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Mental health

You have made me cry.

60 replies

Lonelymum · 22/02/2005 10:32

I am sorry I posted at all on the other thread about popular mumsnetters. I said something to cheer up the people who felt down and nearly all I got was abuse back.

Someone said I knew nothing about other people's circumstances and that is true. But it is also true that none of you know about mine either. I talk on Mumsnet deliberately because of it anonymity. I don't want you to know me because I know you won't like me if you do.

I didn't mean to offend anyone and I am sorry if you took offence. Can you now say that you are sorry for reducing a very unhappy individual to floods of uncontrollable tears?

OP posts:
oops · 22/02/2005 15:50

Message withdrawn

oops · 22/02/2005 15:46

Message withdrawn

leglebegle · 22/02/2005 15:23

I got that lockets, that's how I read it. Prufrock, I'm glad you made friends here, its all down to the individual isn't it? I personally dip in as and when I feel the urge, and see it as anonymous cyberspace. Shouldn't have used the term rubbish on reflection, didn't mean to offend. Its not rubbish at all, and is a wonderful source of which I have massive respect.

lockets · 22/02/2005 13:24

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Prufrock · 22/02/2005 13:23

Lol at Mallory Towers - I agree it can get a bit like that sometimes - but at "these people are not really 'friends', its all anonymous cyberspace rubbish really" I personally think I have made some real friends on here - ones that I have met in person and ones with whom my only realtionship is through my keyboard.

leglebegle · 22/02/2005 13:20

she's upset at the comments made back to her on the 'why are some MNetters so popular' thread this morning, which I have just read. That's what her thread says here, the comments are the same. don't really know what you mean lockets.

lockets · 22/02/2005 13:16

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TinyGang · 22/02/2005 13:11

Well said Leglebegle! Agree with everything you said (from someone who wasn't mentioned on the golden thread either dont care, dont care ner ner) - I had a feeling it was going to end in tears though. Come back soon LM! (Hmm...shame RL hsan't got an 'off' button too sometimes ).

littlemissbossy · 22/02/2005 13:08

Chin up Lonelymum
Bugger what anybody else thinks
It's a website and although I too love mumsnet, it's not a popularity contest and it's certainly not worth crying over!

Gumdrop · 22/02/2005 13:03

LOL leglebegle!

leglebegle · 22/02/2005 13:00
Enid · 22/02/2005 12:59

lol Malory Towers

leglebegle · 22/02/2005 12:59

Lonelymum - I know you don't want to carry on this thread and so probably won't see this, but I just wanted to offer MASSIVE support to you for your crap day yesterday. I didn't read your posting as I was out from 6pm yesterday for dh's birthday but I can gather from your post here what you said. In truth, I hated that thread about MN'etters yesterday, and it made me feel crappy too. Not because I was only mentioned once, but because of the whole 'jolly hockey sticks' vibe of it. In RL none of me or my friends are like that and sometimes MN gets a bit Mallory towers for my liking. It comes and goes in cycles though and sometimes the cliquiness of it all goes away and you appreciate it for what its worth. We all have crappy days lonelymum you are not on your own, but the best thing to do is switch off the computer, go for a walk, have a nice cuppa and read something which cheers you up. Above all remember this is not RL, these people are not really 'friends', its all anonymous cyberspace rubbish really, and if you go through a phase where it pisses you off just switch it off and forget about it like I did yesterday! You are not alone, and I am really sorry it made you cry. Hope you have a better day today.

LGJ · 22/02/2005 12:54

Blimey..... are we still discussing this ?

LM good luck with the move and do come back, this morning was just standard MN stuff.

It's like all families / communities you say what you feel is relevant and move on.

handlemecarefully · 22/02/2005 12:47

I'll miss you too. See you soon hopefully

HunkerMunker · 22/02/2005 12:45

I'll miss you, LM. Good luck with the move, hun.

SeaShells · 22/02/2005 12:45

Hope you get back on MN soon LM, and hope the move goes well. Sorry it's not been a very nice day for you today.

NomDePlume · 22/02/2005 12:45

Indeed, I do. Hope the move goes well.

Lonelymum · 22/02/2005 12:44

No I meant it as "can you say in your hearts."

Look, no offnece intended here, but I have just read what has happened to Bubble's twins, and I don't want to carry on this thread anymore. Some things in life are more important. Know what I mean?

OP posts:
NomDePlume · 22/02/2005 12:39

"Can you now say that you are sorry for reducing a very unhappy individual to floods of uncontrollable tears?"

I'm sorry, but if that isn't a "a demand for an apology", then I'll be beggared if I know what is !

I should think that everyone is aware of everyone elses stance on this now and I'd be very surprised if MNers took it further and held a grudge or whatever.

Lonelymum · 22/02/2005 12:34

Well can I just say a few more things without being accused of stirring things up? I have previewed this and know it is a bit long, but bear with me if you have the desire to:

  1. I meant the original comment as much as a dig at me as anyone else, as, as was quite rightly pointed out, I am always on Mumsnet myself (and I happen to know I have no RL and am prepared to admit it, but I didn't mean anyone else who is on Mumsnet a lot to think I was accusing them of the same thing.)

  2. My last line of my original post here wasn't a demand for an apology either. I couldn't think what you meant LGJ until I read it again. I don't want an apology. I just wanted people to know that they have upset me and I think it is as important that you know that as it is that you tell me I have said something offensive. We can't see each other and sometimes it is necessary to say "I am crying now" (or LOL or PMSL) because otherwise it is hard to know what affect you have had on someone. I don't want you to say sorry. I would like to think that, knowing I am crying, you would feel sorry in your hearts. That is all that last line meant.

  3. I posted here because I didn't want to be told off for hijacking the other thread. I suppose I shouldn't have posted at all, but I just had to get the emotion out. I am like that in RL by the way: I don't hang back from expressing emotions, whether they are good or bad. I don't dwell on them either, but I think that is in part due to my habit of expressing them and releasing them.

  4. I am shortly leaving MUmsnet for a while. This is NOT a flounce, as I hope I can prove by posting some nice, helpful or funny things on other threads before I go. In fact, I am moving and won't have the computer with me. It would be nice to think people will miss me, but this is NOT a plea to have people say "Aw, we'll miss you Lonelymum!"

    Can I go knowing we are all friends still? I hope so.
OP posts:
docket · 22/02/2005 11:41

Came to look at this thread as was (obviously) intrigued by the title. Having now gone and looked at the other one I can honestly say that I don't think anyone was at all offensive.


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anorak · 22/02/2005 11:40

Lonelymum, I read the other thread before I saw this one, and I understood your point right away.

Please don't worry. I am very sensitive like you and I know how easy it is to fret over things like this. But really, I am sure everyone understands what you meant now and don't want you to torment yourself about a bit of ambiguous wording.

Toothache · 22/02/2005 11:39

Or how much you'd be willing to pay for a handbag or circumcision or what you should or shouldn't eat in pregnancy, or having a 4 wheel drive when you don't actually drive cross country......


dejags · 22/02/2005 11:37

totally agree snafu

FWIW LM, I know how it feels to have a really cr@ppy day and to feel as if the world is ganging up on you and it brings out a petulant side in me. Have a bath, give your kids a kiss and remember that tomorrow really is another day.

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