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Fasting / 5:2 diet

The 5:2 Thread number 44: Too big for your britches - or your skinny jeans, bikini, special dress ? Slim those fatted calves and waste that waist with 5:2 / IF

999 replies

BigChocFrenzy · 10/05/2014 14:18

The continuing thread for those of us following 5:2 or other forms of fasting such as 4:3, ADF, or daily 16:8.

The 5:2 diet was featured on BBC Horizon in August 2012 and essentially requires you to fast for 2 non-consecutive days per week. The other 5 days, you can eat normally - or approximately your Total Daily Energy Expenditure ( TDEE - see explanation below).
4:3 is similar, except you fast on 3 days in the week.
ADF (Alternate-day fasting) is just how it sounds; you fast every other day.
16:8 is another form where you stick to only eating in an 8 hour window each day, therefore fasting for 16 hours each day.

By "fasting", we mean that we keep our calorie consumption very low; around 500 calories on average for a woman, 600 for a man, on fast days.

You'll find on these threads we use a number of acronyms. If you're new to the threads, or Mumsnet in general, they might not make much sense.

WOE/WOL = Way Of Eating/Way Of Life. We use this term instead of "diet" as many of us see this as something to do in the long term.

MFP = My Fitness Pal, a website or app many use for keeping track of the number of calories they're eating.

TDEE = Total Daily Energy Expenditure, quantifies the number of calories you burn in a day. This measure is best estimated by scaling your Basal Metabolic Rate to your level of activity. TDEE is critical in tailoring your nutrition plan to desired fitness goals. Here is a link to a TDEE calculator to help you figure out how many calories you should be eating in a day.

FD = Fast Day

NFD = Non-Fast Day

NSV/LSV = Non scale victory/Lifestyle (change) victory

Michael Mosley has a website to accompany his book on the subject. Please go check it out, as he's the whole reason most of us are here!

Lurkers and new starters: please just jump in and post - you'll find a lot of support here and we’re a friendly bunch.

Here is a list of links to get you started with this way of eating. Please let us know if you find a new article or some other information online:

Other Threads
All our previous threads can be found by browsing through the fasting section of the site.

Tips and Links : breadandwine’s resource for some of the tips and links that get lost in these big threads. In addition to sharing links, we try to condense some of our top tips for fasting there. Keep in mind, we all do this differently, so these are just tips, not rules. This might be a good place to catch up with us if you're feeling a bit lost!

Inspirational: eatriskier’s thread has some lovely inspiring stories which are worth checking out if you want some motivation to get started or keep going through a plateau. Please add your own too.

Recipes: frenchfancy has a recipe thread over here, please post any low-calorie recipes there so they don't get lost in these bigger threads!

Exercise: bigchocfrenzy has an ExerciseThread2 for discussion and advice on combining 5:2 with an exercise regime.

Maintaining: If you've been at this a while and are moving on to maintaining your goal weight, there is a thread here to discuss that.

Other links:
This is a BBC article regarding Michael Mosley's findings, which was featured on Horizon - link to that programme here.

This Telegraph article comments on the diet and gives a brief overview by Dr Mosley himself, very informative if you're just starting.

This blog post gives some of the scientific explanation for why this way of eating helps you to not only lose weight, but improve your all-around health.

This link nicely demonstrates that there are many body ‘right’ body shapes and types, because what we are actually aiming for is low body fat for fitness and health.

A study discussed here gives commentary specifically addressing the effect of this diet on obese people (both men and women), with regard to both health and weight loss. ("After 8 weeks of treatment, participants had an average 12.5 lbs reduction in body weight and a 4cm decrease in waist circumference. Total fat mass declined by about 12 lbs while lean body mass remained relatively constant. It also mentions "Plasma adiponectin, a protein hormone that is elevated in obesity and associated with heart disease, dropped by 30%. As did LDL cholesterol (25%) and triglycerides (32%).")

If you’ve been researching IF you may have come across this article which is highly negative about women with BMI in the normal range. Here’s our response to that:

  • With a healthy BMI, those who want to be leaner will usually find weight and waist loss to be much slower than for overweight folk, since less fat and inches are available to lose.

  • The women with healthy BMI already had healthier blood sugar than the men in the study. Hence nothing really needed improving.

  • Women exercisers who reported health problems on IF were NOT doing 5:2, but the

much tougher ADF or 16:8, combined with heavy lifting (often multiples of body weight)
were often starting from already ultra-low BF 12-16% range.^
-Many were already missing periods or had EDs before IF, due to the low BF %, over-training and over-stressing.

5:2 is a gentler form of IF than ADF or Leangains and there’s plenty of anecdotal evidence from longterm 5:2ers, now with healthy BMI, who are continuing to have very positive results and experiences on this WOE.

A BIG THANK YOU to all who have been contributing. Most of us are learning this way of eating as we go along. All of the links above have been posted by others in our previous threads, and they've been very helpful.

A HUGE THANK YOU to Greeneggsandnicht for putting together all this info and resources into one concise OP text, much appreciated by so many 5:2ers!

Come join us, and tell us about your experiences with this way of life!

And lastly, a few FAQs/Healthy tips :

  • WATER: Start each day with a pint of water; and drink plenty during the day.
  • HOT DRINKS: No limits on tea or coffee any day, just count any milk / sugar calories on FDs.
  • FDs: Concentrate on protein & veg; avoid / reduce starchy carbs & sugar, including juice. Soups & stews are good; ready meals are fine. Old hands skip breakfast & save most cals for supper.
  • NFDs: No rules, but to improve health, try to cut down on added sugar, artificial sweeteners, fizzy drinks, junk food. A few treats per week are good though! Aim to average TDEE over NFDs each week, but you may under-eat by say 20% on 3 NFDs to save calories for weekend.
  • CLENCH for health: Men & women should exercise pelvic floor daily.
  • BFers: start with 1000-cal FDs; optionally, reduce to 700 cals gradually. You can return to 1000 if growth spurts or sleep-deprivation require more fuel.
  • SLEEP: Everybody needs enough sleep, or it may slow weight loss.
  • EXERCISE: is healthy & can help weight loss if you do NOT eat back exercise calories. Fasted training can burn more fat. HIIT works well with 5:2/IF.
  • Do NOT fast: if pregnant, under 21, over-stressed, have EDs, severe anxiety, any illness, even a bad cold. When ill, your body usually needs more nutrients and less stress. So don't force yourself to eat, but if hungry then eat nutritious food to TDEE & cut out junk, added sugar, fizzy drinks.
  • CHECK with your Doctor: if you have diabetes, any other endocrine condition, or if taking ANY prescribed medication (fasting may affect absorption rate)
OP posts:
nims1981 · 12/05/2014 20:28

Ooh ,Just sen your post almost definitely up for a 7lb to go buddy, bit disappointed with a gain after my first week :-(

Betsy I am a fig addict, those things are cream cakes in disguise. I have no control!

BetsyBell · 12/05/2014 20:30

eatriskier I'm really appreciating the sated feeling I'm getting from the quinoa - doesn't need to be much either. I'm definitely a convert! I'm not very knowledgable - how long does it keep for if stored in a proper container in the fridge? bigchoc. I can see that it's a pretty handy thing to have around to add to many different types of dishes.

I've managed to incorporate it into breakfast, lunches and dinners.

My DH is not fasting this week for various reasons so I'd made the cabbage/quinoa mix for me, but he couldn't resist pinching a portion for himself!

Never weigh on a Monday Nims! I recommend waiting until the morning after your second fast (after a wee) for least fluid retention and digesting food hanging round your bod affecting your stats.

BetsyBell · 12/05/2014 20:34

nims Ha! Not just me hooked on the dried fruits :) I just finished off some prunes, which I've just checked is about 100 calories worth. I'm meant to be fasting! Kitchen is definitely now closed though.

didyoumeantobesojumperude · 12/05/2014 20:47

Had my very first FD today... I am dying!

Breakfast - 2x frubes
Lunch - salad (lettuce, cucumber, carrot, spring onion) with 2 tbsp healthy living balsamic dressing and 2x satsuma.
Dinner - salmon, new potatoes and green beans with chilli, garlic and ginger dressing.

I'm breastfeeding so added a few extra, total = 784 calories. I don't think I've ever eaten so few calories before! Feeling a little lightheaded though.

Eatriskier · 12/05/2014 20:51

Well done didyou - its gets easier from now on, trust us.

betsy Google says 3-4 days but I may err on the side of caution and say 2. I've split my pre-cooked quinoa into 2 lots each to last 2 days. Though this is coming from someone who reheats rice and has cooked chicken in the fridge for up to a week, so I suppose 4 days would be fine here!

HumphreyCobbler · 12/05/2014 21:06

hello all

am planning on a fast day tomorrow. I need it because my mother came round today with a cream tea as a belated birthday celebration!

I have successfully avoided refined sugar apart from today, it may make tomorrow that much harder. But it was a very kind thought and all very delicious. Luckily I have a very busy day ahead, I find it makes things a lot easier on a FD.

I have had two days off shred too as I did my back in carrying the baby around Malvern Show. Am a bit gutted about having a bad back again, but I will try to do shred again tomorrow and see how it goes.

well done for your first fast day didyoumean.

womblesofwestminster · 12/05/2014 21:10

:( :( :( :( No weight lost this week. I don't understand it. I've been so hardcore. No binging. Ate nothing naughty at all.

HumphreyCobbler · 12/05/2014 21:20

Your hard work will not have been waisted wombles - it will probably show up next week.

almostthereagain · 12/05/2014 21:22

Oh humph poor you, I hope your back's ok. Please don't do anything to aggravate it I speak from experience. Stretches help me a lot & heat packs.
nim mon is my worst day to weigh so don't lose heart. Get your planned fasts in this week, you'll prob find post fast day you'll have a reduced appetite & I recommend you make the most of that, & only then weigh & record.
My fast went ok. Snaffled piece of bacon, coffee, spinach kiwi & blueberry smoothie (yum & filling!) then weird concoction. I fancied tinned tomatoes Confused & knew I needed eggs so 2 boiled then some cannelinis in tinned toms w worcs sauce, chilli & pepper. No idea what it totals but it did the job! Just weakened & had a glass of white wine, why... Got to avoid cheese now.
tip how come you lost your mojo? not like youSmile
mazzle (()) I totally understand why you're guttedSad
Looking forward to hearing your stats wow

And lastly, you've all convinced me to give the dreaded quinoa another try!

almostthereagain · 12/05/2014 21:24

Oh bad luck wow don't forget how well you've done though. 4lbs last week, your body is adjusting x

MazzleDazzle · 12/05/2014 21:28

Wombles you lost so much last week and haven't a lot to lose anyway. That probably has something to do with it. As someone else has said, stick with it and you'll see a loss next week.

Shartibartfast · 12/05/2014 21:30

Heading towards the end of my fast day today. Soup (Morrisons mushroom + rice fresh - 117 cals for half a carton) + and orange for lunch, and beans on toast for dinner. Lots of tea / coffee. I've kept myself busy tonight, so feeling OK now, but fantasising about a boiled egg for breakfast tomorrow!

violetina · 12/05/2014 22:13

Kitchen closed, electric blanket on, to avoid the cold.

Anyone else tracking on MFP?

I'm busybusybee on there if anyone would like to 'friend' me.

I think I will need to keep counting the cals on nfds for a while to check I don't ruin things with my greedy ways!

violetina · 12/05/2014 22:16

Does anyone else eat low cal things all day? I had porridge for breakfast, an apple at lunch and tea, then a salad with slice of ham tonight, plus a few cuppas with skimmed milk throughout the day.

I haven't felt hungry (yet)

womblesofwestminster · 12/05/2014 22:28

I just don't understand it :( I've gone to bed every night feeling dizzy and hungry. I've exercised hardcore 5 x per week including fasted HIIT. Last week I did 4 fast days and ate 1500-1800 cals on NFDs. I don't understand??? :( :( :(

TalkinPeace · 12/05/2014 22:34

how much are you drinking?
You should NOT be going to bed feeling dizzy and hungry. That way a nadgered metabolism lies.
Eat later in the day and have a BIG drink of water before bed.
Up the non sugar fluids a LOT : water, tea, miso, BIG glasses of milk
but you NEED to stay hydrated to sleep well : and slee will get your hormone balance into a happier place.

BigChocFrenzy · 12/05/2014 22:38

Well done on your 1st FD, DidYou
Since you're BFing, you can do 1000-cal FDs, especially while you are getting used to fasting.

Sorry to near about your bad back, Humphrey.
I advise you do NOT do vigorous exercise, such as shred, until the injury has healed, or you might worsen it or delay recovery.
Let it rest and just do brisk walks (NOT carrying DC), cycling or spin.

Never mind, Wombles. People who are already quite light tend not to lose every week.
Also, since you are exercising so much, your bod may be retaining some extra water to help repair the muscle fibres.

Are you monitoring measurements at waist etc ? You might lose a half-inch or so before your weight changes, if you are gradually losing fat.

Betsy I found I have Food Doctor ready-to-eat pouches of quinoa both on its own and with brown rice, beans & pulses).
So, I can try out your BIG porridge and also the savoury version with baked fish.

OP posts:
Bimblepops · 12/05/2014 22:45

Hello all,

Welcome to all new joiners.

Very belated check-in for my FD today!

Good to get back on the horse, so to speak. Had an odd week last week, with 48hrs of low fibre diet followed by 40hr total fast (medical stuff). Don't fancy doing that again, but hoping to keep some of the weight loss.

Managed about 600cals today, plus 20mins of Jillian BFBM (too wheezy to do more), so feeling okay. The extra cals were mostly lentils, had no carbs today and loads of veg, so all good. 3l of water drunk. Aiming to get back down to 500cals on next FD (Thurs).

Have got pub quiz with mates tomorrow eve, then early dinner & theatre on Weds, so planning very lite-bites during both days and don't fancy hangovers so will be watching what I drink.

Reading Mosley's Fast Exercise book at the moment, really interesting. Just trying to work out how to incorporate it into my 'routine'. I enjoy Jillian Michaels DVD's and they've done wonders for my core and my joints. I'm loving getting out on my Bike. I also need to strengthen my lungs, so want to keep up with my swimming/treadmill. I also want to have some spare time Grin. Not sure how I'm going to jam it all in! Confused

Off to bed now. Will try and catch up with everyone's progress over past 10 days!

BigChocFrenzy · 12/05/2014 22:47

Wombles I just read your post in detail - sounds like you are pushing yourself too hard, wrt both fasting and exercise. Don't be so tough on yourself
If you over-stress your system, it may retain fat.

I rcommend you return to 5:2 and don't do any ADF for at least a couple of months.

Also, take a few days complete REST from training, say until Saturday.
When you resume training, don't do more than 90 mins on any one day and have at least 2 rest days per week.

OP posts:
dizhin79 · 12/05/2014 22:53

breakout and any others my tasty soup I had for tea:-

sauté chopped onion in 1tsp oil, add 2-3 carrots, 1potato, 3 cauliflower trees. spices were garlic powder, ground cumin and ground coriander, a pinch of salt, loads of black pepper cook up in vegetable stock then blend to smooth soup.

Twas reet lovely Grin shall try abs work out the calories but think it works out about 130 ish per portion.

dizhin79 · 12/05/2014 22:53

saute not sauté
and not abs..... bloody phone Angry

Baloostika · 12/05/2014 22:55

Sorry about ur back Humph Brew. Wombles just keep at it and you'll soon see results. It is for this same reason I ditched the scale, I see my progress by how clothes feel and look on me. Some tight mango jeans I bought sometime ago are now very loose and I think I feel better that way knowing I'm making progress.
The scale is a bully and a bitch if u ask me.
Off to bed folks. Flowers.


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dizhin79 · 12/05/2014 22:58

oh and yey managed to survive fd today, have been rely hungry today after really good dubarry lunch yesterday, even better that my oh cooked it all and washed up Grin

had an extra 89 calories with a tasty gluten and wheat free cookie that a friend bought round Grin but still stayed within my bf limits Grin Grin

looking forwards to some form of brunch tomo, we've run out off milk so I'll need to get to the shops b4 decent cuppa can be had Angry

dizhin79 · 12/05/2014 22:59

dear god my phone typing is going nuts. I'm not even going to correct that last post! I'm off to bed Hmm

tiggermummy70 · 12/05/2014 23:04

well my fd came in at 830 cals but I was eating leftovers on the run. show week had rehearsals all over w/end and then tonight & tomorrow as well. shows Wed-Sat.
with all running arounded my fitbit has recorded a net of 500 cals does this count? Wink

Was feeling a bit fed up earlier the cravings were high but I happened to go on to twitter and spogo had retweeted a link to my story from last year....
although there is a typo as it lbs not kgs.... (I wish)
I said about a before pic...

hope that works.
DH did take a pic of me in my skinnies I'll try and download it off his phone.
think I need to listen to my own advice amd find my tape measure

Good luck to any fd'rs tomorrow

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