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Mental health

ESA appeal - PTSD

3 replies

TooYappy · 14/03/2013 13:00

I may have to go for an appeal this Saturday, I didn't notice the appeal date was for a Saturday so although I have Welfare Rights and my local MP involved if I do not hear back from ATOS tomorrow I think I may have to go to this alone.

I have wrote to them advising I do not have the information they want ready such as a letter from my GP (which has been sent to my old address) and a letter from my Therapist (still to be typed).

Welfare Rights advised if I didn't hear back before Saturday to go along and tell them I do not feel prepared but I have no-one to come with me, no idea how I will get there and I don't want to go. I don't want to go at all but know they need to put a name to the PTSD with it being a MH problem.

I wonder if I should try call them to see if they have changed my date, if they haven't though...... I am trying not to think about this but I guess I need to, does anyone know what would happen if I didn't go? The thought of it is making me feel even worse tbh.

OP posts:
TooYappy · 14/03/2013 14:05

Wow are the Courts lurking?

Postponement been granted until April/May

and BREATHE.......

OP posts:
TooYappy · 14/03/2013 13:59

I'm not going. I have been googling and everything tells me to find someone and go but how do you 'find someone'. Confused

No I am not going, they can decide what they want.

I think

OP posts:
TooYappy · 14/03/2013 13:17

Argh no decision has been made over postponement.

To call back tomorrow

Another sleepless night.

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