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Mental health

I can't stop sleeping all day

32 replies

Scruffalo · 10/01/2013 15:49

I don't know why but I don't seem to be able to stop it. Once I take DC to school in the morning, I then sleep through until it is time to pick them up again. Once they go to bed at night I'm straight back to sleep until morning. I am just doing the bare minimum, making sure the DC are happy, have enough food and clean clothes etc. I am worried one day I will sleep too long and miss drop off/pick up time because then someone will notice how abnormal my life is.

Has anyone else had this happen to them? How do I make it stop?

OP posts:
Scruffalo · 26/01/2013 14:53

I looked at that link before, some of it fits but other parts don't really. I don't think it would just start suddenly at my age either. What ever is causing it I really have had enough of it now. It is taking over my life and I can't do anything I want to- its a struggle most days just to do the basics like making sure my DC have clean clothes to wear. More often than not I don't even have time to cook properly for them because I've been asleep all day and even though I try to keep the house clean it has got really messy and untidy as I don't have enough time to do everything I need to anymore. Basically it is just ruining my whole life and nothing I try seems to make any difference.

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NanaNina · 26/01/2013 14:21

I wondered about narcolepsy - someone posted a link. Sorry don't like trying to "diagnose" without medical qualificiations, but i knew someon at work who had this and he used to simply drop asleep at any old time. Would it be worth looking at?

Scruffalo · 26/01/2013 14:04

I don't think the citalopram has anything to do with the sleeping. I was taking it since may until end of november without getting any of these problems and the same when I took it for 2 years in the past. But when doctors see depression written on your notes, IME any symptoms get blamed on that because its easy.

Anyway I started re-taking the citalopram over a week ago and so far there has been no change in how much I have been sleeping. The last couple of nights I have slept for 15 hours at night before waking up. Even after that I have to try really hard not to fall asleep in the day for a hour or two as well.

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AlteredState · 18/01/2013 21:09

It really doesn't sound like your gp has done enough to rule out physical causes. How long ago did you have your blood tests done? Also, did you have your vitamin D level checked? I had never had mine done (even though I have others eg full blood count, iron at least yearly) until last year when I asked my gp to test it after my mum had been reading articles about low vitamin d and tiredness, bone aches and depression. If you haven't been tested I'd recommend it. It might help. Please go back and see another gp. I know you've stopped taking the citalopram but my experience of citalopram was that it made me unable to sleep AND unable to stay awake (just at different times of the day!).

orangeandlemons · 18/01/2013 20:18

Is this do to do with the citalopram. I remember a colleague who couldn't stay awake on citalopram.

amillionyears · 18/01/2013 08:03

hmm, that has confused the issue, doctor wise.

Trouble with all of this is, I am concerned about Scruffalos health.
I am concerned she is going to fall asleep in dangerous circumstances.

Can you go back to the GP surgery and ask for an emergency appointment with a different GP there, and tell them about the citalopram?

Boomerwang · 17/01/2013 19:48

Nope, but hiding something from your GP isn't going to help you to get the right advice either.

amillionyears · 17/01/2013 12:56

Boomerang, I dont understand.
Are you say a GP absolutely always gives the right advice?

Boomerwang · 17/01/2013 12:45

Well if you stopped taking citalopram and didn't tell your doctor, you know you can't be unhappy with his advice.

Scruffalo · 17/01/2013 12:12

According to the doctor I sleep all the time because I don't have enough things to do. Even when I said I have too much to do and even when I didn't sleep all the time I couldn't do it all which made me very stressed. He said I need to keep taking the citalopram (I didn't say I had stopped taking them) for another 6 weeks then go back and he will increase the dose.

OP posts:
amillionyears · 17/01/2013 11:15

So glad you have got an appointment.
Yes, writing it down before you go is a very good idea.
And maybe getting there early.
So if you fall asleep, at least you will be already there.

Scruffalo · 17/01/2013 10:57

no my dreams are the same whatever time they happen or where I am.

I got a doctors appointment today anyway. I had to go through the ordeal of explaining my whole life to the receptionist to try to justify why I wanted an appointment and she eventually agreed to fit me in. She said I'm only allowed 5 minutes for this so i'm trying to work out what I need to say and maybe write it down in case I forget something.

OP posts:
amillionyears · 17/01/2013 10:56

Are you frightened to go to the doctor?

Boomerwang · 17/01/2013 08:56

'Lucid Dreams' that's what I was thinking of. They're quite different to normal night time dreams.

Boomerwang · 17/01/2013 08:55

Two things: You can dream right away. If I sleep in the daytime, particularly if I'm not in my bed, I can get extremely vivid dreams where I can see the room I'm in even with my eyes shut. There's a name for it, but it escapes me at the moment.

The supermarket thing sounds to me to be about tiredness. You were awake, but you were on auto pilot. Many drivers will tell you that they have no idea how they got from A to B, changed gears, checked mirrors, slowed down and sped up without remembering it at all.

You really need to tell all this to a doctor. And make him listen. I add that part because I've been let down by doctors who don't listen and think you're wasting their time.

Scruffalo · 16/01/2013 23:34

Well I definitely don't fall asleep because someone tells me a joke or I'm just happy/sad. Its not usually in random places either and like I said it has only been happening for a few weeks. Never had sleep paralysis either.

It is usually without warning, although in safe and acceptable times/places (just about), so I must have some kind of control. When I wake up one thing I have noticed is I don't remember anything about what happened just before I slept but I can work it out e.g. I wake up sitting on sofa holding a pack of biscuits, but don't remember getting them or going into the living room.

Thinking about that a bit more I do have times where I don't remember doing stuff but can work out that I have, that are not related to sleep. For example I remember once walking into tescos to do the shopping, the next thing I know I am walking home with carrier bags. i was worried as i couldn't remember paying but checked in the bag I had receipts so I must of done. Stuff like that happens all the time to me and has done for years. I is mostly when I am stressed though so I put it down to my brain being busy thinking about other stuff.

Also if REM sleep is the bit where you dream then I always do that first when I go to sleep. I have been told before that it isn't normal to dream straight away but even if I fall asleep for 5 minutes on the train then get woken up, I will have had a dream that I can remember. This has never caused me any trouble before though.

OP posts:
WithanAnotE · 16/01/2013 15:29

Agree with other posters. I also have sleeping issues but your description doesn't really sound like what happens with me.

Have a look at below link, is this of any interest?

DoingItForMyself · 15/01/2013 09:41

I would go back to your GP and ask for details on the tests they have done and do a bit of research yourself. Sleeping that much isn't normal and could definitely be a symptom of an imbalance, whether anemia, thyroid or something else. What they consider to be 'normal' can be at the low end of normal or at the high end of normal and can make a big difference to how you feel.

Please ask for the numbers and insist that they run further tests. You can't carry on like this.

amillionyears · 15/01/2013 09:41

And you cant wait another 3 weeks for the appointment.
Go to your GPs and sit there until you are seen.
If you dont like that idea, go to A&E.
imo, you really need to be seen and listened to and heard.

amillionyears · 15/01/2013 09:40

For goodness sake, go and see your GP.
A different one if necessary.
Try a different three, I dont care.

I dont know if you drive for instance, but that could now be very dangerous for you and anyone around you.

And go ASAP. While you are still awake.

Scruffalo · 15/01/2013 09:26

I on't feel drowsy, I just fall asleep, but if I ever do I will try star jumps out.

I wasn't like this in the summer or any other time up until recently. I thought i could change it over the weekend just gone, but this week I've gone right back to the crazy sleeping thing again. Also I now have an aching pain in my arm and it hurts when I move it but its probably unrelated.

I am getting really fed up of having a life that I have no control over because I have no say in when I'm awake. I can't make plans or even keep those I already made and I have fallen behind with my work. I can't even keep my house clean, its already starting to look a real mess now.

This is ruining my life and I can't stop it, I have no control. I have no life.

OP posts:
Boomerwang · 12/01/2013 23:11

Is it possible that you could have a sleep disorder or ME or something different to depression that is causing this problem?

Are you like this in the Summer too? You might be suffering from seasonal affective disorder... it could be anything so I guess you'll have to make that trip to the doc.

In the meantime try to get some exercise. It usually helps to stimulate you. Next time you feel drowsy and if it's appropriate to do so, stand up and do 10 star jumps. Also, breathe in and out deeply 10 times. See if it changes anything.


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Scruffalo · 11/01/2013 00:02

Yes that is what I am going to try to do. I won't be able to fall asleep if I keep moving around and doing stuff. only I can't go walking around outside as it is not safe for me in the area i live but there is plenty to do inside. Only thing that worries me is I do need to sit down to complete my assignments at the computer sometime this weekend as I've already fallen behind due to not doing anything this last week.

Maybe I can't crack this by myself but I am at least going to try before admitting defeat. I will book another GP appointment but the system at the surgery I'm registered with means that won't be for another 3 weeks at least and I can't afford to just wait it out until then as I have some important stuff coming up. Yes I do have a lot on my plate but no more than many other people do and they manage it ok.

OP posts:
amillionyears · 10/01/2013 23:12

I would say that I personally dont think you would be to crack this by yourself.
I would go back and see a different GP and see what they have to say.
I also think you should do it soon.

It is possible to be depressed, and for it to be more chemical in origin.

You do have a lot on your plate. And it does sound like your body and perhaps your mind need a long rest.

Hangingbellyofbabylon · 10/01/2013 23:12

The only thing I can do to not fall asleep is to not go home after the school run - I go straight to the shops or for a brisk walk. I am always tired - regularly fall asleep on the loo and have had a couple of awful times when I have fallen asleep for a second or so whilst driving. I've been tested and don't have any health issues adding to it, other than depression. It might be worth going back to the GP and trying a different medication. But for me the best thing of all is keeping out of the house and trying to get a little bit of fresh air. I don't feel like it and sometimes it backfires and I end up sleeping as soon as I get home. Smile

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