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Mental health

How do I go about seeing a counsellor?

7 replies

alexa1 · 28/08/2006 20:07

Hi. I have read some of your posts and some of you have had counselling. How do I go about seeing one as I would rather try this method first before taking AD's (I suffer panic attacks & depression since DD's birth 4 yrs ago).

I am suffering severe fatigue at the mo and find everything a struggle. One week I'm ok then I go downhill again.

Any advice appreciated.

OP posts:
shhhh · 31/08/2006 16:38

If you want one on the nhs then see you gp. But be aware that there could be a delay.

If you want one privatly then you can get details from your HV. I saw my HV 1 week ago and was seeing a counsellor within 4 days..privatly though. Only had 1 session but it seems worth it and the cost for my sessions are £35 ph.

Murphee · 29/08/2006 18:45

You get a list of private counsellors in your area if you contact the BACP website - this will also list how much they charge and what type of therapy they offer. If cost is an issue some of them will offer low cost thereapy.You can also contact the UKCP but frankly the website is more tricky to use. The BACP and UKCP are the governing bodies for counsellors and psychotherapists in the UK. Counsellors may join one or other of them or have dual registration. Finally, group therapy can be very effective and has the added bonus of being cheap - you will also see other people in the same boat. Hope this helps. Good luck!

Kidstrack · 29/08/2006 13:11

your health visitor can also refer you

Pinkchampagne · 29/08/2006 13:10

If you don't want to go through your gp, you could look into private counselling. I am not sure of the costs though.
I have had 2 loads of counselling sessions through the NHS, which was organised through my HV. The first lot I waited around 6 weeks for & the second lot came through much quicker (think it was only a couple of weeks), but the waiting lists vary from surgery to surgery.
Go along to your gp & see what they reccomend.

alexa1 · 28/08/2006 21:17

Thanks so much for your replies. Is there any way I could see a councillor without going through my GP. I know the waiting lists are so long.

OP posts:
Caribbeanqueen · 28/08/2006 20:27

Or if you can afford to pay you can find a private one.

Beauregard · 28/08/2006 20:14

You need to ask your gp to refer you for councelling ,the waiting list can vary so your gp may offer you ad's anyway .
Hope you get the treatment that you want

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