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Mental health

My mfriend is threatening to kill herself but i dont know where she is and can't get hold of anyone to find out

16 replies

TheOriginalNutcracker · 28/02/2013 22:49

What do i do ?

Ive tried everyone i can think of and no one is answering me

OP posts:
amillionyears · 06/03/2013 07:21

I will pray Smile

TheOriginalNutcracker · 05/03/2013 22:26

I am not religous amillionyears, but actually, that would be lovely. Thank you Smile x

OP posts:
amillionyears · 04/03/2013 22:34

Would you like prayers for her?
I always think I should get permission first.

TheOriginalNutcracker · 04/03/2013 21:28

You're right.

I start a new job tomorrow, working almost fulltime, and so I am not going to be around much at all, although I have said I will go over after work if she wants me too.

I just hope someone keeps an eye on her tomorrow.

OP posts:
oopsadaisymaisy · 04/03/2013 21:13

You're doing all you possibly can. You can only do so much.

TheOriginalNutcracker · 04/03/2013 20:29

Thank you oppsadaisy. I just feel so useless.

I feel that she will end up killing herself even if she doesn't really intend too. When I posted the other night, she was found in stream/lake, trying to drown herself Sad

Imo she needs sectioning, but her family don't seem to agree, so there is nothing I can do.

OP posts:
oopsadaisymaisy · 04/03/2013 20:21

Oh no, sounds really awful. What a lovely friend you are. I think all you can do is be there for her. Alcohol is toxic and will amplify all the pain she feels. It sounds like she's doing all he right things, relate etc. A cliché I know but time is the greatest healer. My heart goes out to you in supporting your friend.

TheOriginalNutcracker · 04/03/2013 20:15

The whole situation is just awful, and imo she isn't getting the help she needs.

To cut a long story short, her hubby of 19 years has left her for another woman (although not quite left yet).
She is broken, just in bits and there is no consoling her. She has seen her gp but he has just uped her usual anti d's, which imo have never worked for her anyway. Oh and she saw someone at relate today, but thats it.

She is constantly threatening to kill herself, probbaly because it gets her hubbys attention, but also becase she wants the pain to end.

She came here this evening, drunk, and hysterical, begging me to make it all stop and make him want her again Sad

He's broken my friend, and i'm not sure she will ever be well again.

OP posts:
CuriousMama · 01/03/2013 01:06

How frightening for you and awful for her. I hope she gets the help she needs?

AmberLeaf · 01/03/2013 01:04

Glad to hear she is safe and hopefully she will get the support she needs.

TheOriginalNutcracker · 01/03/2013 00:57

Thanks guys. I ended up going over to her house just after I posted this.

She is home and safe for the moment. Not entirely sure what is going to happen next, but she has family support so hopefully they will get things in place for her tomorrow.

I'd be surprised if she isn't sectioned tbh, which will be devesating, but if it's needed then so be it.

OP posts:
TheOriginalNutcracker · 01/03/2013 00:49

Sorry i had to go over, will update in a mo

OP posts:
Twogoodreasons · 28/02/2013 22:58

Phone the police. If the threat is immediate then 999 is appropriate. The police can research her phone number etc and contact the ambulance service when they establish whee she is.

MissyMooandherBeaverofSteel · 28/02/2013 22:55

Call 101 amd tell them. A friend had to do this last year and the police were very helpful.

MildDrPepperAddiction · 28/02/2013 22:55

Is she on her phone? If she's is seriously threatening to kill herself then maybe you should call the police. They might be able to locate her phone (not 100% sure if they can but worth a try). I hope everything works out.

AmberLeaf · 28/02/2013 22:54


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