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Mental health

Seroxat and hair-trigger mood

27 replies

Threadworm · 30/12/2008 20:22

I@m finding that just one missed dose of Seroxat is enough to send my mood tumbling quite sharply. This isn't something I've noticed on other ADs, or when I was on Seroxat a decade ago.

Do many others of you have this experience?

Does it make it hard to come off the drug entirely when the time comes, even gradually?

OP posts:
Brefferin · 23/11/2009 12:32

Lady Topaz, I would like to contact you. I am a mum and a journalist. Please email me at [email protected]

TheApprentice · 08/05/2009 19:48

Yes, thanks, coping much better these days. I still suffer with anxiety and suppose I always will but I am dealing with it much better which helps to stop it escalating I think. Its the hardest battle of my life though!

Threadworm · 07/05/2009 22:05

Thank you Apprentice. I do hope that you are feeling better these days.

Yes, vivid and epic dreams def assoc with seroxat for me -- usually when I have missed a dose. I enjoy them, but I see they could be really bad for some people.

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TheApprentice · 07/05/2009 18:13

hi, just seen this thread. I was put on seroxat purely for anxiety a few years back, but only stayed with it for 3 months. I didnt feel it helped the anxiety at all, but i'm so pleased you mentioned the vivid dreams threadworm, as I had them too but when I mentioned it to the shrink he told me it was nothing to do with seroxat, but all connected with the therapy I was having etc etc...I didnt really believe him as it was strange how they stopped as soon as I came off, but you have convinced me I was right!

I wish you luck with coming off them, just remember to do so gradually and with professional advice.

Threadworm · 07/05/2009 18:06

I don't think it helps me at all to be honest. It flattens the mood, stops the tears and the sensation of black cliffdrops all around me. But the really difficult thing is poor concentration, poisonous thoughts, agitation and lethargy combined, and a-ds don't seem to touch those. I always recommned people on here to try a-ds if they are low, because some people do really seem to get a lift from them. But I'm not sure what good they are doing me. I wouldn't mind feeling low if I could concentrate on anything outside of me.

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Threadworm · 05/05/2009 18:28

Thanks for recent posts. This is quite an old thread now. I'm still on seroxat as I decided it wasn't the best time for me to be fiddling about with withdrawal from one drug and adjustment to another. But I know that it can be done, and I will prob do it.

Thanks pirate for that info. Quite encouraging.

Topaz, I'm so sorry to hear about your baby's illness. I do hope that the surgery goes well. You have nothing, nothing, to feel bad about. Change drugs when and if you are ready.

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LadyTopaz · 05/05/2009 18:19

I might try that as I want to get off Seroxat too :-(

JollyPirate · 05/05/2009 06:44

Hi Threadworm - I am on Venlafaxine but have been on Seroxat too. I had terrible problems getting off Seroxat as just one missed dose would turn me into the bitch queen from hell. I used to get terrible electric shock type sensations in my head as well. I am having the same issues getting off of Venlafaxine and my GP says my body just gets physically addicted to the drugs.
So - how I got off of Seroxat.

I went to my GP and asked to swap onto Prozac (fluoxetine) as I don't have a problem getting off those. I took them for a month and then went onto liquid Prozac and reduced the dose gradually by 1ml each time until I was off of it.

Hope that helps a bit.

Am about to ask GP for Prozac to help me get off of Venlafaxine (which I no longer need).

LadyTopaz · 05/05/2009 03:34

Ahhh I just re=read my post I sould say DO NOT take seroxat if TTC if you can. YOu knew what i meant.

LadyTopaz · 05/05/2009 03:31

I have been on Seroxat for 15 years and took it through my pregnancy, though on a low of a dose as I could handle (10mg) and at 10mts old I found out that my baby has a heart defect and will need surgery this year. Now GSk admits there is a link between Seroxat and heart defects. I feel so bad. Please if you can do take seroxat if planning to have a baby. Im still trying to wean myself off them but finding it hard...but I know if I ever want another baby I would have to be off them, im just not going to take the chance. :-(

msburp · 12/01/2009 21:45

Hi, ive been on it for a month and stopped it about 7 ish days ago, really bad mood swings and feeling massively low, i was prescribed it for anxiety. My head keeps going dizzy and feels like electricity in my head, awfull stuff. Hopeing it will pass soon! TTC at the mo, and just cant bring myself to take anything when pregnant just incase, i know others say you can but i will worry to much if i did. So im going to just ride it out the best i can, wish i had never had the stuff in the first place!

Anyone have any experiance of this?

SwedesInADirtyMacAndSunglasses · 01/01/2009 12:33

email for Mistress Threadie

Quadrophenia · 31/12/2008 00:19

it can take a long time to find the antidepressant that works, your gp shouldn't judge you for wanting to change if you feel unwell then you really should. I know very, very few people who are on seroxat, mainly those who have been on it for years.
I'm sorry things are really hard for you atm, take from Mn what you need, ignore the rest

Threadworm · 31/12/2008 00:12

It was ok for me before -- years ago. Seemed to help a lot. I actively persuaded gp to prescibe it rather thna citalopram. But I feel really bad now, from one missed tablet. will talk to gp again. he already thinks i am stupid to chop and change.

Really can't say how bad I feel now. Using mn prb makes things worse but there is really no-one here.

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Quadrophenia · 31/12/2008 00:04

threadworm get it changed...seriously
seroxat has had a very bad press for making symptoms of depression worse in some people and for said reason is prescribed infrequently, ssri's such as fluoxetine are favoured over seroxat.

I took seroxat and found missed doses made me feel very wobbly and coming off of it was a real problem, get some support.

Threadworm · 31/12/2008 00:01

It is starting to feel obvious that the seroxat is messing me up a bit. I'm feeling very down and odd. I'm drawn here for support but it is a strange place right now and all I seem to do is cruise about making dreary remarks.

It is just lonelinss really. DH not close.

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Threadworm · 30/12/2008 21:58

Sorry Meglet, I missed your post. So sorry you had a bad time on it. I've managed to avoid going bonkers! Glad you were able to come off it ok, and hope you are well now.

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Threadworm · 30/12/2008 21:56

Thank you very much nicky.

You are right that spring would be a better time for change. I will ask gp about it then.

Meanwhile, mustn't miss pills! I have sometimes missed a single pill deliberately for the very vivid and elaborate dreams this produces. Must stop doing that.

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nickytinseltimes · 30/12/2008 21:07

this is the one I was after
See table 2.

nickytinseltimes · 30/12/2008 20:59

No! No rod for your own back at all!

it is relatively easy to swap to eg:fluoxetine. Takes a week or two to adjust, then you cna start cutting down, slowly.

Many GPs will advise that you wait till spring though - it is especially hard to coem off the buggers in the winter.

nickytinseltimes · 30/12/2008 20:56

Not the one I'd seen before, but the same gist.

Threadworm · 30/12/2008 20:53

Thank you very much for replying. I've perhaps made a rod for my own back then. Fuck.

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nickytinseltimes · 30/12/2008 20:53

I did find a useful article about half lives of the drugs - am off to look.

Meglet · 30/12/2008 20:52

it's foul stuff. took it 10 years ago and went bonkers on it .

however, withdrawal was fine ( i think I was in a minority)

nickytinseltimes · 30/12/2008 20:51

I found Seroxat really hard to come off. It is frequently cited as the hardest ssri to get off. Many people change to fluoxetine then come off, as ti has the longest half-life and is easier to come off.

It could be a coincidence, but it is definitely a shite to come off.

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