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Mental health

Can i call the samaritans only if i am suicidal

20 replies

woolypigs · 05/04/2014 18:07

That basically. I just can't believe how I manage to fuck up time and time again

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samaritan16 · 16/04/2016 08:14

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Chloerose75 · 05/04/2014 20:00

You don't have to be suicidal. I called them when grieving and felt hopeless but not actually suicidal.

Hope you are ok OP Flowers

Partridge · 05/04/2014 19:53

I volunteer for a helpline. We do it because we want calls. Call them. Thanks

CinnabarRed · 05/04/2014 18:51

Also, one of his top tips for coping with difficult thoughts and anxiety - I know this sound daft - is colouring in. You can get designs to aid meditation with very intricate geometric patterns and felt tips in all the colours of the rainbow for next to nothing in Poundland.

All of the patterns here are free to print;

Worth a go?

woolypigs · 05/04/2014 18:46

I am out of the relationship but somehow the guilt and control are still there. Ihave a boyfriend who has been amazingly supportive and all I seem to do is hurt him. Today by mistake my wedding photos were pulled out. He felt it like a kick in the stomach as he knows what my ex put me through. But also wonders why I still have the photos

OP posts:
CinnabarRed · 05/04/2014 18:45

Honestly, my brother would love to hear from you.

woolypigs · 05/04/2014 18:43

What an amazing person your brother is and goes back and helps again and again.
I keep telling. Myself to snap out of it, things aren't that bad. People have a lot more to deal with than me.

OP posts:
Ledkr · 05/04/2014 18:42

The Samaritans were the ones who helped me leave my highly abusive relationship years ago. I rang in desperation and fear but was not suicidal.
They sorted it all out for me there and then.
I am eternally grateful.

CinnabarRed · 05/04/2014 18:42

Sorry - I only told you that to emphasis just how very much OK your call or calls to them will be. I hope that came across.

Best wishes to you and your DC.

SauvignonBlanche · 05/04/2014 18:41

You wouldn't be wasting their time at all.

CinnabarRed · 05/04/2014 18:40

You can call and chat. Or call and cry. Or call and stay silent. Whoever is on the other end of your call won't mind a bit.

My brother is a Samaritan. He doesn't mind any if the calls (other than the ones who have already taken an overdose and call so they have someone to keep them company as they pass. He's had that twice and was deeply, deeply upset. He didn't know when to end the call - sometime after they had stopped responding to his questions, but he agonised over whether they might have still been able to hear him but not respond. What if they heard him disconnect?)

woolypigs · 05/04/2014 18:40

Thanks. I don't want to waste their time when there could be someone really needing their help.

So much going on I have depression, anxiety blah blah. Ad's now for 2 months, sleeping tablets just fir one week. I have recently rang lets talk and they agree I need one to one councelling.

OP posts:
TheKnightsThatSayNee · 05/04/2014 18:34

Call them. My friend volenteers for them and they get a real range of calls. They will be happy to talk to you.

poorincashrichinlove · 05/04/2014 18:31

Be kind to yourself woolypigs Thanks
Samaritans will listen and not judge you

sybilfaulty · 05/04/2014 18:29

Woolly- just chat. They will listen to you, as will we.

Is there something we can do yo help?

sybilfaulty · 05/04/2014 18:27

The Samaritans are there to listen to anyone who needs an ear. Whatever your problem, if you need yo get it out / run something past someone or even just say something out loud to a neutral person who cares, give them a bell.

Best wishes to you Flowers

woolypigs · 05/04/2014 18:26

actually I am not sure how the title should read. like everyyhing else things just dont make sense anymore. everytime I think I have got somewhere, you know taken a couple of steps forward I seem to then take a huge fucking leap back. Which is fine if its just me but its the others around me that are hurt by my stupid actions

OP posts:
SauvignonBlanche · 05/04/2014 18:25

I knew what you meant, give them a call.

woolypigs · 05/04/2014 18:22

that was meant to say am not suicidal. cant even bloody type properly.
I do wonder if I should go for a long walk and see where I end up. Easter holidays and a 7 year old have put a stop to that though.
I could just walk and walk and walk.

OP posts:
SauvignonBlanche · 05/04/2014 18:13

No, you can all the Samaritans whenever you feel the need to. Flowers

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