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Mental health

Not slept in 3 days, provisional diagnosis of bipolar, GP hasn't offered sleeping meds what can I do?

55 replies

Whatayear21 · 16/04/2021 16:52

Hi, I have adhd and asd, and also have a provisional diagnosis of bipolar.
My anxiety levels are sky high, Paranoia and not slept for 3 days (at least) . I spoke to my gp today who prescribed proponalol (May have spelt that wrong) I have no physical symptoms of anxiety, no racing heart, shaking etc so don't see how these will help. I really need to sleep as I know where no sleep can go for me, and I don't know what to do.
I was under the crisis team in Feb due to ending up at a and e due to mania and no sleep for days.
I'm currently under the community mental health team, can I ask them for help? It's never been explained to me what the mental health team is actually for. I spoke to them a few days ago and they told me to ask my gp for zopiclone, which hasn't happened. Can I ring them back, can they help?
All the GP was saying today was that I'm under the mental health team and to ask them etc. But can I just ring without an appointment?
I can't see propronalol being very helpful, never mind the fact that I'm that anxious that I can't even open my blinds, never mind leave the house to pick up the prescription. I've left it to late to collect the prescription now anyway I think.
I just don't know what to do.

OP posts:
BippityBoppity87 · 23/04/2021 00:06

Hi OP, hope you're ok. I have bipolar and adhd, it's tough. Especially when you don't know what's causing what. I take concerta xl (for my adhd) and lithium. Lithium has honestly been a good send and really balanced me out. Long story short, I stupidly stopped taking it because I thought I was better 🙄 and now I'm in a right mess. Dreading my psych appointment on Monday, but I'm just going to have to face it I suppose

I also take a low dose of quetiapine (25mg) to help me sleep and that helps massively too. I was nervous about weight gain etc, but I've managed to lose a stone since I've been on it

Whatayear21 · 22/04/2021 22:59

I might just buy that book! It might be helpful and I do love my books! Gonna go and have a proper look at it now. Thank you

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Whatayear21 · 22/04/2021 22:57

I’ve been advised to come of my Adhd meds for now, and stick to aripiprazole, with chlorpromazine added to take as and when needed. The psychiatrist believes that the Adhd medication is making the bipolar worse like antidepressants have done when I’ve tried them. So I’m a bit sad about that, but I’ll take his advice, I’m sure he knows his stuff.
He also said that Adhd and bipolar can look similar and I may be mistaking bipolar symptoms for Adhd, but who knows, I’m not I completely agree with him there, but again, I’m sure he knows more than me!
He’s stopped the zopiclone and propranolol too, and said the chlorpromazine will cover what they would help with.
He was really nice.

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HPFA · 22/04/2021 11:16
TheSilveryPussycat · 22/04/2021 10:16

Sorry, I am making myself have "early" nights (12am instead of 1.30am) so have only just seen your posts. I hope your consultation went OK.

Let me assure you that sunglasses are cool!

Whatayear21 · 22/04/2021 00:33

My appointment with dr sane was meant to be 25th may, but has been brought forward to tomorrow, only found out that today, but I don’t know why ,so would love to know what I should say. In case I was rambling and no one knew what I was saying lol
What kind of things should I say?

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Whatayear21 · 22/04/2021 00:30

MostIneptThatEverStepped I would love to wear sunglasses! I just worry too much that people would wonder why I’m wearing them, I’m just too stupid to be able to! Lol

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Whatayear21 · 22/04/2021 00:28

spikyplants2021 I’m on elvanse. 40 mg, apparently my dose is too low but they can’t increase yet because of the mood etc.
I take at about 9 am. But can sleep on them usually.
Thank you for replying ❤️

OP posts:
Whatayear21 · 22/04/2021 00:24

The appointment is for med review and diagnosis clarification apparently

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Whatayear21 · 22/04/2021 00:24

Hi, had a voicemail today saying the pysch (dr sane, which seems ironic haha) wants to see me in the morning At 10.
How do I make the most out of this appointment? I have asd so struggle with expressing emotions is it a good idea to write it down and pass it to him, or should I just be normal and say what I feel?

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spikyplants2021 · 20/04/2021 03:41

Oh also what time do you take them? I have to take mine before 9am to have hope of sleeping! I took it at 12 yesterday hence insomnia.

spikyplants2021 · 20/04/2021 03:39

Back taking them now and fine but I am under promise to myself that I have to eat i.e.not miss meals, which I have stuck to.

spikyplants2021 · 20/04/2021 03:35

What adhd meds are you on? I had awful paranoia and had to stop mine last year. As a stimulant,if I am anxious it makes it worse. In lockdown its already the freeze element of fight,flight, freeze. Op try Magnesium supplements, also epsom salt baths and a snack b4 bed with tryptophan e.g. Peanut butter on an oatcake, banana, avocado.

TheSilveryPussycat · 19/04/2021 21:33

Feel free to ramble as much as you like Smile
Hope collecting DS was OK(ish).

MostIneptThatEverStepped · 19/04/2021 17:04

Thank goodness you're getting the hood stuff tomorrow!! I wish you many happy zzzzzzzzzz.

May I recommend sunglasses when you go out-somehow it helps (as well as mentally flicking v signs at everyone that isn't lovely and friendly to you)?

Whatayear21 · 19/04/2021 16:58

I've put DS in after school club so buys me some time before having to go out and collect him. Was hoping everyone would go inside but it's not happening so I've no choice but to brave it I suppose. I'm not sure if I can :( Well I'll have t though wont I.
I'm getting zopiclone tomorrow and having my aripiprazole increased so that's a positive. The woman that phoned me today from the mental health team said someone was meant to phone me friday to tell me this, they had emails there from the psych that originally prescribed my medication from home treatment/ crisis team giving it the go ahead then, just needed discussing with me and passing onto the GP! (I had the option of increasing what i'm already on or switching to queitiapine, but queitiapine scares me! lol) So I could have slept Friday without if hadn't been this miscommunication! But never mind, at least I can try the sleeping medication tomorrow!
Anyway I'm just rambling on here now aren't I!

OP posts:
TheSilveryPussycat · 19/04/2021 10:34

It sounds as though you have a huge amount on your plate Sad No wonder it has made your mental health worse. You aren't a failure as a human being, you really aren't.

Hang on in there, there are a few of us on the thread, and I'm sure like me we would be happy to support you on here.

Let's share a hot drink. Mine's a tea. BrewBrew

Whatayear21 · 19/04/2021 06:17

I rang the mental health team out of hours on Friday but they said they couldn't do anything right then as I didn't want to hurt myself. They said someone would call me back on Saturday, but they didn't.
Someone is supposed to be calling me tomorrow though about medication, which was already arranged before this (because aripirazole was making me feel restless and unable to sit still, so had to stop it, but had to come back on it though because of anxiety and paranoia... can't win! They don't know I'm back on it yet though) so I'll see if they ring tomoz. I never tried the crisis team, I couldn't deal with being brushed off from someone else.
If they don't ring tomorrow I'll have to ring them but no idea what to say. Still can't sleep really, managed around 2 hours yesterday.
I don't know what to do really, I need to take my younger son to school in a couple of hours which I think I'll be OK with because all the neighbours will be inside at that time, but picking him up is just causing me so much panic type feelings even thinking of it. Will be the first time in over 2 weeks leaving the house tomorrow.
When it's sunny, well from like april till october my neighbours at both sides sit in their front gardens, with all their friends etc from morning till around 9pm, so loud, and just there constantly, no escape, just watching my every move, they just stop what they're doing and stare, I'm not sure I can do it. They'll all be there watching me at pick up time. I just always wish for rain so they'll be indoors, which is sad because I used to love the sun until I moved here 4 years ago :(
I dread summer these days, it's just horrible, stuck inside because I'm such a failure as a human.
What is the point in life like this? It's not living, it's existing. And my poor kids have had to live the whole easter holidays stuck indoors with even all the blinds closed because their useless mum can't leave the house, ridiculous! It's not fair on them. I'm classed as my older sons carer due to his asd and mental health difficulties....what a joke, not doing much caring am I!

OP posts:
Hm2020 · 18/04/2021 03:44

Hey op I’ve just come back to this thread and hope your ok the crisis team can definitely give you zoplicone because they gave me some can’t remember if they can do it at weekends though. Not sleeping for days is a crisis and that’s what they’re there for I really hope you’ve got some sleep.

StateOfTheUterus · 17/04/2021 14:44

Just wondering how you are, OP?

TheSilveryPussycat · 16/04/2021 21:27

Have you managed to ring yet? Tell them your symptoms, diagnosis, and the fact that you have not slept for 5 days.

I'll be keeping you in my thoughts...

Whatayear21 · 16/04/2021 21:05

How do I even start the call?? Omg I'm ridiculous!

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Whatayear21 · 16/04/2021 21:05

I'm going to ring in ten mins, I know they can't prescribe now on a friday evening but they might be able to advise. Either that or I'll come of the phone feeling shit and wishing I hadn't bothered ringing, but I will try!
I always struggle explaining feelings etc and tend to play things down, I think that's due to the ASD? but I'm going to try my best to be honest and direct! Worth a try, I will see what they say

OP posts:
elsaesmeralda · 16/04/2021 20:50

I've had zopiclone and was fine with it, you can half the tablets too as one completely knocked me out but half was just enough. I woke fine in the morning no grogginess. They do leave a horrible taste in your mouth though
I echo others and say you should call, you can't go on not sleeping

picknmix1984 · 16/04/2021 20:45

Just to add my daughter has anxiety and agoraphobia plus difficulty sleeping so I've researched like there's no tomorrow.

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