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It's here [child abuse decision]

25 replies

dottyspotty2 · 02/11/2012 23:09

So called brother's trial starts Monday I reported him for severe historic childhood sexual abuse 13 months ago, its been a long year and things have changed for me in so many ways. Mostly good though, we go down on Sunday ready for the trial quite nervous but this is the final hurdle.

Really appreciate the support I had over the first months when I was going through the worst most dark and traumatic times.

OP posts:
StandYourGround · 15/11/2012 01:05
amillionyears · 11/11/2012 20:06

I am glad about the verdict. I guess that it is all going to take time for you and family members to come to terms with it all and to process everything.

dottyspotty2 · 11/11/2012 14:34

Feel ok deconstructing it all now not 100% ATM choked with cold there's questions that need answering off family members sisters won't allow me to go alone though but even after giving evidence felt a weight had gone and suppose I feel genuinely happy for first time in years.

Thanks ladies xx

OP posts:
GRW · 10/11/2012 08:23

Well done for seeing this through. I expect it's been an exhausting week for you and I hope you can relax this weekend,

Bimblepops · 09/11/2012 18:50

That's great news!
Well done for having the strength to persue it, you should be very proud of yourself.

ratbagcatbag · 09/11/2012 18:44

Yes, pleased for you, if anything like me, it feels like a book closed after I got my abuser got sentenced.

StandYourGround · 09/11/2012 18:43

Dotty so glad you got a guilty verdict. How are you feeling?

Pourquoimoi · 08/11/2012 21:35

Don't know the background but I am really pleased for you that you have been believed and got the right result.

amillionyears · 08/11/2012 21:32

So so pleased for you.

amillionyears · 08/11/2012 21:30

Yes Yes Yes
Well done!
Absolutely great news!!!

dottyspotty2 · 08/11/2012 21:29

Guilty on all charges sentenced in 2 weeks

OP posts:
iwastooearlytobeayummymummy · 05/11/2012 22:27

Keep strong and hold on tight.You will not fall.x

dottyspotty2 · 05/11/2012 22:19

Not talking about it though no details being given saying doing ok is alrigt I do know not to speak about what has been said by myself no-one not even DH knows that

OP posts:
Hassled · 05/11/2012 21:46

I mean this in the kindest way (because I totally understand why you want to talk about it), but should you really be talking about the trial while it's happening? This is still a public forum. Please tread a bit carefully - and the best of luck.

amillionyears · 05/11/2012 21:44

Good x

dottyspotty2 · 05/11/2012 21:01

I was told by cps man that I did great but time will tell I suppose x

OP posts:
amillionyears · 05/11/2012 20:33

Did it go alright today do you think?

dottyspotty2 · 05/11/2012 20:12

Well day one is over back tomorrow to finish off its his counsel so not looking forward to it despite being told he won't be allowed to go to far as it will be stopped

OP posts:
SirBoobAlot · 04/11/2012 14:03

You've been so brave. Thinking of you. x

NellyBluth · 04/11/2012 14:00

Good luck, dotty. You have been incredibly brave to get to this point. Keep being so strong x

puds11 · 04/11/2012 13:55

Good luck dotty your incredibly brave. I hope things improve for you soon Smile

amillionyears · 04/11/2012 13:52

Good luck for tomorrow,dottyspotty.

amillionyears · 03/11/2012 16:26

Good luck dottyspotty2.
I have been wondering when it was.
Have you got anybody to support you at all? I remember that some of your family members are not supporting you through this. I presume that situation is still the same as it was?

FrothyOM · 03/11/2012 10:55

I really hope you get justice.

GRW · 03/11/2012 00:10

I am sure it has taken a lot of courage to get this far, and I hope that you will have support to get you through the trial, and that justice will be done. Thinking of you and I hope the worst times are behind you now.

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