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Mental health

surely I can't still be depressed?

4 replies

Apricot2013 · 15/08/2014 15:17

I've never actually posted in a forum before - so please be gentle with me lol!
Ive had a history of depression and anxiety for a while now but was managing well on Fluoxetine anti d's until I had my DS 14 months ago. I had to come off the meds during pregnancy but went back onto them afterwards and I'm on 20 mgs. Since ive had DS I haven't felt right, not even being back on the meds or having cognitive behaviour therapy has seemd to help but surely after all of that I can't still be depressed?! I never feel any joy, in fact life just feels like a chore. I feel tired all the time and never look forwards to anything as its such an effort. I start things I used to enjoy like reading, drawing etc and end up losing interest and giving up then feel down about doing so. Ive had blood tests and they have all come fine so theres nothing medically wrong but im worried about increasing my meds,l as I dont want to feel out of control of my feelings or "drugged up" for want of a better description. I do have a DH who is brilliant with our son but is quite open about the fact he doesn't understand how I feel. I've been to the docs so many times im starting to worry they think im a hypercondriact (sp?) I just want to enjoy life again... and I don't know how too. I'm tired of feeling tired and sad and at times quite lonely. I also get quite overwhelmed with bringing up my little boy and the future and get quite anxious about that - am I doing it "right" can he detect how I feel etc etc im not really sure what im looking for here, I guess just to write down how I feel instead of it churning up inside of me all the time Hmm

if you have managed to read this far I thank you! Smile x

OP posts:
floatyflo · 15/08/2014 20:44

Sometimes I think I feel better then something might come along that triggers it off, sometimes I feel I build an intolerance to the meds am d kind of flats in on them

Yes you could well still be depressed, sometimes people can move on from it quickly, others more long term sufferer, while others just always nee some form of medication.

Sorry probably not a very clear answer but just to let you know you are not alone.

funkystars123 · 15/08/2014 20:05

Wanted to post and send you a hug.. Sorry got no wise words but couldn't not post xx

okeydonkey · 15/08/2014 20:04

I don't know if you are able to manage to get energy for or to find time, but a little but of exercise cab help. I'm sorry I don't know how else to help. All I know is for me exercise was the last part of getting out of depression after the CBT or ADs.

Apricot2013 · 15/08/2014 20:00
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