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Mental health

Help please - MIL having psychotic episode

16 replies

Ashbourne · 15/01/2010 18:47

I'm a regular but I've changed my name in case the people I'm talking about can be identified.

My dp's mother has been diagnosed as bipolar for some years. It is usually quite well controlled by medication, but yesterday dp got a panicky phonecall from his sister to say that she appears to be having a psychotic episode. Dp went there and found her in a very distressed and distressing state - aggressive one minute, tearful the next, trashing her house, saying terrible things and just generally out of control. She has never been like this before. Dp is staying with her, she slept and ate a little last night and today he took her out in the car which seemed to soothe her a bit. He has made an appointment for her to see her psychiatrist tomorrow, but I am suddenly really scared about him being alone in the house with her. She seems to have lost her inhibitions - walking around with no clothes on and things like that - which is so unlike her that I can't help feeling she might do anything. Is there anything we can do apart from waiting to see the psychiatrist? And what do we do if she won't go? Any help gratefully reiceved.

OP posts:
cestlavielife · 16/01/2010 18:36

when my then P (now ex) was "out of control" the crisis team refused to come - they just aid call 999 for police/ambulance. which is the only answer i think.

MarthaFarquhar · 16/01/2010 18:10

ashbourne how are things today?

seeker · 15/01/2010 23:46

Bumping this - it sounds horrible. Good luck Ashbourne.

Ashbourne · 15/01/2010 20:16

Thank you on his behalf, nickname - but of course he'll stay with her, what else could he do?

I'll make sure he's got all the numbers and let's just hope that she's prepared to go to see the psychiatrist tomorrow and presumably be admitted - I hope voluntarily.

OP posts:
nickname123 · 15/01/2010 19:59

The oncall team will send an ambiliance and police to escort her into being sectioned.
...If that's really necessary.

nickname123 · 15/01/2010 19:56

I think your husband is being very nice in staying with her and trying to do things to help her at this difficult time.
We have always had to just call the hospital and have my mother taken away despite it being against her will and it's always really awful, especially having to watch it all.
But they knock her out with drugs for a few days and a week or so later she seems a lot better.
I don't know if there's anything that can be done, I wish there was.. :-/
It's a traumatic time for everyone involved

wheresmypaddle · 15/01/2010 19:22

Hi there, sorry your family are having a difficult weekend. If for any reason your GP cannot point you in the direction of the Crisis Mental Health Team (if they are anything like mine it can take hours and hours to get a call back from an out of hours GP), NHS direct should be able to help.

I called them under similar circumstances for a friend who was struggling and they gave me some very useful numbers.

I hope things settle down soon for you all.

MarthaFarquhar · 15/01/2010 19:12

crisis team are unlikely to take a direct referral from a patient/carer - she would probably need to be seen by GP first.

DO call an ambulance if things get hairy. the quicker people get help, the shorter a psychotic episode tends to be.

Ashbourne · 15/01/2010 19:08

I don't think he could get her to a and e - she's sort of agreed to go to the psychiatrist tomorrow, so dp doesn't want to push it.But if she gets much worse or starts looking like a danger, he'll have to try.

OP posts:
Ashbourne · 15/01/2010 19:06

Thank you all. I didn't know about the crisis menlat health people - I'll text dp about it. Trouble is, they are at the other end of the country, so I can't be of any practical help.

OP posts:
MarthaFarquhar · 15/01/2010 19:04

if at all feasible

MarthaFarquhar · 15/01/2010 19:04

Mental health act assessment (sectioning) not so straightforward to arrange.

Littlefish · 15/01/2010 19:02

Sorry - meant "out of *hours".

Good idea about A&E too.

Littlefish · 15/01/2010 19:02

Phone the out of ours GP and ask for the crisis mental health team. They can make home visits to assess the severity of the episode.

How very frightening for you all. This happened to my SIL. The crisis team came out and assessed her. Her GP came out as well. She received care very quickly and the episode was resolved pretty quickly.

If you believe she is a danger to herself or others, and she is refusing treatment, then I understand that a GP or hospital can issue her with a "section", which forces her to accept treatment. I don't know very much about this but I hope that someone else will come along with more information for you.

Good luck.

MarthaFarquhar · 15/01/2010 19:01

you can take her to A&E if she will come. there is an on-call psychiatrist there 24/7.

you can call an ambulance to take her if need be.

Spannerweb · 15/01/2010 18:59


I can understand why you are concerned but wouldn't be too worried in terms of what physical damage she might do to him. If she should kick off tonight to a point where she puts either herself or your husband in any amount of danger, you should ring the police.

I know it's harsh but if she becomes so aggressive it's dangerous, she needs to be restrained for her own safety as well as your hubby's.

Is the psychiatrist coming to her house or does your hubby have the arduous task of getting her there?

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