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Mental health

Not depressed...just fed up...

5 replies

TearingMyHairOut · 13/09/2006 15:59

I've had a fed up day. Ds1 9 weeks had first injections and is very unhappy, but he's been unhappy since birth. This week he has behaved quite oddly, nappys once every two days but very liquid and mustard colour (bottle fed). Sicking up a lot of food, or not finishing bottles. Screaming as if starving hungry but then only taking an ounce, and not settling to sleep at 7 like usual, taking up to two hours to settle down. Visted Doc and she keeps saying reflux and use gaviscon but I'm not convinced. Gave him some this afternoon and the whole lot came back up again. Only sleeping for few hours at night and then won't settle again. He'll be half asleep and then suddenly open his eyes wide and scream at the top of his lungs. Convinced it's not colic as he's not pulling legs up and he had colic earlier on and this seems very different.

Am I just expecting too much at this young age. Do these things just ride themselves out?

Am exhausted and don't know what else I can do to help him.

OP posts:
divastrop · 13/09/2006 20:23

ive bottle fed,i had probs with ds2,i was told it was colic but he was badly constipated so i changed his milk to aptamil and he was fine.dd2 was on aptamil at first but she was getting wind and being sick etc so i put her on cow+gate.
have u tried different teats for the bottles?with dd2 she was bringing back every feed but i realised it was because the milk was coming out too fast and she was taking too much air in.i have a carrier bag full of every kind of teat u could imagine cos it was so hard to find the right ones for her!
also with dd2,i was told she had reflux when she was about 4 months but i kept telling them she was coughing then being turned out she had a chest infection and the force of the cough was causing her to puke.
I'd look into the teat thing first if u havent already.good luck+dont worry,this stage doesn't last very long!

TearingMyHairOut · 13/09/2006 16:35

He feeds six times a day and would usually finish the bottle but hasn't been recently.
Walks are variable sometimes love it sometimes hates it

OP posts:
hermykne · 13/09/2006 16:31

how often is he feed? i'm sorry i dont have formula experience only bits but does he stop and start a bottle thus not really digesting always being topped up?
what about the walks?

TearingMyHairOut · 13/09/2006 16:27

No other children, he is bottle fed. We are using the gaviscon infant but used it for couple of weeks previously and saw no effect. We've changed formula brand 3 times now on aptamil

OP posts:
hermykne · 13/09/2006 16:23

i'd guess he has a tummy ache of some sort. is he breast feed or formula - and is the brand upsetting him
have u had him out for a walk and does that settle him or have u other children to look after too
i'd try the gaviscon for babies, but it takes time to see the effect as they'll not take the full dose for u

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