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Mental health

How can you stop thinking suicidal thoughts?

6 replies

dontrunwithscissors · 17/07/2010 10:43

Any ideas? I crashed down last night & have been trying so hard to put them out of my mind. I've tried playing with DD's, laughing with them, just trying to carry on as normal, but they won't go away. DH has been snapping at me & is generally in a foul mood - I've tried telling him a few times, but I've just got snapped/shouted at before I've had a chance to explain. Any suggestions/other distractions I can try? I haven't really had them carry on this strongly/continuously before.

OP posts:
accidentalchickenkeeper · 17/07/2010 13:28

So glad you phoned someone Were they helpful?

Are you still being treated for your PND?

I hope you start to feel better soon. xx

dontrunwithscissors · 17/07/2010 12:58

Thank you. I just sent my DH out so I could get 'ready', but phoned the out of hours CMHT service instead. It just got too much. Accidental, I'm so sorry to hear about your Dad. You're right, of course, I can think long and hard about my DD's. Bloody PND - I thought I had it beaten.....

OP posts:
cocolepew · 17/07/2010 12:52

Sorry meant to say good luck. Stay strong x.

cocolepew · 17/07/2010 12:52

My DD was told to squeeze her finger and thumb, of the same hand together. Go to a quiet room and do it. it will help if you can hear a clock ticking and do it in time with the ticks. This gets your logical side of your brain to override your emotional side.

accidentalchickenkeeper · 17/07/2010 12:33

Have you seen your GP? If the thoughts wont go away please ring emergency/out of hours doctor. A&E if necessary.

Does your DH understand how you're feeling? Is he normally supportive or is snapping at you his usual response?

Please get some help soon. I lost my Dad to suicide many years ago ... I wish he'd got proper help and medical advice.

SagacityNell · 17/07/2010 10:47

You could talk thru them with Samaritans?

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