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flouncing. finally had my fill of RL

71 replies

SpringHeeledJack · 05/02/2010 22:04

it's okaaaay, I spose, but it's not quite what I planned at 18....

Also I do find it rather time consuming, iykwim. For example, I could be on here, making David Cameron posters, arguing about swearing, people-on-the-social-living-the-life-of-Riley, leaving babies in hotel rooms, the ethics of throwing burgers at/ripping out chest hair of/making sausage casserole for someone's dp. Or pretending to be an aristocratic regency slut. Or asking if my bum looks big in this in Style and Beauty. Or whether Madonna/Nigella/Vera Duckworth/someone from Eastenders is looking old/too fat/too thin in sleb twaddle. Or engaging in cock chat on the healthy eating thread.

Or even finding a nice juicy troll

nom nom nom nom nom

And what- on the other hand- does RL offer me instead? eh? eh?

mindless repetitive toil. dp and his interminable and relentless peanut munching and fretting about work. Walking occasionally unpredictable and threatening looking dogs. Wiping arses. More toil. Kitchen floor. Cleaning the bog. More fucking dogs. Painting the hall. And Stephen Fucking Fry on telly. Again

so that's it. You cannot serve two masters so I'm finally flouncing.I hereby de-register from RL in order to spend my time more productively in worthwhile activities on here.

I don't expect to be missed till possibly breakfast time, but I will be resolute and strong

...right. where's tonight's fight/chuckle/troll/bumsex??

OP posts:
psychomum5 · 06/02/2010 12:31

you don''t wanna know.......RL is scary, and lands you in hosptial!!

psychomum5 · 06/02/2010 12:32

, yes, the chocolate bill......

tis ok, being in hospital stops me spending....I actually have money for chocolate

SixtyFootDoll · 06/02/2010 12:36

Yaay a big middle finger to RL
Am booking my space for a n afternoon on MN!!!

Portofino · 06/02/2010 12:38

I am imagining a lot of bemused dhs and slightly grubby, hungry dcs lurking about this morning.

psychomum5 · 06/02/2010 13:13

oh, and there will be a rush of starving skelingtons in corners clutching dusty bowls in the next week or so too

SleepingLion · 06/02/2010 13:39
Nymphadora · 06/02/2010 13:58

Sleeping Lion -Maybe we could just bring Johnny Depp? SInce its virtual its up to us who /what is here?

By my rules that means I can bring David Tennant

(I also have the remains of thr Xmas chocs- white snowman anyone?)

SpringHeeledJack · 06/02/2010 14:00

ooh, can I bring virtual Michael Sheen?

OP posts:
EssenceOfJack · 06/02/2010 14:01

I am semi flouncing until DH comes home and I can flounce for real.

I need to bring in one clingy snotty 2.5 yr old if I come in so I'll just hang about in the hallway and stick my head round the door every so often

SleepingLion · 06/02/2010 15:10

Only celeb men you understand. No real men are to pollute the Flouncing Room (like a sitting room but with no reproachful basket of ironing/assortment of toys/dirty cups...)
Portofino · 06/02/2010 19:26

Right then girls! I have champagne, belgian chocolates and the key to the MN Lust Cupboard!

Flightattendant · 06/02/2010 19:30

LOLOL at this


TheCrackFox · 06/02/2010 19:44

Aaarrggh! RL is impinging on my quality Mumsnet time. I have run out of wine

I will have to drink DH's beer.

SpringHeeledJack · 06/02/2010 19:44

oh this just gets better

OP posts:
frakkinaround · 06/02/2010 19:48

knocks on drawbridgeflounces into the MN towerblows large raspberry at RL

Now I don't have to even think about the fact I just moved 6 fucking weeks ago thinking it was for 3 years and we might have to move again at the beginning of next fucking year.

EssenceOfJack · 06/02/2010 19:50

Help me! Don't leave me out here! I might have to talk to people!
SpringHeeledJack · 06/02/2010 20:02

Oh no, the drawbridge comes down for mn and virtual celebs

it will however admit no littluns, dps or dogs

OP posts:
southeastastra · 06/02/2010 20:10

ha i want to join too

SpringHeeledJack · 06/02/2010 20:11

heh! heh!

RL will be empty at this rate

OP posts:
psychomum5 · 06/02/2010 21:15

not completely will have many men and children[girn]

and SWMNBN too!!

only the best are allowed to flounce RL.

Nymphadora · 07/02/2010 00:12

And just think the Internet is full of johnny depps and David tennants and a few michael sheens so we can have 1 each +

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