gone in a fortnight Grin

LaBelleDameSansPatience · 05/12/2014 20:49

Just looked at Pinterest ... a world of Weetabix! (And just discovered that guinea pigs are not that keen on them. Trying not to encourage too many rats around here, although they are so cute when they play as babies ... and less cute when they eat baby birds Sad)

OP posts:
Butterpuff · 05/12/2014 16:32

Mum used to make Weetabix cake, cant remember the recipe but I loved it. Had it slathered in butter like malt loaf. Yum.

Naoko · 05/12/2014 14:41

Know anyone with pet rats? Mine used to love weetabix.

ThinkIveBeenHacked · 05/12/2014 14:30

Try Pinterest for some ideas too.

ThinkIveBeenHacked · 05/12/2014 14:27

Mmm I love weetabix. You could disguise them in a "posh" breakfast - glass, crumble one or two in the bottom, dollop of jam or honey, top with greek yoghurt and some berries. Like a breakfast trifle.

Allalonenow · 05/12/2014 14:26

Crumbled up and stirred into flapjack mixture, added to crumble mixture.

I make an oat topping for ice cream etc, by mixing sugar and oats and gently frying in a frying pan with a knob of butter, then let it go cold before use. That might work with weetabix, made in a large quantity could be eaten with milk for breakfast too Xmas Grin

But don't worry, won't your DH be eating most of it? Xmas Smile

Marcipex · 05/12/2014 14:25

That's sad FullOfChoc

When I think of all the milk we have to throw away at Nursery because it's gone out of date Sad

MinnieM1 · 05/12/2014 14:25

Apparently if you mix crushed weetabix with Nutella it tastes just like ferrero rochers (no idea how to spell that!) I'm gonna try it, put some in shaped ice cube moulds and into the fridge to set and hopefully they'll be nice little chocolates to be part of Xmas presents
...if they do taste like that, don't hold me responsible I haven't tried it yet!

FullOfChoc · 05/12/2014 14:19

The food bank don't like weetabix, because you need lots of milk to eat them and mlk is expensive.

I'd get the children to try them they are a low sugar /salt breakfast and I love them.

Marcipex · 05/12/2014 14:19


Brilliant Showy Grin

Showy · 05/12/2014 14:13

You could make a massive jigsaw. Sort of a natural, wnaky alternative to wooden jigsaw puzzles.

Textured Jenga.

Novelty wreath.

Multiple rounds of Is This Weetabix Upside Down?

Seriously, in winter Weetabix is lovely blasted in a microwave with a generous helping of milk. You have to wash up straight away though or it sets like concrete.

LaBelleDameSansPatience · 05/12/2014 14:07

Yes, I had thought to take some of them to a food bank ... no receipt. Weetabix loaf cake looks good (just googled) but only uses two Weetabix!! Am also going to serve some for breakfast ... the trouble is, they go soggy Sad.

OP posts:
StuntCodPiece · 05/12/2014 13:54

Can you not take them back with the receipt? Or two of them and keep one for your experimental baking.

Personally I would give them to a food bank.

GooodMythicalMorning · 05/12/2014 13:43

Weetabix loaf cake here too. Yum

Goanddoapoothen · 05/12/2014 13:41

I have a recipe for a Weetabix loaf cake if you'd like it? It's a fruit cake so could easily add cinnamon or mixed spice to make it Christmassy!

AliMonkey · 05/12/2014 13:35

Not baking but I regularly use in all the following ...

Fish in white sauce with lemon mushrooms and watercress, top with crushed weetabix plus oats and little butter (rough crumble) and pop in oven for half an hour.

Or mix with breadcrumbs to make fish or chicken goujons

Or add a couple to a normal crumble mix.

Or add to packet of muesli for extra crunch


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Alibabaandthe40nappies · 05/12/2014 13:32

Surely any cake you put them in will suck all the moisture out of the person eating it??

I'd give them to a food bank.

WowOoo · 05/12/2014 13:32

Get them to try it.
Mine were a bit anti Weetabix at first, but loved it after forced them to have it a few times.

I'm sure you could make rice crispy cakes , but with Weetabix.

Food bank is a good idea too.

sleepyhead · 05/12/2014 13:24

I'd send them to a food bank tbh. I can't imagine they'd be nice in baking.

Or failing that, you could sell them to the building trade as a grout substitute since dried on weetabix is the hardest and most durable substance known to man.

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