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Mental health

Thank you to those who were there for me yesterday on my I want to quit thread in Chat. You all helped a lot. Couldn't get the book recommended but have got one on CBT. Have I wasted my money?

11 replies

NewAppallingBeginning · 21/01/2009 17:56

I really want to get through all this and feel I can if you guys are willing and able to help me.

OP posts:
Monkeytrousers · 22/01/2009 20:36

Hopefully the bok won;'t be a waste of money NAB. But the best person to ask is your GP or counsellor really. They can always point you in the right direction and tell you if you've made a good purchase.

Glad your feeling better. Remember,small steps and perspective. Forget counting to 10 - count to 20 whenever you feel a knee jerk reaction occuring. It will give you some breathing space to go another calmer route. It's a lifelong skill so don't give up on it.

NewAppallingBeginning · 21/01/2009 20:50

I sooooooooooooooo want him to text me. So I can ignore him!! I am pathetic but I will eventually forget he ever contacted me.

I am off to bed now as I can hardly keep my eyes open, my bits are sore from my wonky bike seat and DH has to work for another hour.

OP posts:
psychomum5 · 21/01/2009 20:48

so, you know the right way forward then.....

you will be will be a journey to get there, but you have done the hardest part, you have admitted you need help to get there, so my dear, you are going to get there

Sniggerdoon · 21/01/2009 20:48

Much admiration for you for finding your equilibrium NAB.

If it goes again, due to circumstances, pressure, whatever, I hope you can remember this and do it again.

Not easy, and a lot of respect coming your way for even trying.

NewAppallingBeginning · 21/01/2009 20:44

I just laughed tbh and have moved on. I can't deny I am not sad, hurt and upset that he has turned my life upside down and then stopped all contact, but I know it is his loss and my DH is so much better and has never let me down or broken my heart. Mr ex has done that a million times.

OP posts:
psychomum5 · 21/01/2009 20:39

sorry, but @ poking out tongue!

blips are fine, tis keepin on going after that is the main thing.......yes, you can have a blip, just get up after and carry on in the right direction, that is where you are aiming for.

NewAppallingBeginning · 21/01/2009 20:35

Have to confess to a blip. Clicked on msn to see if I had any messages from two girlfriends and there was his photo. I stuck my tongue out at him!

OP posts:
psychomum5 · 21/01/2009 20:34

NAB......we are here, and will be here for as long as you need.

you are trying so very hard to get back on an even keel..........feel proud of yourself for that

and great going getting the book

NewAppallingBeginning · 21/01/2009 20:33

Thank you.

I will make a start tomorrow. Too shattered today to try and concentrate on reading.

OP posts:
RaspberryBlower · 21/01/2009 20:14

I saw some of your thread yesterday. Glad you're feeling better today. I don't think you've wasted your money if it helps you decide whether or not going for a course of CBT would be useful to you. I've not done CBT myself but I know it does help a lot of people if they're willing to engage with it and put the work in, which is sounds as if you are. Am bumping this for you anyway.

Icanseethesea · 21/01/2009 18:04

Don't know much about CBT but saw your thread briefly and bumping for you for someone who does

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